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Get the Lowdown with Dr. Lowe

York Academy Families:

I always say that the York Academy does things differently, and here's an impressive example. Throughout the month, juniors and seniors in Mrs. Reed's Diploma Programme classes will participate in a collaborative science project and showcase them during the 22nd annual York Watershed Week. The students will be investigating environmental challenges affecting the Codorus Creek Watershed and the greater Chesapeake Bay Watershed in order to develop school-based action plan proposals to address these challenges and cultivate environmental stewardship as global citizens.  

They will investigate environmental challenges and determine the state of our waterways through meaningful field experiences and water quality testing. The students have been focused on developing their understanding of how our actions within the Codorus Creek watershed impact the Chesapeake Bay through nature journaling. The project field experiences kick off this Sunday with students traveling to the most southern point of the bay, Port Isobel Island in the Tangier Sound, followed by our juniors visiting the headwaters of the Codorus Creek at Codorus State Park in Hanover. They will learn how to conduct water quality testing and interpret results, Seniors will canoe and seine the northern bay at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation Headquarters in Annapolis, MD. Finally, juniors and seniors will conduct water quality testing on the creek adjacent to the school. They will compile their data and share their experiences to create concrete action plans to support the development of green infrastructure to support our local Codorus Creek and greater Chesapeake Bay watersheds.

The students will present those plans and share their experiences with families and community members on Friday, September 27 from 2 - 5 p.m. at the Upper School. Please come! You can also learn more about the project and exhibition below. I look forward to updating you about their journey in the coming weeks.

I also encourage you to participate in these activities during Watershed Week later this month.

Lastly, please note that the first Parents' Night Out event will not be held on Friday. Save the date and stay tuned for details about the first one on Friday, October 4.

Enjoy the evening,

Dr. Lowe

PTO Dress Down Day & Spirit Knight at the Revs on Friday

It's the first PTO Dress Down Day and Spirit Night at the Revs on Friday!

  • PTO Dress Down Days are held on the first Friday of every month. With a $1 donation, students and staff can dress casually (school-appropriate).

  • Don't miss PTO Spirit Night with the Revs on Friday! The game starts at 6:30 p.m. (vs. Lancaster Barnstormers). It's also Oven Mitt Giveaway Night. Kick off your weekend with some baseball and time together!

Proceeds will help fund family events, teacher appreciation activities and more.

Purchase Tickets

RSVP for the Onesto & Wonchig Breakfast by Friday

Calling all students, families and staff in Onesto and Wonchig! Join us for a morning of food, fun and family time on Monday in the Upper School cafeteria from 6:45 - 7:30 a.m.! You are welcome to park at Small's Field.

Students should wear red shirts (Onesto) or light blue shirts (Wonchig) with uniform bottoms that day. Families - we'd love to see you show your House pride by wearing those colors, too!

Click below to RSVP by this Friday. We look forward to seeing you!


Meet Our Bright Knight Spotlight: Shayned Hernandez Marin

Congrats to our first Bright Knight Spotlight, sophomore Shayned Hernandez Marin! She was nominated by Miss Browe (Upper School Math Teacher) for embodying the International Baccalaureate (IB) learner profile attribute of being reflective.


"Shayned is actively engaged with the course content in the mathematics classroom. She is always anxious to answer a question, with her hand raised high," said Miss Browe. "Even if she's not completely confident about her answer, she seeks to understand and present a potential solution to a math problem. If Shayned is confused or frustrated, she still puts forth her best effort during guided instruction, small group activities and independent work. While Shayned fits the description of many IB learner profile attributes, I chose "reflective" because she seems very aware of her personal strengths and weaknesses, and goes the extra mile to continue to grow and improve - both in and outside the classroom.


We're proud of you for working so hard and striving to succeed, Shayned!

House Council Needs Your Help to Keep the Beat Alive

The Upper School Homecoming Dance is coming up on September 21. House Council is planning an incredible disco themed night - just for students in grades 9-12. Food and drink donations are needed to fuel the mirrorball magic and keep the beat alive.

Items include bags of chips/pretzels, cases of juice boxes, mini water bottles and mini soda cans, fruit trays, and plates/napkins. Click below for details. Thanks in advance for your groovy generosity!

Learn More & Sign Up to Help

Lower School Students Recognized for Being Caring

At the end of each month, Lower School teachers and staff nominate students who display characteristics of the attribute of the month. The August attribute was caring.

Students who are caring show empathy, compassion and respect. They are committed to service and act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around them. 

Congrats to these students for their hard work and demonstrating the caring attribute. They are pictured with their certificates and keychains. Way to go, Knights!

Support Our Trunk or Treat Reading Spooktacular Candy Drive

The House of Sanchar and our fantastic PTO will host the fourth annual Trunk or Treat Reading Spooktacular on October 9.

To make it happen, they need your help. Please consider donating chocolate or non-chocolate candy, gift cards and other items. Donations can be dropped off at the Upper and Lower School offices through October 8. Click below for more details. Questions? Email Andrea, the PTO Secretary. Thanks in advance for helping to make this our most fang-tastic event yet!

Sign Up to Help


September 6

PTO Dress Down Day & Spirit Night at the Revs (see above)


September 9

Onesto & Wonchig


RSVP by Friday


September 11

Early Dismissal

12:30 p.m.

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York Academy Regional Charter School

An International Baccalaureate World School

Lower School (K-6): 717- 801-3900 | Upper School (7-12): 717-900-5001

Diverse learners. Collaborative thinkers. Bright futures