1st Quarter News

2021 Statistics

Men Housed - 217

Men employed - 263

Child Support Paid - $41,315.79

Taxes Paid - $196,812.95


Men Housed - 72

Men Employed - 53

Graduates for the Quarter - 26

Baptisms for the Quarter - 7

Letter from the Director - Gary Kenney

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As the world begins to open back up, we are becoming aware of our NEW normal. Becoming familiar to a new normal is an essential part of any RECOVERY. We have become accustomed to things needing to change in order for recovery to move and progress. Although things are changing around us every day, one thing is still constant and that is our focus on doing everything we can to help our clients reach sobriety and recovery. I believe God has called Safe Harbor to the front edge of the battle. 

“Provisional data from CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics indicate that there were an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during 12-month period ending in April 2021, an increase of 28.5% from the 78,056 deaths during the same period the year before.

The new data documents that estimated overdose deaths from opioids increased to 75,673 in the 12-month period ending in April 2021, up from 56,064 the year before. Overdose deaths from synthetic opioids (primarily fentanyl) and psychostimulants such as methamphetamine also increased in the 12-month period ending in April 2021. Cocaine deaths also increased, as did deaths from natural and semi-synthetic opioids (such as prescription pain medication).”

These numbers, unfortunately, are no surprise to the recovery community, particularly to us here at Safe Harbor working in the field tirelessly with each client that comes to us. We embrace working with moms and dads, sisters and brothers, family and friends as a part of restoring the lives of each man sent to us.

With spring days upon us I want to shine some light on the things happening around our facility. As you all may know by now, the facility has been going through wonderful living area and dorm renovations. We are proud to say that our living arrangement for our clients have been upgraded 5 star standards and the work is continuing. We hope to complete this project by summers end. 

As Director moving forward from this first quarter, I hope to strengthen partnerships with groups that provide various types of assistance to our clients. Those services include rehabilitation, housing, medicine-assisted treatment, employment, health care, continued counseling, and education opportunities. 

Already we have partnered with our local sheriff and police departments education and permanent job  placement services. This program will help clients complete their education and have viable employment opportunities upon completing the program.

In addition we are excited to announce that we are now partnering with Professional Care services of West TN, Inc. PCS will provide comprehensive mental health treatment and co-occurring services to our clients. Their services will enhance the quality of care we provide here at Safe Harbor.

To the recovery community and government agencies that look to Safe Harbor and request our services, we value your trust in the Safe Harbor program. We take great honor in the opportunity you give us to serve you. Thank you to our local churches and community business that support us with constant human and material resources, its a fact we cannot do this mission by ourselves, its also a fact that because of all of your support we do what we do. Together we can accomplish great things.

With all our appreciation,


Gary Kenney


Safe Harbor Erin  

A look around Erin

Guys enjoying a beautiful day with some kick ball!

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What an honor to have the Houston County Sheriff and Erin, TN Police Chief Speaking tonight to our men! This is one Sheriff and Chief that truly cares. Anybody who spends just a few minutes with them will draw the same conclusion! Houston County is so blessed to have Kevin Suggs as their Sheriff and Mark Moore as Chief!

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"I got a call from Mrs. Shawn at Magnum Manufacturing stating she needed me to come by the office. So I went not knowing what to expect. When I got there we talked about life and a little about work. Then she took me in the office where she had 4 large shopping bags for the guys full of towels, socks, underwear and t-shirts. What a great blessing she has been to not only our facility but to the men as well. I’m so grateful for the partnership we have with them!!!" - Reliable Coordinator, Seth Blackmon

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Safe Harbor Erin thanks Bible Baptist Church for the wild game supper Saturday night. The guys enjoyed it.


Super bowl Sunday Safe Harbor Erin.


Great Worship at Safe Harbor Erin Sunday night and a word from Pastor Chuck Ellis out of Ephesians 6:10


We at Safe Harbor Erin have had an outpouring, reception and receiving of the Holy spirit and want to thank Him, our God, for bringing these 12 men from there messes to a place of repentance, salvation and baptism.


Client Graduate, Charles Estis, gave a moving testimony Sunday evening and a Word by Pastor Bronson and the Garden Church.


New Years Eve in Erin


Chapel Services in Erin


Celebration Sunday - March 2022

Congratulations to our graduates, Martin Barnes, Chad Sage, Hector Rodriguez, Walter Titus, Nathan Ray, Raven Heggie & Andrew Tidwell!


