
By the grace of God, CCI is Equipping and Multiplying Leaders in 34 nations on six continents and reaching 130 
people groups! We have now reached 17,515 equipped leaders and are closing in on our goal of 20,000 – much quicker than we thought.
Our Year in Review serves as a reminder of our mission to equip multiplying leaders and a vision of where CCI is going with your help – to double our ministry footprint in less than five years. It’s only been two years, and we believe we will reach our goal in 2023, but we need your help. Your gift DOUBLES until December 31st! 

As the year comes to a close, I'd like to share and celebrate some of our ministry highlights from this past year. Thank YOU for YOUR continuous support and faithful prayers.
Short Stories of 2022
We praise the Lord for appointing two Regional Directors to help the CCI ministry expand into Central America and East Africa. 
Ray McKenzie, Regional Director of Central America, and his Guatemalan National Staff
Bob Loeffler, Regional Director of East Africa, conducting a Teacher Training Workshop in Uganda
In May, the CCI leadership appointed Ray McKenzie as the Regional Director of CCI Central America countries (Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama). God has connected Ray with a pastor who knows the key Christian leaders in most of these countries and has expressed interest in helping Ray get the CCI training ministry started.

In April, David Nelson and Ray held a Teacher Training Workshop in Guatemala and trained 11 trainers. All these teachers live in the Central Region of Guatemala and will significantly expand our ability to train pastors and church leaders in that area. One of the participants, Dr. Isidro, has already started a class.

Ray said, “David, I can hardly contain myself over what I think God is about to do in Central America.” 
Class in Guatemala started by Dr. Isidro 
Also in May, CCI leadership appointed Bob Loeffler to serve as the Regional Director of East Africa Countries (Uganda, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi). In late July, Bob Loeffler held a vision casting at Fort Portal, Uganda, with 20 pastors, with nearly all committing to begin the training. Bob also conducted a Teacher Training Workshop, and from it, six new classes started. New opportunities for training are also opening up in Tanzania and Rwanda.

Bob said, “In August, we celebrated the graduation of 13 students in Pallisa City, Uganda. This class was started by the late Aaron Issler and myself in 2019 and taught by Pastor Abraham Koche. This was the first CCI graduation in Uganda. Of the 13 graduates, seven are already teaching classes.” 
First CCI Graduation in Uganda 
"Since 2021, CCI Thailand pastors and teachers have teamed up with IMB to distribute dry food to people in need and proclaim the Gospel. This effort has led 536 people to welcome Jesus into their lives, and 12 new churches were started. The team coordinating the efforts continues to follow up with these new believers and help them faithfully grow into spiritual maturity." 

-Kittikun Meetang, CCI National Director of Thailand 
Kittikun (right) delivering food to those in need
The Fall Tour
In September, David Nelson, Keith Arnold (N. Mexico Coordinator), and seven National Directors from Southeast Asia set off on a 55-day tour driving 7,500 miles visiting states from New York to Georgia. The Fall Tour consisted of 50 events, including 26 churches. Besides visiting churches and sharing in services, the nine men attended lunches and dinners with ministry investors, a banquet, training at Good Soil (ABWE), a CCI graduation, and gatherings with many friends of the ministry. We praise the Lord for our safety, good health, and all of His blessings upon this tour. 
“We learned that God can make an obstacle (like the pandemic) into a stepping stone for further growth.”
– an observation from Henry Ventura, National Director Philippines, on the Fall Tour 
Typhoon Odette Relief Update
On December 16, 2021, Typhoon Odette slammed into the island of Bohol in the Philippines, devastating most of the island and leaving the island without electricity and running water for months. CCI established relief funds to repair the damages at CCI's Camp Karis (a CCI facility used for ministry training/youth camps) and help local pastors and church leaders get back on their feet.

From clearing the grounds to replacing roofs, all was made possible through generous giving. The relief funds helped rebuild lives and also created opportunities to share the love of Jesus tangibly! We thank God for supplying these funds to support 22 churches and assist over 60 families. Camp Karis reopened and hosted 13 Bible camps with 1,873 youths. Praise the Lord that 130 youths received Christ!
Relief efforts created opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ
Camp Karis was operational for camps thanks to your generous giving
You can help change the world through your investment in CCI by equipping one leader at a time! Through a matching gift from special friends of the ministry, every gift made to our DOUBLE IT Campaign will be doubled up to $60,000 until matched or through December 31.
Wishing you have safe and Happy New Year. God Bless.

Grace and peace,
David Nelson
President & Founder
Crossing Cultures International
P.S. Please also consider giving a Noncash Asset gift, often with tax advantages, at
Join us!
You are invited to attend the next Global Conference in Chiang Mai, Thailand, from November 4-12, 2023!
More info can be found here.
Join CCI on a 12-Day Inspirational Tour from April 1-12, 2024, with an optional Churches of Revelation Extension from April 12-17, 2024. More info can be found here.
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