Featured Investor
St. Francois County Rotary Club
PO Box 1235
Farmington, MO 63640
Welcome New Investors!
Food Drive Ends Saturday
Are you participating?? Encourage your employees to bring in donations and collect within... or, take your donations to one of the participating businesses listed below!
Donations can be made at the following locations: - Turner Chevrolet - Cadillac Co., Inc.
- Pharmax Pharmacy - Leadington
- Show-Me Rent-To-Own - Park Hills
- East Missouri Action Agency Outreach - Desloge
- Central Methodist University
- Parkland Health Center
- Belgrade State Bank - Desloge
- Park Hills Library
- First Bank - Park Hills Branch
- All About Me Salon & Spa
To find out more about the event and what items we're looking to collect, visit the event page at: Chamber Cares Food Drive.
Congratulation to Moyers Muffler & Auto LLC!
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce celebrated the Grand Opening of Moyers Muffler & Auto, LLC on Friday, May 10th with a ribbon cutting. Moyers, formerly S & S Muffler was recently purchased by Greg & Sarah Moyers. Family, Friends and Chamber Investors and Ambassadors were on hand to welcome them to the community. Pictured left to right: Mike Bates - Moyers Muffler, Tammy Bracken - Chamber Ambassador, Ginger Pizarro - Chamber Vice-President, Rob Baker - Chamber Board Member, Norman Lucas - City of Park Hills, Greg Moyers - Owner, Rita Martin - Chamber Ambassador, Sarah Moyers - Owner, Larry Joseph - Chamber Board Member, Rick Moyers - Moyers Muffler, Dave Mecey - Moyers Muffler, Jimy Moyers - Moyers Muffler.
Congratulation to Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range LLC!
The Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for a brand-new indoor gun range on Wednesday, May 15, 2013. The McDowell Family recently built and opened "Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range, LLC" at 5157 Flat River Road in Leadington. Aside from their 12 Indoor Shooting Lanes, they offer Ammunition and a variety of Rifles and Hand Guns for purchase. The McDowell's pride themselves in gun safety, offering to teach amateurs the proper way to handle and shoot, as well as, regularly hosting Conceal and Carry Classes at their facility. We're excited to have Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range, LLC as a member of the Chamber and a proprietor to our community! Open 7-days a week. Find them online at www.ozarkthunder.com. Pictured are Owners, Donna McDowell (holding ribbon left) Nicki, Aniston and Jr McDowell (with the scissors), Pat McDowell (holding ribbon right), family friends and several Park Hills - Leadington Chamber Board Members, Ambassadors and Investors.
Congratulation to All About Me Salon & Spa!
New Owner, Gina Gaston, cuts the ribbon at a Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce hosted ribbon cutting on Friday, May 17, 2013 for the newly opened All About Me Salon and Spa. Ms. Gaston recently purchased the salon, which was formerly Essentials Salon & Spa, located at 503 Woodlawn Drive in Leadington. All About Me Salon & Spa features, 6 Stylists, 2 Full-Time Nail Technicians, 2 Full-Time Massage Therapists and a Full-Time Esthetician. Aside from all the hair basics, they offer facials, manicures, pedicures, massages and are a local supplier of the Bare Minerals beauty products. All About Me Salon is open Monday - Saturday from 8:00 a.m. To 8:00 p.m. Stop in and see them, call them a 573-431-5898 and be sure to "like" them on Facebook! Pictured: Holding the ribbon (left) friend and neighboring business owner, Brenda Jordan; holding the scissors, Owner, Gina Gaston; and holding the ribbon (right) Son, Caleb Gaston. Also pictured are Gina's various staff members, friends and family members, as well as, several Chamber Board Members, Ambassadors and Investors.
Benefits Refresher & Investor Recruitment Breakfast

Have you been thinking about joining the Chamber but aren't sure if we're a good fit? Maybe you've just join the Chamber and you aren't exactly sure what benefits are available to you? Been a Chamber member for years and need a refresher course on all the new benefits you're missing out on?
Join us for Breakfast! We want to show you why the Park Hills-Leadington Chamber of Commerce is a great choice for your business!
All attendees will have the opportunity to Win a FREE Enhanced Web Page within the Chamber's website!
New Investors, joining at the breakfast will receive a 25% Discount on their Investment!!
Find out more, and register to attend here: BENEFITS BREAKFAST
May Investor Meeting Features MO DED
This month we welcome, Mr. Dave Meyer, of the Missouri Department of Economic Development as our guest speaker. Topics to include:- A Legislative Update
- Work-Ready Community Certification
- Quality Jobs - State Program
- Customized Training & MAC Training Consortium
Find out more or register to attend this event here: May Investor Meeting |
One More Ribbon Cutting in May
Join us after the Investor Meeting on Tuesday for the 4th Ribbon Cutting this month!