Reliable of the Month goes to Stephen Brown. Congratulations!


Client of the Month is Charles Bailey, Congrats!


Dorm of the Month is Dorm 12. Great job guys!


Staff of the Quarter - Jeff McManis

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Mr. McManis has been chosen as our Employee of the Quarter for his absolutely selfless service to the clients here at Safe Harbor Erin. Every client that receives his services are left with a lasting impression that he cares. He commits his personal time and resources towards making sure the clients are taken care from the time they come in the door.

His day is also spent on the phone for hours communicating with concerned family members and court officials. He is a multitasker and passionate employee who does his assigned task with quality and care. Safe Harbor of Erin is blessed to have such a peer and employee, and he is a joy to work and laugh with.

Congratulations to Jeff McManis!

Celebration Sunday - February 2022

Congratulations to our graduates - Michael Cantrell, Jere Harrison, Matthew Hogan, & Woodrow Walters!


Reliable of the Month is Dillon Pulley. Congrats!


Happy February Birthday to Charles Arms, Jamison Daniels, Jacob Ragon, & Matthew Hogan!

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Partner of the Quarter - Magnum Manufacturing

Magnum is located in Erin Tennessee. They are a metal press company that facilitates many companies. They are not only a local company, but they are locally ran as well. They have been working with us here at Safe Harbor for many years. Not only do they give our guys a place to work, but they work with our guys. Meaning, they are not only working with them, but helping them as well. 

Mrs. Shawn has been a valuable member of the reliable team. On several occasions I have received a call from them saying they have something for us to come get. When I arrive, they have bags and bags of supplies and donations for the facility.  We have grown the number of workers in the last few months. At the holidays they gave the clients gifts for Thanksgiving and Christmas. She has a true love for what we do here and our guys. 

We see a lot of companies that, to them, our clients are just workers. With magnum they are truly apart of the “Magnum” family. That is why it is so easy to say that Magnum is our Partner of the Quarter and a part of the ”Safe Harbor” family.


Client of the Quarter - Adam Ennis


"My drug addiction started when I was very young because it was ingrained in me from an early age by being told that my biological parents were addicted and that is why they stay away and are never around.

As a young man I was like many my age and did not heed advice. I had an emptiness in me that anywhere I searched it left me more empty. Because I searched out the world for my answers. I found drugs and it left me searching for more and more. God was always instilled in me as a child but I fed the flesh and it was the dominate force running my life and chose the wrong over the right all the time. I chose instant gratification over the eternal satisfaction I was taught.

I was finally locked up for a year and God wasn't finished with me and I could no longer run. He provided me a way to Safe Harbor Erin and it is where I have been the last few months. When I first arrived I was lost and torn about life in general, yet the more I searched the more God was speaking to me in these halls and in the groups.

If you seek you shall find and I must say with Safe Harbor and Gods help I have arrived and am showing up in my life. I have been part of the remodel here and it is an honor to be a part or to play a part in giving back to a program that gave me so much.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord “plans to

prosper you and not harm you. Plans to give you a hope and a future.

Sincerely : Adam Ennis"

Battle in the Saddle 2022

Battle in the Saddle 2022… what a weekend!

We want to thank every one of you who came out to support Safe Harbor & Battle in the Saddle. We had another amazing year, despite the weather not wanting to cooperate with us. With all of the support from our amazing sponsors and competitors we were able to raise $37,710.21!

New this year was two days of awesome pole bending competition. We were able to watch top notch competitors and their horses turn in blazing fast times. We had a total of 144 runs over the two days and paid out $7,104. Congratulations to our Average Winners; 1D – Josh Morton, 2D – Jaelyn Cooper, & 3D Amanda Ervin. We plan to have Pole Bending back for 2023 and have some really cool things in the works for next year as well!

Our Young Guns competition was nothing short of amazing. Seeing these kids giving it all they have is nothing less than impressive. Friday night Darcy Dement set the pace in the Young Guns class which rolled over into the Open. Her and her horse, Hel on Socks, ended up winning 2nd in the Open with a 14.825. Saturday and Sunday’s Young Guns winner, Kanely Cooper, followed in Darcy’s footsteps winning the Young Guns each day and then placing 2nd in the Open both days as well. It is safe to say that these kids are definitely “gunning” for the first when they enter into the arena.

