In Case You Missed it: OTIP in Action! 
After almost a decade of hard work, research, and determination from our Kybele team and partners, the Obstetric Triage Implementation Package (OTIP) is ready to be administered in hospitals around the globe! 
With the goal of reducing maternal and infant mortality, Kybele’s team of medical and midwifery experts developed a triage system that ensures timely, quality care for moms and newborns. OTIP enables frontline healthcare workers to identify and promptly attend to at-risk, expectant mothers arriving to give birth in high-volume hospitals in resource-constrained settings. 
You can implement OTIP at your hospital or within your organization - contact Erin at to learn more about a licensing agreement to adopt OTIP. 

"We, the health workers, are grateful. The numerous women whose lives have been saved and those who are going to be saved because of OTIP are saying, ‘God richly bless you, grant you good health, long life, and replenish all that you lost in making OTIP a success.'”

- Judith, Midwife at Tema Hospital 
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Kybele Success Story: Meet Baby Rita Kybele
This past August, a 38-year-old laboring woman nearly 42 weeks pregnant was rushed from the Eastern Regional Hospital triage in Ghana to the operating room due to breech presentation and meconium-stained amniotic fluid. 
The delivery was complicated by an obstructed labor and because respiratory distress of the baby was anticipated, the midwife and nurse prepped the radiant warmer, oxygen, and resuscitation equipment. When the baby was delivered lifeless and without a pulse, the team responded that nothing could be done. 
Mrs. Rita Aganiba, a midwife Kybele previously trained in advanced newborn resuscitation, quickly insisted that life-saving actions were still possible, including placing the baby from the wet sheet to the radiant warmer, suctioning meconium fluid from the mouth and nose, and beginning ventilation with bag and mask resuscitation.

With these steps and the addition of chest compressions by another Kybele team member, the baby began to gasp and then breathed spontaneously at 6 minutes of life. The baby was transferred to the NICU where essential care was provided.

In gratitude for the life saved, the baby was named, “Rita Kybele.” 💚
Kybele in the Balkans
In September, physicians from all around the Balkans gathered in hopes of improving perioperative/peripartum outcomes for mothers and babies in the geographic area.
Kybele held a point-of-care ultrasound workshop (POCUS-workshop) in Novi-Sad, Serbia. This was a two-day workshop tailored to the needs of local specialists in the fields of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, covering focused cardiopulmonary ultrasonography, gastric, airway, and abdominal trauma sonography. 
We’re so thankful to have donated two Butterfly ultrasound machines for these physicians to use in labor and delivery departments to save the lives of mothers and babies in Leskovac and Tuzla.
“Local teams are ready to work with Kybele in order to improve maternal care in Bosnia, Macedonia, and Serbia. All new Kybele team members expressed wishes to return to Balkan countries for new projects. This was one of the most successful trips since we started 10 years ago.” - Ivan Velickovic M.D., FASA, and Clemens Ortner M.D.

Special thank you to the following participants for making this training successful! 

Clemens Ortner, MD, Obstetric Anesthesiology
Maria Sheikh MD, Obstetric Anesthesiology
Ana Sjaus MD, Obstetric Anesthesiology
Elizabeth Ozery MD, Obstetric Anesthesiology
Craig Palmer, MD, Obstetric Anesthesiology
Ivan Velickovic, MD, Obstetric Anesthesiology
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