CDN Update
We hope that you continue to be safe and well.

At the end of January we launched the brand new podcast series Pedagogy Matters. The series shines a light on key priorities and issues in learning and teaching. So far, we have released five podcasts with an additional four planned for the upcoming weeks. The podcasts are available to listen to at any time online here or on Spotify.

We also recently launched the Coaching for the Future Programme, which is designed to support college leaders from right across the sector. We've had over 50 applications, with many of the collaborative groups already underway. This is a rolling programme with applications open until the end of March - apply here today.

We continue to offer a wide range of courses and events to support your professional development. Take a moment and have a look at what's on offer below and on our events section of the website.

As ever, please don’t hesitate to contact me if you’d like to talk about any aspect of our work, if you'd like to suggest new ways that we can support you, or share experiences and great practice that colleagues in the sector would find useful. You can email me at: jim.metcalfe@cdn.ac.uk
Jim Metcalfe, Chief Executive, CDN
First Ever Scottish Esports in Education Conference
Book your place today
CDN, in partnership with the British Esports Association, is hosting the first ever Esports in Education Conference in Scotland on 24 March. This online conference brings together key speakers from the education landscape, industry, and the national body for esports. The event will provide discussion on the evolution of esports as a curriculum area, information about esports qualifications, industry and career pathways, women in esports, cyber security and research.
College Expo21:
Call for Session Proposals
We are excited to announce that Virtual College Expo21 will take place on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 June!

The theme of Virtual College Expo21 is: Press the reset button: Reimagining college learning and life.

Call for session submissions is now open!
We are inviting you to share your knowledge and experience at this year's Virtual College Expo by submitting your online session and/or student skills showcase proposals.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 5pm on Friday 5 March.
CDN College Hall of Fame:
Nominations invited
We are looking for nominations for the CDN College Hall of Fame. The CDN College Hall of Fame recognises the outstanding achievement of a college graduate or staff who have made a notable contribution to society, education, the arts, science, sport, an industry sector, or the economy. Selection to the Hall of Fame will focus on individuals who act as role models in their own field and as an inspiration to current and future college students.

To submit a nomination, please provide a short (max 400 words) statement describing why your nominee/s should be considered, what they have achieved and the impact they have made in their field or area of expertise.

Please submit your nominations to marketing@cdn.ac.uk – using the subject line ‘CDN Hall of Fame’.
Reach reader survey:
Tell us what you think...

We hope you enjoyed reading the 2021 edition of Reach, the magazine for Scotland's college sector.

We would like to hear what you think about the magazine and find out how useful it is to you.

We would be grateful if you could complete our short, anonymous survey. Feedback will be used to inform improvements to the magazine.
College Case Study:
Glasgow Clyde College is engaging students via Instagram

Since November 2020, students from Glasgow Clyde College have been benefiting from national and international industry insights on Instagram, hearing from the likes of Australian celebrity hairdressing icon Sharon Blain to Oscar and BAFTA award-winning make-up artist Christine Blundell.

If you would like to share your college case study, please email marketing@cdn.ac.uk
Partner News:
Newbattle Abbey College and The Scottish Historical Review
THE DECLARATION OF ARBROATH 1320 – 2020 International Conference
CDN is delighted to be partnering with Newbattle Abbey College and The Scottish Historical Review Trust to host The Declaration of Arbroath 1320-2020 International Conference on Thursday 20 and Friday 21 May.

The conference marks the septcentenary of a key moment in Scottish history - when Scottish nobles called on Pope John XXII to recognise the legitimacy of King Robert (Robert the Bruce).

Scholars from across the world will join many of Scotland’s leading medieval and modern historians to discuss their research on the Declaration, and there will be debate about its significance today.
Partner News:
Fuel Change - National Showcase Event
The Fuel Change National Showcase Event will take place on Wednesday 3 March.

The Fuel Change initiative was launched in September last year and has enabled Modern Apprentices to develop innovative low carbon solutions to real issues currently being faced by industry.

The online event will unveil the low carbon concepts created by the apprenticeship teams who have made it through to the programme’s Sprint 3 stage. The event will also announce which teams’ ideas will be taken to the next step and implemented by leading employers.

Registration closing date: Close of play Friday 26 February.
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