Flames of Toxicity: Using Satellite Imagery to Monitor Impacts of Azerbaijan's Oil and Gas Development
Join Crude Accountability, Omanos Analytics, and the University of Strathclyde for a presentation on Crude Accountability's latest report Flames of Toxicity: Environmental and Social Impacts of Azerbaijan’s Oil Development, and a discussion on analyzing satellite imagery for environmental research.

Learn how satellite imagery can help impacted communities during times of reprisals of independent environmental monitoring, COVID-related travel restrictions, and other barriers to more traditional ways of engaging with local communities.
Monday, January 31st
10 AM - 11:30 AM Eastern
3 PM - 4:30 UTC
on Zoom
Crude Accountability invites you to a virtual discussion on the effects of oil and gas development on local communities in Azerbaijan documented in the recent report Flames of Toxicity: Environmental and Social Impacts of Azerbaijan’s Oil Development. Omanos Analytics will discuss its companion report, “Sustainable Environmental Monitoring in the COVID-19 Era with Crude Accountability: EO survey of the Azerbaijan coast,” and Seonaid Rapach will discuss the findings of her dissertation, “Monitoring flaring activity from the oil and gas industry with satellite data”.
Flames of Toxicity compares findings from satellite imagery with information collected from communities in Azerbaijan, documenting the impacts of internationally-funded oil and gas development facilities on communities and the environment.
Omanos Analytics’ report analyses satellite data to assess changes in environmental impacts from the oil and gas industry since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Comparison of satellite data taken during the COVID-19 pandemic with data from previous years aims to explore how environmental impact from fossil fuel production changes with global demand.
Rapach’s dissertation analyses satellite data to estimate annual flared gas volumes from the Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli oil field, which lies close to Baku, Azerbaijan. The report compares results generated from ESA’s Sentinel-5P and VIIRS’s Nightfire data products, with self-reported results from BP.
Crude Accountability is an environmental and human rights nonprofit organization working in the Caspian and Black Sea regions.
Omanos Analytics is a Glasgow-based space technology start-up delivering space data knowledge to support sustainable development.
Seonaid Rapach
Seonaid Rapach is a researcher at the University of Strathclyde. Seonaid will be presenting findings from her dissertation thesis entitled, Monitoring flaring activity from the oil and gas industry with satellite data.

Mariel Kieval