Thursday, October 8


Ballots are arriving at voters’ homes. Take action today to secure funds for ECE educators, children, and families—spread the word Yes on F!

Take action—make a difference
Take time to stop and talk with your colleagues, families, and neighbors about what Proposition F will do for you and the children and families in your care. You know best how the pandemic has impacted you, and how much additional funds will help. Prop F releases over $250M for ECE immediately, and $433M over two year, stabilizes the economy, and moves the tax burden from smaller, and labor-intensive businesses to high earning businesses such as finance and tech. There’s no time like now for Yes on F.

Polls show Prop F moves from not passing to safely passing (at 68% YES, only50%+1 needed to pass) if we provide voters with just a little more information on the measure. The most impactful messaging is through relationships—talking with friends, colleagues, families, and neighbors.

What can you do?

  • Talk with families and colleagues in your community
  • Put literature out at your site
  • Sign up to phone bank
  • Pass out Yes on F literature in your community
  • Donate to support ECESF advocacy

More details on actions below.

With apprecition,

Sara Hicks-Kilday
ECESF Director
Phone Bank!
We are holding phone banks every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until November 3 election day—with more dates the weekend before.

Join or lead a phone banking team. Sign up here and select dates
Sign up as an individual or bring together a group of co-workers, colleagues, parents, friends or other community members together. Five callers make a phone bank session a success. All callers participate remotely, and need a computer/laptop. We will contact you with ZOOM information for the sessions you select that have 5 or more callers ready to phone bank!

English-language phone banks—every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Spanish-language phone banks—every Thursday nights we have 5 or more callers. Speak Spanish? Sign up for Thursday!
Chinese-language phone banks—Dates noted on sign up form. Speak Cantonese or Mandarin? Sign up so we have 5 or more Chinese speakers for successful Chinese-language phone banks!
Pass out Yes on F Information at Your Site & in Your Community
One pagers in Chinese, English, and Spanish to download and share in your community!

Make sure every San Francisco door gets Yes on F literature
Contact the Yes on F campaign to request house signs, more literature, & door hangers—and a route map to make sure every door in San Francisco receives Prop F information. Let Yes on F know where you'd like to walk, and they'll try to find a route near you.
Yes on F Visibility Events
Join a community visibility event

Supervisor Ronen walking YES on F
Wednesday, October 7th 2:30 - 3:30 PM
Meet at 16th and Mission

Supervisor Fewer walking YES on F
Saturday, October 10th 10:00 - 11:00 AM 
Meet at Richmond Neighborhood Center (30th Ave btwn Balboa and Cabrillo)

Supervisor Mandelman walking YES on F
Wednesday, October 14th 5:00 - 6:00 PM
Meet at Manny’s (16th @ Valencia)