Monthly news & updates from the Community Development Partnership
July 2017

A Note from Jay
Celebrating Our Communities 
In August 1991 a group of community leaders from across the Lower Cape met at the Wellfleet Public Library to create a task force to explore ways to build economic vitality here.
Because community development corporations were already known then for their focus on the dual challenges of affordable housing and local economic opportunity, the group was drawn to the idea of creating a CDC.
Less than twelve months later, with a boost from a Community Economic Enterprise Development grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Lower Cape Cod Community Development Corporation, now known as the Community Development Partnership, was launched.
This summer we're celebrating the fact that twenty-five years later the CDP is still going strong. What our founders --- many of whom are still actively involved with us today --- saw as the goal is still at the heart of our work: strengthening our local communities as flourishing places to live and work.
Today our communities are thriving in new ways. From a fishermen's trust to an affordable housing institute to winter farmers' markets, we're supporting solutions our founders might not have foreseen 25 years ago --- but they certainly did inspire.
On Wednesday August 23, we will mark the 25th anniversary of the CDP's founding with a special edition of our annual "Summer Evening on the Farm." Please join us in honoring our past and looking ahead to the future at Halcyon Farm in Brewster. 
Click to get the details and buy your tickets.
  Also, don't miss important updates about recent projects and upcoming workshops right here in this month's e-news.
With thanks for your interest and support,

Jay - short
Thank You
Your generous gifts are what make our work possible. Thank you for supporting our community!

Thanks to these generous local businesses who are sponsoring our 25th Anniversary Celebration at A Summer Evening on the Farm


Building Self-Sufficiency
With a Resident Services Program  

The lack of affordable housing here on Lower Cape Cod is creating a crisis in our local economy. That's one reason we advocate for housing that local working people can afford. Without it, none of us --- neither our businesses nor our communities --- can thrive.
But when we think big picture like this, we sometimes forget to consider what this crisis means for individuals and families. The fact is, the threat of homelessness is real here.
Fortunately, the impact of the Homeless Prevention Council of Lower Cape Cod is just as real.
The CDP's collaboration with HPC-the Resident Services Program-started just a year ago. Now we see it as an integral part of our role as property managers. 

 Here's how it works >  
Top Priority Training 
New Workshops Based on Your Input 
Pam Presenting

Is the CDP the place you went for help writing your business plan? Or where you learned how to use QuickBooks? Almost 100 people take part in our winter workshops most years.
We love it when small business owners tell us how much they have gained by participating in our Start Smart or Grow Smart programs. And we're gearing up for next fall and winter's workshops.
Recently, we asked participants to tell us what the local business community needs now. 

The results: more on marketing, HR, and peer-to-peer learning. Click here to find out more about what you and other local business people asked for!

Let us know that you want to hear about our fall schedule. E-mail Pam Andersen, our Business & Credit Programs Manager, and she will keep you in the loop. 
Cape & Islands Green
Get Verified

Cape & Islands Green is a Cape-wide environmental program designed to help businesses adopt more environmentally responsible practices. 

The CDP administers the program and has already helped over 70 local businesses operate more sustainably and earn their "green" verifications.
We have heard from many of those who didn't get the chance to participate in our previous workshops and still want to green-up. Good news: we will be offering another Cape & Islands Green (Level One) workshop this fall. It's scheduled for Tuesday, October 24, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM.

Sign up for the October 24 workshop here.
Need to know more before you sign up?   Here's a quick overview of the workshop and what it takes to get verified. 

Upcoming and Ongoing
Housing with Love Walk dedicated to CDP founder 
We are pleased to dedicate our recent participation in the 25th Annual Bob Murray Housing with Love Walk to one of the CDP's founders, Mary Lou Petitt.

Mary LouPetitt
was an early advocate of affordable housing and support for the small business community because she clearly saw that housing availability and a strong business sector were inextricably linked if the Lower Cape was to remain a vibrant, diverse community. Twenty five years ago this month, she helped to create an organization that could direct resources and attention to these specific needs of the Lower Cape community - the Community Development Partnership.
With the support of local business sponsors, as well as funds raised by a Walk Team of ten CDP supporters, we raised over $15,000 through the Housing with Love Walk for our Resident Support Services program. Through this program, residents receive support with budgeting, financial planning and training in how to be a tenant. They are also connected with local resources as needed, such as childcare, employment, education and health/nutrition benefits assistance.
4th Annual Summer Evening on the Farm
& Farm to Table Feast 
Join us for an evening to celebrate the Community Development Partnership - 25 years creating opportunities for people to live, work, & thrive on the Lower Cape.

The night will start with our 4th Annual Summer Evening on the Farm from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Halcyon Farm in Brewster. Enjoy tasty local bites and drinks in this beautiful farm setting. Meet some of the CDP Founders and individuals we've worked with over the years. Network with others interested in a strong Lower Cape community. And learn about the CDP's future plans.

Can't get enough? Continue the evening with an intimate farm-to-table dinner at Sunbird Kitchen (85 Route 6A in Orleans). Our Farm to Table Feast will feature 3-courses prepared with fresh, locally sourced ingredients, including wine and beer pairings. Learn where the food comes from and how it's prepared! Starting at 7:30 PM.

When: Wednesday, August 23rd at 5:00 PM
S CORE Business Counseling
Could your business use some extra guidance? Want to bounce business ideas off of someone? The CDP has arranged with Cape Cod SCORE to offer Individual Business Counseling with SCORE counselors right here in Eastham. Sign up today!

When & Where: One hour mentoring sessions are available Wednesday, August 30 between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM and Wednesday, September 20 between 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM. CDP Conference Room, 3 Main Street Mercantile, Unit 8 in Eastham.
Housing Rehabilitation Program: Information Sessions  
We have sessions coming up to learn about opportunities available through the Housing Rehabilitation Program. Funds are available to eligible residents to pay for critical home repairs, like:

Roofing and Siding
Lead Paint Abatement
Minor Structural Repairs
Heating and Plumbing
Windows and Doors
Energy Efficiency Upgrades
Provincetown Council on Aging - Thursday, September 7th from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM  Find Out More
Thankful Chases Pathway
Affordable Housing Opportunities 
Affordable Rentals 
We manage 72 rental homes throughout the Lower Cape. Availability changes on a regular basis. Please contact our Director of Property Management at 508.240.7873 ×17 or email If you have questions and for more information.

Find Out More on Our Website

Housing Rehabilitation Program
Attention homeowners and landlords! Receive up to $35,000 for critical repairs to your home. Repairs include, but are not limited to roofing, heat, windows, siding, septic, lead paint abatement and energy efficiency upgrades. Get expert assistance on planning the work and work with quality licensed and insured contractors. Funding is limited and available on a first come, first serve basis. Opportunities in South Dennis, Wellfleet, Truro and Provincetown.

This Place Matters 
our weekly radio & television show
Tune in
 92.1 WOMR & 91.3 WFMR    
 Wednesdays 12:30pm   
Also on Lower Cape TV

Join host Susan Lindquist & her guests to learn more
about people and places on Lower Cape Cod.

July 26th: Jay Critchley from the Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life shares details about this year's event.  

August 2nd: CDP Housing Rehab Program Manager, Jean Stanley is joined by Chris Busa who participated in the program.

August 9th: The CDP's 25th Anniversary is the focus for this show. Longtime CDP Executive Director, Gwen Pelletier and other CDP leaders will share memories.

August 16th: Hadley Luddy from Homeless Prevention Council shares information about their Resident Support Services program.  
Click Here to Listen to or Watch Past Shows
If you have an idea for a guest or topic - Contact Moira
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.