
 You Shine
National Women's History Month!
Newsletter -No. 14 - March 2017




In This Issue
March 2017 National Women's History Project Honor Roll Roster
GWWN Honors Past Speakers
GWWN Honors Women's Organizations
You Shine - National Women's History Month
Goal-Setter and Go-Getter
Business Tax Deductions
Health and Wellness - Smoking
Upcoming Events
Women's Conference
Self Confidence is the foundation of all success and achievements
Jewish Community Center
Northern Virginia

Saturday, March 25, 2017
9:00 am -4:00 pm
8900 Little River Turnpike
 Fairfax, Virginia 22031
View Conference Registration
Learn More

Small Business Expo
Washington, DC Convention Center
Hall C
801 Vernon Place NW
Washington, DC 20001
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
DC Biggest Networking Event of the Year!
Register Here
8th Annual Leadership Summit for Women in National Security Career
Workingmother Conference
Thursday, May 18, 2017 
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
 Crystal Gateway Marriott
1700 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA

7th Annual Women of Prince George's Women's Conference
Thursday, May 18, 2017
8:30 am -3:00 pm
Greenbelt Marriott
6400 Ivy Ln





P.S. There is hope
P.S. There is hope is focused on
"Mental Health in the Community"
Thursday, June 8, 2017
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Hyattsville Municipal Building
4301 Gallatin St.
Hyattsville, MD 20181

 To register contact Billy Leary
301-864-7095 - Ex. 432

HireMaryland Career Fair 2017
Thursday, June 8, 2017
11:00 am - 2:30 pm
Notre Dame of Maryland MBK Gymnasium
4701 N Charles St
Baltimore, MD 21210


Internship and Volunteer  Opportunities 


Send an email of interest 
to gwwenet@gwwn.org

Subject Line: Internship or Volunteer Interest

 Domestic Violence

Safe Horizon

1-800-621-HOPE (4673)




Help for Crisis




Darfur Women Action Group

Genocide, violence against women, injustice and more in Darfur


Employment and Career Sources
U.S. Office of Personnel
1900 E Street NW
Washington, DC 20415

 Maryland State Government

Commonwealth of
Virginia Government

About.com: Job Searching


Career Builder

USA Jobs
*USAJOBS is the official job site of the US Federal Government.
  Pearls of Wisdom
"Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I am just wearing better shoes."
Oprah Winfrey

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."
Harriet Beecher Stowe
What Do You Think?

Feedback and comments are greatly encouraged and may be featured in our next issue. 

Please email

with "Newsletter Feedback" in the subject line.

GWWN Newsletter is copyrighted. All right reserved.
Join Our Mailing List
The Greater Washington Women's Network (GWWN)
is dedicated to transforming and empowering professional women to achieve their greatest potential. Celebrating 21 Years 

GWWN advances and promotes its members through networking, educational events, career & self-enrichment workshops, community outreach, mentoring, recognition, youth development, partnerships, internships, and sponsorships.
GWWN is a tax-exempt, non-profit (501)(c)(3) organization. 
GWWN is an affiliate of the National Association for Female Executives (NAFE). 

March 2017 National Women's History Project Honor Roll Roster  

The National Women's History Project 2017 Honor Roll Roster recognizes and celebrates an array of women  accomplishments. March is National Women's History month. This year's theme is  "Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business ." Be inspired by these women's contributions.

The web site also provides informational services, educational and promotional materials.   
GWWN Honors Past Speakers  

During this month in March for the second year, GWWN honors two distinguished women who have made an impact changing women's lives. Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC Congresswoman, and Dr. Betty Spence, President of the National Association for Female Executives are two of GWWN's past speakers celebrated, along with several women's organizations.

Eleanor Holmes Norton

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, now in her fourteenth term as the Congresswoman for the District of Columbia, is the ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management. She serves on two committees: the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Her success in writing bills and getting them enacted has made her one of the most effective legislative leaders in the House. She has the full vote in House committees and serves on the Committee on Homeland Security, the Government Reform Committee and the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

Named by President Jimmy Carter as the first woman to chair the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, she came to Congress as a national figure who had been a civil rights and feminist leader , tenured professor of law, and board member at three Fortune 500 companies.

