"A masterpiece is still a masterpiece even when the lights are off and the room is empty.”
- Charlotte Geier
ChildSavers in The News
Resource Round-Up

  • Food & Fun: How to make healthy fruit kababs kids will love (2-minute video).

  • Our childhood experiences can affect our capacity for lifelong learning as well as our emotional and physical health. Jack P. Shonkoff, M.D. from Harvard's Center on the Developing Child explains (5-minute video).

Upcoming Training Opportunities
We have free and fee-based trainings coming your way! Sign up for upcoming sessions on Eventbrite.
Ways to Support ChildSavers This Month
Activate Amazon Smile!

Do you shop with Amazon? Use our AmazonSmile link to donate .5% of your purchases to ChildSavers year-round!
Donate Items from Our Wishlist

Interested in donating children's books, art supplies, or pre-packaged snacks? Browse our Wishlist for details and instructions!

ChildSavers100 is our strategic vision to double our children’s mental health and development services by our 100th anniversary. You can help make this possible!