York Academy Families:
I always say that the York Academy does things differently, and here's an impressive example. Throughout the month, juniors and seniors in Mrs. Reed's Diploma Programme classes will participate in a collaborative science project and showcase them during the 22nd annual York Watershed Week. The students will be investigating environmental challenges affecting the Codorus Creek Watershed and the greater Chesapeake Bay Watershed in order to develop school-based action plan proposals to address these challenges and cultivate environmental stewardship as global citizens.
They will investigate environmental challenges and determine the state of our waterways through meaningful field experiences and water quality testing. The students have been focused on developing their understanding of how our actions within the Codorus Creek watershed impact the Chesapeake Bay through nature journaling. The project field experiences kick off this Sunday with students traveling to the most southern point of the bay, Port Isobel Island in the Tangier Sound, followed by our juniors visiting the headwaters of the Codorus Creek at Codorus State Park in Hanover. They will learn how to conduct water quality testing and interpret results, Seniors will canoe and seine the northern bay at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Headquarters in Annapolis, MD. Finally, juniors and seniors will conduct water quality testing on the creek adjacent to the school. They will compile their data and share their experiences to create concrete action plans to support the development of green infrastructure to support our local Codorus Creek and greater Chesapeake Bay watersheds.
The students will present those plans and share their experiences with families and community members on Friday, September 27 from 2 - 5 p.m. at the Upper School. Please come! You can also learn more about the project and exhibition below. I look forward to updating you about their journey in the coming weeks.