She received her bachelor's degree from Antioch College in Ohio and simultaneously earned her law degree and master's degree in American Studies from Yale.  Congresswoman Norton spends time with woman addressing their concerns.

Congresswoman Norton is humble and personable. She has broken many barriers in her personal, career and as a congressional leader. She does the "little things" that count that mean a lot without any expectations to help others. Congresswoman Norton advocates networking, women supporting each other and harnessing their political and economic power. She is excited when women are successful.

Dr. Betty Spence

Dr. Betty Spence is President of the National Association for Female Executives serving since 2001.

She is credited for creating the annual list of the "NAFE Top Companies for Executive Women", a benchmark for corporations on women's advancement. The NAFE Roundtable she founded and chairs is phenomenal for businesses and organizations. It brings together American most senior corporate women, to work on strategies for advancements.

Betty is an expert speaker and author. Formerly, Vice President of Communications at Catalyst, she wrote Be Your Own Mentor, advice from corporate women on propelling your own advancement, published by Random House in 2001.

She has appeared on several TV programs related to women business issues including CBS Evening News, ABC Nightly News, CNN's Nightly Business Report, and Bloomberg.  Betty has been quoted in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. Film and television are included in her writing for the Los Angeles Times. She holds a PH.D in English and has taught literature, film, and women's studies. She serves on the board of the Girl Scout Council of New York City.

Betty is energetic, a people person, spends time listening to others, a problem solver, resourceful, passionate about building women's self-confidence, and encourages women to take on leadership roles which may lead to greater career and business opportunities. Women studies and issues drives her to finding permanent solutions.
GWWN Honors Women's Organization 
Women organizations play a pivotal role developing and promoting opportunities, supporting and inspiring women. Therefore, GWWN celebrates women's organizations under the National Women Month Project theme: "Honoring Trailblazing Women in Labor and Business".

The Honor Roll Roster
National Association of Women Business-Owner

The National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) is the unified voice of over 10.1 million women-owned businesses in the United States representing the fastest growing segment of the economy.

(NAWBO) propels women entrepreneurs into economic, social and political spheres of power worldwide by several initiatives.

National Association for Female Executives

The National Association for Female Executives (NAFE) is one of the country's largest associations for women professionals and business owners, provides resources - through education, networking, and public advocacy- to empower its members to achieve both career and personal success.

National Women Hall of Fame

The National Women's Hall of Fame is the nation's oldest membership organization dedicated to honoring and celebrating the achievements of distinguished American Women. The mission of the Hall of Fame is "Showcasing great women...inspiring all!" 
Darfur Women Action Group

Darfur Women Action Group (DWAG) is a women-led anti-atrocities 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded by a Darfur genocide survivor to amplify the voices and empower the affected communities... DWAG envisions a world where justice for all, equal rights and the respect for human dignity is the primordial ethic.

You Shine
National Women's History Month 

The National Women's History Month (NWHM) is a time to recognize and celebrate women who made a significant contribution in shaping America. Often, acclaims are only given to  the "elite" and not ordinary citizens. Based on the purpose for NWHM, "you" are included. 

Think, study and observe the vital contributions you made in other lives without giving it a thought. Your actions and good deeds are not for granted. You choose to make a difference!

Here are a few successful ways you may have shaped a life:
  • Encouragement
  • Financial Support
  • Mentor
  • Caretaker
  • Volunteerism
  • Hospitality
  • Solved a Problem
"Success isn't about how much money you make, it's about the difference you make in people's lives."
Michelle Obama

Congratulations -Through one life, your action can touch  millions. Celebrate! You Shine!

Goal- Setter and Go-Getter  
Leadership Development
Member News

GWWN encourages members to share business and career development training information to empower others.

Cheryl Blount, Director of Membership of GWWN, participated in a Be More... Leadership and Communication workshop held on January 2nd. The facilitator was Sharon Dujon, Speaker, Teacher and Certified Coach with the John Maxwell Group (Expertise in Leadership). It's a new year - 2017! Did you make New Year resolutions again or did you set goals?

Definitions for a New Year's resolution, and goals were defined. A New Year's resolution is a tradition, most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior. A goal is defined as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed, aim or end.

The Discussion included personal and business accomplishments made in 2016, and setting goals and objectives for 2017.

