Welcome to our newsletter, Digital Transatlantic Dialogue. If you haven't joined us yet, w e are offering webinars every week on a specific public policy or cultural topic with experts from our inspiring community!

Today's Newsletter
  1. Young Leader-led Webinar
  2. Headlines
  3. Focus: American Elections and COVID-19
  4. In the News: FAF initiative
  5. Previous Webinars
Young Leader-led Webinar
We’re pleased to invite you to join us for our third Young Leader-led webinar in partnership with our sister organization, the French-American Foundation - France.

The event is free and open to the public. You do not need a Zoom account to join!

 Assistant professor in the department of surgery and cell biology and Director of the vascular research program at New York University Langone Medical Center
and American Young Leader ’19
Director of Strategy and Performance at Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance
and French Young Leader ’16

  • Topic: Racing to a Vaccine
  • Date & Time: Thursday, May 28 at 12:30 pm ET
  • RSVP: Click HERE to sign up. Registered guests will receive a link to join in the days leading up to the event.
The 17-year-old Guatemalan boy in a California detention center for migrant children has been held for more than 400 days.He’s one of the longest-held of the roughly 1,800 minors in the U.S. immigration detention system — the largest in the world, and one now  riddled with the novel coronavirus .
-- Article from Cindy Carcamo, National Correspondent for the Los Angeles Times and American Young Leader '13

  • "The company said a test in 8 healthy volunteers found its experimental vaccine was safe and provoked a strong immune response. It is on an accelerated timetable to begin larger human trials soon. (...)"

  • "With nonessential businesses starting to reopen in many states, elected officials have to make a call on a series of impossible questions: How soon is too soon? How safe is safe enough? What will the cost be, in new cases of the disease and in deaths? (...)"

  • " Différents scénarios institutionnels agitent le sommet de l’Etat pour légitimer un éventuel changement de sa politique. Depuis son arrivée à l’Elysée, il y a trois ans presque jour pour jour, Emmanuel Macron le répète à l’envi : il a été élu pour appliquer son programme. (...)"
American Elections and COVID-19
"One of Donald Trump’s special talents is to hold every conceivable position on a given subject at the same time. So it is with voting by mail in American elections. (...)"

  • "This year’s democratic presidential primary was tumultuous from beginning to end—starting with a record field of two dozen major candidates and ending in the middle of a pandemic. (...)"

Can Biden Expand the Map? , The New York Times
  • " There are signs that Joe Biden’s campaign is exploring more paths to victory in the Electoral College than recent Democratic nominees.Presidential elections don’t offer extra credit. As we all know, it’s 270 to win. Hitting 292 or 336 electoral votes doesn’t get a candidate more executive power or a bigger White House. (...)"

  • He thinks he’ll survive Tara Reade’s accusation. But he knows he can’t be an average-Joe Democrat anymore. (...)"
In The News
In the News is a French-American Foundation communications initiative aimed at informing our wider community about current events in France and the United States from a transatlantic perspective.

Written in French and English through a nonpartisan lens, our publications synthesize articles from a range of news publications on topics from election security to global climate change.

Our newest report provides an overview of the US economic fallout from COVID-19 for francophone readers.

  • "Les États-Unis traversent une crise sanitaire et économique sans précédent. En deux mois, plus de 21 millions d’emplois ont été supprimés. Jamais dans son histoire, l’économie américaine n’avait connu un tel choc en si peu de temps. (...)"

Previous Webinars
Check out the full recordings of our webinars. The links below will take you to a 15-minute preview on Dropbox. You'll have the option to download the full file on the side of the page.

  1. How Coronavirus Will Change Geopolitics
  2. Coronavirus: The Infodemic?
  3. Book Reading: A Hundred Suns
  4. Book Talk: The Cactus League
  5. Creative Insights With Marc Levy
  6. Crisis Management During COVID-19
  7. Economic Impacts of COVID-19
  8. Virtual Cooking Class With Melissa Clark
COVID-19 Sources
Breaking News
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