Finally, Rosener's Restaurant is now officially Charboneau's A & C Restaurant! Plan to help us congratulate Art & Carol Charboneau with a Ribbon Cutting on Tuesday, May 21st, immediately following the May Investor Meeting.
Register to attend this event here: Charboneau's A & C
Firecracker Sponsorships Available
Promote your business in an explosive way! Purchase a sponsorship and receive the following benefits:
- Your Company Name on the back of each of the 100 T-Shirts.
- Your Company Name mentioned in Daily Journal Promotions both in print and on the Daily Journal's Website.
- Your Company Name Mentioned on KFMO, B104, KREI & KTJJ through spot promotions and interviews.
- The ability to include Business Cards, Flyers, Coupons or Other Promotional Goodies in each of the 100 Goodie Bags.
- Your Company Name Displayed on a 18" x 24" Coroplast Sign the Day of the Race.
- Your Company Name Featured in the Chamber Newsletter throughout May & June.
- Your Company Name Featured on the Chamber's Event Facebook Page. (http://www.facbook.com/firecrackerrunparkhillsleadington)
- Your Company Name Featured on the Firecracker Run Event Page on the Chamber's Website (http://business.phlcoc.net/events/details/10th-annual-firecracker-run-453) with links to your business page
Sponsorship Price: $100.00
Thank you to those who have already agreed to sponsor:
For more information on the event, visit the event page here: Firecracker Run
Downtown Park Hills Association
We Need Your Vote!
The Downtown Park Hills Association has now narrowed the list to five possible tag-lines and they are requesting that the Downtown Park Hills and Chamber members take control of the contest through voting.
Video Interviews "Commercials" Area A Powerful Marketing Tool
Video Interviews can help you to...
Put a face to your business Describe your business in greater detail Save time & money by providing information to frequently asked questions Increase your search engine ranking to ensure that customers find your business Share on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Online Directories, Websites and more!!
MineralAreaBiz.com is offering a special price for Chamber Investors!
Find out more here: SPECIAL VIDEO PRICING
Mineral Area College
Outstanding Students to Be Recognized at MAC Commencement
Mineral Area College's Park Hills campus was busy May 11, as hundreds of students walked through commencement ceremonies.
Each year the Alumni Association recognizes Mineral Area College students who have been outstanding in service, classroom, or other areas of campus life. The seven Outstanding Student awards are from Art, Music, Athletics, Theatre, Leadership and Campus Service, the Career and Technical Education Division, and the Arts and Sciences Division.
Find out more at: MAC Outstanding Students Needy Receives Mallinkrodt Award Mineral Area College student Jodi Needy, a 2013 graduate of the Radiology Program, was given a Mallinckrodt Award of Excellence.
Needy, who lives in Festus, is graduating with a 4.0 GPA and an associate of science degree after completing her classroom training at MAC and clinical training at Jefferson Regional Medical Center in Crystal City. Find out more here: Jodi Needy
Mineral Area College Law Enforcement Academy Holds Commencement Ceremony
Mineral Area College students of the 1,000 Hour Law Enforcement Academy Class 12-86 walked through their program's commencement ceremony held at the community college's Fine Arts Theatre on May 10. After MAC President Steve Kurtz welcomed everyone to the ceremony, Capt. Eric Hovis, Fredericktown Police Department's chief law enforcement officer, gave the keynote speech. He is an alumnus of the program himself. "It's been a quick 13 years since I've been in law enforcement," he said.
Find out more here: Law Enforcement Ceremony
Mineral Area Regional Medical Center
Mineral Area Regional Earns an ''A'' in Patient Safety by Hospital Safety Score
Mineral Area Regional Medical Center was recognized with an "A" Hospital Safety Score byThe Leapfrog Group, an independent national nonprofit run by employers and other large purchasers of health benefits. The A score was awarded in the latest update to the Hospital Safety ScoreSM, the A, B, C, D or F scores assigned to U.S. hospitals based on preventable medical errors, injuries accidents, and infections. TheHospital Safety Score was compiled under the guidance of the nation's leading experts on patient safety.The first and only hospital safety rating to be peer-reviewed in the Journal of Patient Safety (April 2013), Hospital Safety Score is designed to give the public information they can use to protect themselves and their families.
