Community Services Update
August 2021

Resident health and wellness is an important component to reaching AHF's vision to transform communities by helping residents break the cycle of poverty and improve their lives. Poor physical and mental health can prevent residents from engaging in their usual activities such as self care, work or recreation. Many residents do not have a health care provider or location to provide routine primary care services and are unsure how to access the COVID vaccine.

Brentwood Crossing staff worked with a local health care provider to host an educational and informative COVID vaccine clinic. More than 40 individuals were vaccinated and the residents were very impressed. Their efforts help improve resident stability as well as community engagement.

Keep up the great work!
Summer Good Grades Beats Record!
Atlantic Housing Foundation offers rent discounts and other incentives to families with K-12 students who achieve perfect attendance or are on the A/B honor roll. Incentives are available to all residents who are on a housing choice voucher and rent discounts are available to residents who qualify. The mixture of rent discount and incentives ensures that the program is open to all residents across all properties.
Spring '21
118 Applications
16 Properties
Summer '21
143 Applications
21 properties
25% increase in participation over the previous semester.
Thank you to all properties who participated!
Upcoming News and Events

September Campaign
"Moving Forward" Scholarship and Educational Opportunities

September 14 - October 31
Scholarship applications open