Young Guns Average winners were 1D - Kanely Cooper, 2D – Madelyn Gregory, 3D – Sara Bryn Chambers.

Open Barrels had a total of 971 entries even with the not-so-great weather we were handed. Friday night’s win went to Darby Toole on Spit N Fire with a 14.758. Saturday’s round win went to the one and only, Billy Hatzman on Honor Bounds Ghost. Sunday Sierra Waldrep & Lordy Hez Dashin clinched the win being the last runner of the weekend. They ran a 14.443 to change things up for everyone. Goes to prove that it all comes down to that final horse.

Open Average winners were 1D – Kanely Cooper on Red Native Dunit, 2D – Denise Evans on Famous Rolling Stone, 3D – Peggy Pulley on Gunner and 4D – Tylee Tummins on Jessie.

Total Payout for BITS 2022 was $81,233.50 plus awards. Total Entries – 1,745 (Young Guns, Open, Sidepots, Poles)

We cannot thank our sponsors enough for all they do for Battle in the Saddle. Without them our shows would not continue to happen. If you have a chance to thank them, please do…

D&S Builders, Tennessee Tractor, LLC, IGA Insurance, Nationwide Insurance, Tractor Supply, The Drag Queen Arena Drag – Randy Price, Jim & Sue Oaks, Paul Bailey, KT Produce, Netgain, Donald Roberts, Maxine & Bill Shirk, OakTenn, WASCO, Sun Electric, Barry & Maria Jenkins, David & Lynn Elkins, Kyle & Jamie Bennett, Benjamin & Jennifer Woodby, Linda & James Williams, Salon OC, Janice & Jerry Clark, Church Weber, Shawn Gallant, and the Mitchell Family.

To our ground crew who are some of the best in the business, THANK YOU! Thank you for keeping the ground safe and consistent all weekend. You all put so much care into making sure we have the best footing possible, and the times turned in prove that to be true. Travis Childress, John Osborne, Maddox Pinner, & Rodney Ervin thank you for the long hours this past weekend.

Thank you to Brent Puhl for the countless hours behind the camera and for having the webcast for everyone to watch. Please support our photographer and be sure to purchase your favorite pictures from this weekend!

To all of our vendors thank you for being with us. If you weren’t able to snag up some good deals this weekend, be sure to catch up with all of them on Facebook. There was something for everyone there and we hope to have all of you back next year!

Thank you to JHA Saddle & Tack for once again providing a 5 Star Pad for our raffle! Congrats to the winner as well.

To the Agricenter Showplace Staff we thank you for letting us use your facility once again. Thank you for all the help you provide to our show staff and competitors.

Tennessee Tractor where do we even begin! With the world we are living in currently finding tractors can be a challenge, but you all saved the day by having 3 John Deere’s there for our use. Just as the show couldn’t run without sponsors, it definitely couldn’t go on without tractors. If anyone is in the market for a new tractor be sure to give Tennessee Tractor in Somerville, TN a shot at helping you find what you are looking for.

Thank you Randy Price with Drag Queen Arena Drags for the use of your equipment. If you are in the market for a new arena drag visit to see which model would be best for you!

Thank you as well to Ralph Feathers for the use of your arena drags.

Thank you to all who donated a cake for the cake auction and to those who purchased one. Those were some delicious goodies to have to make things even sweeter at the barrel race.

To our show staff thank you, thank you for the long hours and the work before and after the show that no one else sees. It’s not an easy job but we are so thankful that you work so hard to make our show the best it can be.

2023 will be the 10-year Anniversary for Battle in the Saddle. We are already working on plans for next year and this will be a show you will not want to miss. Mark your calendars for March 17 - 19, 2023.

Again, thank you for your continued support. The barrel racing community is amazing, and we are so thankful for each person that comes to our shows.


Celebration Sunday - January 2022

Congratulations to our graduates - Christopher Criswell, Cody Etheridge, Dennis Hutchins, James Dowdy, Justin Burgess, Jeffery Smith, Justin Leonard, Steven Priest, Michael Cain & Louis Taylor!


Happy January Birthday to Justin Oliver, Michael Lininger, Brandon Miles, Tyrie Jones, Hector Rodriguez, & Michael Cain!


Reliable of the Month and Client of the Month goes to Austin Martin. Congrats on a job well done!