Find out more here: Patient Safety Score
Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range
Conceal & Carry Classes - June 1, 2013
Ozark Thunder Indoor Gun Range LLC is offering a Conceal & Carry (CCW) Class on Saturday, June 1, 2013 beginning at 8:00 a.m. at their facility located at 5157 Flat River Road in Leadington. The 8-hour class is being instructed by Randall Head of Double Tap Training, and will satisfy all Missouri training requirements. All participants completing the course will receive a Course Completion Certificate at the end of the training. Cost is $100 per person. Find out more here: CCW Classes
Parkland Health Center
St. Louis Children's Hospital Helicopter, Mobile ICU and Clinical Transport Team Goes Live in Farmington
The St. Louis Children's Hospital KidsFlight Helicopter, Mobile ICU and Clinical Transport Team arrived at Parkland Health Center in Farmington on May 6, as promised at the March news conference. Their arrival at Parkland Health Center in Farmington marks the beginning of a partnership that will add a new level of care for critically ill infants and children in our area.
Find out more here: KidsFlight Helicopter
Serenity HospiceCare
Serenity HospiceCare Celebrates Nurses Week
"Our organization is just so incredibly blessed," said Robyn Walton, Director of Nursing, at Serenity HospiceCare in Park Hills. "The Good Lord has always brought us the most caring, compassionate nurses - and at the exact time we need them!" On May 2, Walton and Jenni Thorn, Director of Patient Care, had the opportunity to honor their amazing team at a lunch at Main Street Grille in Park Hills.
Read more here: Nurses Week Candy Zarcone Joins Serenity HospiceCare Board Serenity HospiceCare is very excited to announce the addition of Candy Zarcone to their Board of Directors. Candy has been actively involved in the community for several years, working for approximately three years with three different local non-profits: St. Francois County Community Partnership Office, Parkland Pregnancy Resource Center and Youth for Christ (now called Young Faith in Christ). Read more here: Candy Zarcone
Thorn Steps in as Serenity HospiceCare's New Director of Patient Care
For Jenni Thorn, RN, and newly named Director of Patient Care at Serenity HospiceCare, it's all about God's timing. "I felt the calling to do this type of work for this organization when I was doing rotation in nursing school. I knew at that time I wasn't ready - emotionally or spiritually - but I think I'm finally where I'm supposed to be."
Read more here: Jenni Thorn
Missouri Chamber Direct
Missouri House sends prevailing wage reform to Gov. Nixon for signature
On a vote of 93-64, the Missouri House has given final approval to House Bill 34, legislation that eliminates the prevailing wage mandate on new construction of public projects in much of outstate Missouri (3rd and 4th class counties). House Bill 34, sponsored by Rep. Casey Guernsey, now heads to the governor's desk for signature. Find out more here: Prevailing Wage Reform
Missouri Division of Tourism
Spring: A Great Time For Missouri Floats
The unofficial start of float season in Missouri is Memorial Day, but this guide to the rivers is out early because, as every veteran canoeist and kayaker knows, now is the time to hit the water.
"The best time is spring, when the water levels are up and the creeks are flowing clear," said Robert "Bear" Bass Jr. "You get the dogwoods, the redbuds, the poppies, the bluebells - oh my gosh, it's a great time to be on the river."
Bass is the owner of Ozark Outdoors, an outfitter on the Meramec River across from Onondaga Cave State Park near Leasburg. He is a member of one of Missouri's first families of floating.
Find out more here: Missouri Floats
14 Simple Ways to Get Considerably More Done
Don't think it's possible because you're already working in overdrive? Here's a new way to look at your to-do list. In the spirit of the topic, let's get right to it: 1. Eliminate one ego commitment. We all do things that have more to do with ego than results. Maybe you serve on a committee because you like how it looks on your CV. Maybe you teach at a local college because you like the words "adjunct professor." Or maybe, like me, you write a weekly column for your local newspaper mostly because you like when people recognize you at the grocery store. The things you do mostly for ego are mostly a waste of time. Think about something you do mainly because it makes you look important, smart, or cool. If it provides no other "value," drop it. I'm dropping my weekly newspaper column. Anything you do that serves the greater glory of you is a waste of time; besides, the best glory is reflected, not projected.
To Continue Reading, Click Here: Get More Done
YouTube Subscriptions: New Revenue Stream for Your Brand?
The world's biggest video site will start charging viewers to watch some premium content. Here's what it could mean for your business.
For some content on the world's biggest video website, the era of freemium is over. On Thursday, YouTube started charging viewers a monthly fee ranging from $2 to $7 to access "premium" channels like HD Net and National Geographic. For the last two years YouTube, which is owned by Google, has offered many Hollywood movies for rent (usually for about $4.99 each). This latest move clearly will put it more squarely in competition with Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Instant to become an online source of high-quality content. But I find it interesting for another reason: What kind of business opportunities will paid channels offer savvy entrepreneurs? To Continue Reading, Click Here: YouTube