Ms. Dujon focused on setting goals and objectives in various areas of life such as personal, family and spiritual. Tools for writing and tracking progress in reaching goals were provided. Goals should be SMART: S = specific, M = measurable, A = achievable, R = relevant, T = time-sensitive.

Setting goals: 1) provides direction, 2) gives clearer focus on what is important, 3) brings clarity in decision making, 4) gives you control of your future, 5) provides motivation, 6) gives you a sense of personal satisfaction, and 7) gives you a sense of purpose in life.

What an insightful workshop to challenge change- Be a Goal-Setter and a Go-Getter!

Business Tax Deductions
Keeping You Informed

Tax preparation is very serious. It is important that all information is done correctly in order to receive the best tax deductions for your business. Jenifer Golson, CPA and GWWN Treasurer facilitates educational workshops on tax preparation. To keep us informed, she shared a few tax deductions for businesses, some easily overlooked expenses, and non-profit organization 501(c)(3) filing.
Tax Deductions for Businesses

Below are a few tax deductions along with limitations on certain items for businesses:
  • Legal and professional fees to lawyers and accountants and tax professionals.
  • Business books that help you in your business. 
  • Bad debts for goods sold and funds never collected. You cannot deduct a bad debt for a service or time that you devoted to a customer. 
  • Business entertaining: If you pick up the tab for a client or a potential client, the expense is deductible at 50% of cost. Always state on the receipt or on your calendar, Lunch with XYZ, what company they represent, if any and a line about the subject of the meeting. 
  • Moving expenses in connection with your job or business and it has to be more than 50 miles away.
  • Software: As a general rule the cost of software should be depreciated over 36 months or 3 years. Software that comes bundled with a computer should be depreciated over 5 years. There are. An example is software costing $3,600 can be depreciated over 3 years at $1,200 per year. There are accelerated methods of depreciation where you can write off the whole asset in the year of purchase. 
  • Old computers or office equipment are deductible. If it is fully depreciated, it is not deductible.
  •   Charitable Contributions for business are deductible.
  • Real estate taxes, employment taxes, and sales taxes on items you buy for business operation.
  • Advertising and promotion Expenses - business cards and yellow page ads are deductible. Promotional expenses such as sponsoring a golf tournament with your name (AT&T Golf Tournament) or sponsoring an event and your name is listed in the program. 
Easily Overlooked Expenses
Here are a few easily overlooked expenses: Audio tapes and video tapes related to business or training; bank service fees, business association dues; credit bureau fees; office supplies, online computer services related to business; business parking and gifts; business related magazines and publications; coffee and beverage service; commissions; consultant fees; postage; promotion and publicity seminars; trade shows; taxi and bus fare; and telephone calls away from the business. 
Just because you did not get a receipt does not mean that you cannot deduct the expense. The IRS has reasonable tests and knows that certain expenses are usually related to an event or travel, etc.
Non-Profit Organizations 501(c)(3 )
The following filing is required: Form 990N E-Postcard - All non-profits will have to file a Form 990 regardless of what their gross receipts/cash receipts level. The e-post card is due by the 15th day of the 5th month following your fiscal year end. Most non-profits have a calendar year end therefore the e-postcard will be due 5/15/17.

Education yourself on income taxes from these sources.
IRS and the Journal of Accountancy.

Health and Wellness: Smoking  

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides educational information 24/7 to save lives and protect people. In spite of the information and resources available about smoking and tobacco use, smoking still remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the United States. It kills more than 480,000 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Smoking causes immediate damage to your body.

Sometimes hearing and seeing is believing. Learn more from the Tips From Former Smokers a campaign featuring real people with compelling stories.

A Few Health Benefits Associated with Stop Smoking 
  • Reduced heart disease risk within 1 to 2 years of quitting.
  • Reduced respiratory symptoms (wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath.
  • Reduced risk of developing lung diseases
  • Lowered risk of lung cancer.
  • Reduced risk of infertility in women of childbearing age.
Learn more benefits of quitting smoking 

Spread this information with a smoker to save a life! 
Photography: Nafe, Internet and Cheryl Blount
Thank you for allowing us to share our newsletter with you. For additional information about GWWN, please visit us awww.GWWN.org.