BC Diving News
July & August 2016


"The Difference in Winning or Losing is Most Often Not Quitting"
~ Walt Disney

Great Results

In the past two months we've had a lot of competitions to follow: Junior Elite and Junior Development Nationals, FINA Grand Prix in Italy, and the Olympics! Go to our Website at www.bcdiving.ca  to see the full results! 

BC Divers Top 12 Finishes:

Celina Toth Bronze 10m

Ryan Grover Silver on 3m and 4th on 1m

Bryden Hattie Gold  on 1m and Silver on 3m & Platform

Carson Paul Bronze on 3m & Platform and 7th on 1m

Keira Lu Bronze on Platform and 4th on 3m

Sadie Howard Bronze on 1m and 5th on 3m

Tanesha Lucoe 4th on 1m & 3m and 6th on Platform

Ben Smyth 4th on 1m, 5th on Platform and 8th on 3m

Madeline Green 5th on Platform, 6th on 1m, and 12th on 3m

Alison Komlos 6th on 1m & 3m

Nicholas Nepomucino 6th on Platform 

Jessie Nowotny 8th on 1m, 11th Synchro, and 12th on 3m

Paige Bush 9th 3m

Cole Ashley 9th on Platform and 11th on 1m & 3m

Curtis Frohloff 10th on 1m and 11th on 3m

Sam Braun 11th on 1m

Maggie Osieja 11th Synchro

Alen Fazlagic 12th on Platform

Reminder to all clubs: 
Please make sure you have reported all of your 2015-2016 Divers to BC Diving and registered them with e-sport

New 2016-2017 Registration forms have been emailed to all club contacts and are available on our website www.bcdiving.ca

Please remember to self report your NCCP courses on The Locker



We would like to send a special "Thank you" to all of our Officials and Volunteers!  We appreciate the countless hours spent on deck. Our sport would not be the same without you, we really appreciate everything you do!


Check out this online magazine   www.coach.ca it has tons of great articles and different coaching tips!

Reminder for all coaches to login to their NCCP locker to check their course credits. 
Photo  Gallery 

Our photo gallery is up and running! Check it out HERE!

 If you have any photos of diving events or training camps, please email them to:  bcdiving.perfect10@gmail.com

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