Mission Focus of March: Women’s History Month 

Raising Awareness about Women’s History Month and Women in the Bible: (this information is intended for parents)

March is Women's History Month and an important time to learn more about the contributions that women have made, historical events they have been part of, and women throughout history who have fought for justice and change. (citation). The Bible is also filled with fascinating accounts of women and their courageous faith and contributions such as Deborah, Queen Esther, Mary, Rahab, and so many more. Sometimes women in the bible get overlooked, but their contributions are so important to study as they have a lot to teach us about what a courageous faith looks like and doing the work of justice looks like. In this month’s lesson, we are going to look at the stories of two women, Queen Esther – the Queen of Persia who saved the Jewish people from death within the Bible and Rosa Parks, who was an Civil Rights activist. Rosa Parks exemplified the courage and strength evident in the Book of Esther. By reviewing both of these women’s stories, hopefully children, youth, and families will begin to understand that our world today needs women who are willing to make their voices heard and speak truth about the failure of systems and structures that harm and oppress people and their rights. We have such a good example of this with the figures of Esther and Rosa Parks.


The Story of Queen Esther by Jenny Koralek (Unfortunately, there is not a re-aloud to this Book)

Summary of Book: This well-known story in Scripture of a Jewish girl named Esther, who became the queen of Persia, and saved her people from death is depicted inthis picture book. The king may have married Queen Esther because she was beautiful -- but she was smart and brave, too, which is why she was able to save her people. With bold, colorful Persian-inspired illustrations, it reveals why Queen Esther is regarded as an example of wisdom and great personal courage. We see through reading this story about Esther that God wants to take us out of our comfort zones. We see how important it is to follow God’s greater purpose or call, like Esther did, even if it involves uncertainty and sacrifice so that we can make a difference in the lives of others. 

I am Strong: A Little Book About Rosa Parks (Ordinary People Change the World) by Brad Meltzer

(Click HERE to access a re-aloud to this Book)

Summary of Book: This picture book introduces young readers to an inspiring figure in American history as it tells the story of Rosa Parks, the woman who ignited a civil rights movement.When Rosa Parks was born, the rules weren't fair to African Americans. She had to attend a different school, drink from different water fountains and sit at the back of the bus, all because of the color of her skin. One day, Rosa dared to stand up for herself and other African Americans by refusing to give up her seat on the bus, and as a result she helped end public bus segregation and launch the country's Civil Rights Movement.

Read Paragraph on parallels between Esther & Rosa Park’s story:

If we look to Esther chapter 4 in the Bible, it tells of a time when Esther, the Queen of Persia saved the Jewish people from death. Faced with the possibility of death, Esther chose to act despite fear when the people she loved were placed in danger. In the same way, Rosa Parks exemplified the courage and strength evident in the Book of Esther as she refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus, sparking the Montgomery, Alabama, bus boycott. This act of defiance and courage is what began her passion to fight for justice and change on behalf of the African American community. Both women fought against systems of injustice and took actions to create justice and equal rights for the Jews and African Americans. From their actions, they developed a new and powerful model of women’s leadership that is still honored today and provides examples of how we should work for justice within today's world.


Discuss the following:

  1. How do you think Esther felt when Mordecai told her that she needed to help her people, even if it put her life in danger?
  2. How might Mordecai’s words that were addressed to Esther, which say: “who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” apply to you and your work of justice?
  3. How were women treated in the culture that Esther was living in? How does the King misuse his authority and power and how does Esther respond?
  4. What do you think gave Esther the courage to confront the king?
  5. Throughout Scripture, there is a long record of persecution and prejudice against the Jewish people, but Esther was determined to protect them. However, by reading her story, we understand that Esther is confronted with a huge decision. How did her faith help her make that decision? What role does our faith play in our decision making?
  6. What did Rosa Parks believe in? How did Rosa Parks defend what she believed in? How did Rosa Parks promote the rights of African Americans and work for justice on their behalf?
  7. What did Rosa Parks do to promote treating others with respect, honor, love, and justice for all?
  8. Have you ever had a “for a time such as this” moment like Esther and Rosa Parks had, where you felt like you were put in a position by God for a reason? Or has one passed you by?
  9. Many times, we think of faith as something to comfort us or keep us safe, but faith also challenges us to leave our comfort and safety. Examples of this are Esther and Rosa Parks. What are some of the hard things our faith asks us to do? How does faith give us courage to do hard things for the sake of others? 
  10. What does it mean to defend what you believe in? How can you peacefully defend your own beliefs today?
  11. How can you promote, advocate, or stand up for the rights of all people, like Rosa Parks and Esther did?


Activities to do at Home:

  1. There are many women in the Bible. Read some of their stories and discover which one inspires you the most and why? Also consider reading Grit and Grace: Heroic Women of the Bible to learn more about the stories of seventeen women in the Bible. Here is a link to the book on Amazon.
  2. Complete the following sentence: Like Esther and Rosa Parks, the most courageous thing I’ve done recently is___________________________________________ .
  3. Work together as a family to put together a puzzle about influential women to celebrate women's history month. (Link to puzzle)
  4. Celebrate Women's History Month with Charlotte Mecklenburg Library. They have a parade, weeklong festivities, and books on display. Check out their website.
  5. Learn more about Women’s Rights online by researching the Charlotte Women’s Movement, which advocates locally for women’s rights here in Charlotte, and discover their mission/ purpose and how you can get involved. Here is their website.
  6. Check out the exhibits, programs, videos, educational resources, blogs and podcasts the North Carolina Museum of History offers for Women’s History Month at the Museum. Website.
  7. Consider participating in a Women’s March to protest peacefully for Women’s rights. Before you attend a March, make a sign to carry during the march. Here is a website with some examples. 


Consider doing this Esther: Finding Courage Prayer Activity on Flame Creative Kids (here is the Link) or pray the prayer below this:


God, we thank you for the example of Esther and Rosa Parks in advocating for and pursuing justice on behalf of the Jewish and African American people. Help us to learn from them and pursue opportunities that advance your kingdom here on earth and reveal your unconditional love and heart for justice for all people. We love you and praise you, Amen. 

written by: Lindsey Odom, Director of Youth Ministries

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