November 12, 2021
Yesterday, November 11, 2021, our Vice President, Bev Schechtman was on NPR!

Here is the link in case you missed it! You don't want to miss this!

Some of you might remember that Maia Szalavitz wrote an article about NarxCare that was published in Wired a few months ago.

We've spent four years researching NarxCare and trying to get media to cover it. So grateful that Maia was interested!

Simply put, NarxCare is an algorithm that pulls from the PDMP and various sources to determine if a patient is at risk of addiction or overdose. We've broken it down for you on our website in our FAQ section. For more detail, look on our website here and here.

If you're wondering how you can help, we have two things you can do!
  1. Send this link about NPR to other media. Greg Gutfeld would be a great one since he has had several segments about CPP's. Carl Hart would be another good person to send it to. Anyone you can think of, any media platform, please send it. Our hope is to get more media.
  2. We have a doctor who has graciously offered to match all donations dollar for dollar until tomorrow, November 13 at midnight. We have gained momentum and need to keep going. Your donations allow us to advocate, educate, and legislate on behalf of the millions of pain patients and prescribers. So, if you can donate, even one dollar, please do so!! Lobbyists are costly but necessary in this process.

Visit our website for important articles, advocacy tools, FAQ's and more! We are working hard daily to update our website to pass on our research and tips on how to advocate.

Reply to this e-mail with any questions or comments.
Keep Fighting,

Claudia A. Merandi Founder/CEO
Bev Schechtman Vice President
The Doctor Patient Forum
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