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Get the Lowdown with Dr. Lowe

York Academy Families:


Last week, we celebrated the Class of 2024! Thirty-one students graduated, and their futures are bright and full of possibilities. I'm very proud of each one of them. Check out these pictures from the York Dispatch. It was a joyful night!

As a reminder, tomorrow (Thursday, May 30) is the last day of school for students. It's also an early dismissal day for both buildings at 12:30 p.m. If you pick up your children, please make sure to have a plan in place to do so promptly at 12:30 p.m.


Tomorrow is also a free Dress Down Day for all students and staff. Make sure to follow the Dress Down Day guidelines. There is no cost to participate.

In addition, Report Cards for all students will be posted electronically to Sapphire on Friday.

Many thanks to each of you for supporting your children and the York Academy. I hope you have a fantastic summer, and I look forward to seeing you and your children in August!

Dr. Lowe

Students vs. Staff Basketball Game

Missed the Students vs. Staff Basketball Game, check out these pictures! It was an exciting game, and in the very end, the staff won by two points. We appreciate everyone who came and cheered them on. It was a blast!

Chalk the Walk Artwork Inspires Kindness

Check out the terrific video below about Chalk the Walk and our meaningful partnership with Kindness Worldwide! Our students embraced the kindness theme, and their works of art were incredibly stunning and inspiring! They all did a brilliant job!

Here are the winners:

  • Best Depiction of Theme: #14 - Abby Gurnee & Shay'Lynn Palmer
  • High School Winner: #20 - Kaiya Newport & Autumn Boyd
  • Middle School Winner: #27 - Melina German & Journey Pauley
  • *Legacy Award: #33 - Angeolina Gonzalez & Jayanni Miller
  • Community Choice Award: #24 - Celeste Mena & Divinity Holley

* The Legacy Award winner is chosen by York Academy alumni who participated as students in the past. This year's Legacy Award was selected by Sergio Paul, Michaelina O'Rourke and Lily McNally (Class of 2022).

The top designs will appear on a permanent “Kindness Corner” near the Upper School, made possible through a grant from the Kindness Co-Tails Fund and the York County Community Foundation.

Many thanks to Miss Davis for creating this tremendous video! Watch for pictures on social media.

Important Reminders

Lower School Families: If you received confirmation that your child is on the Camp roster, get ready! Lower School Camps run from Monday, June 10 to Wednesday, July 3 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. The doors will open at 7:30 a.m. We look forward to an exciting summer!

Upper School Families: Summer School will take place during the same dates/times as listed above. Letters regarding Summer School requirements will be mailed out next week.

All Families: If your phone number or address changes over the summer, please update it in Sapphire or contact the office so we can stay in touch. Thank you!

Knight Staff Superstar: Brittany Gurreri

Congrats to third grade Instructional Assistant, Brittany Gurreri, for being our Knight Staff Superstar! She was nominated by third grade teacher, Ms. Simmons, for embodying the International Baccalaureate learner profile attribute of being open-minded.

"Brittany shows compassion and empathy to all the students and staff she works with," said Ms. Simmons. "She is always willing to take on any task, and her outlook and personality radiates positivity."

Thank you for caring for your students so deeply and giving your all in everything you do, Ms. Gurreri. You are appreciated!

Upper School Field Day

Our Upper School Field Day happened yesterday, and the students had an amazing time! Many thanks to Mrs. Fedorko and all the teachers and staff who helped make it a day they'll remember. We also appreciate the PTO who provided the awesome t-shirts!

Stock Up on Uniforms for August

The York Academy Uniform and Spirit Wear Store is open now through June 30. If you'd like to stock up on a few uniform essentials, here's your chance! Items are expected to be ready by early August and we'll contact you when they arrive. Here's a Dress Code Refresher.

Check Out the Store
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York Academy Regional Charter School

An International Baccalaureate World School

Lower School (K-6): 717- 801-3900 | Upper School (7-12): 717-900-5001

Diverse learners. Collaborative thinkers. Bright futures