YW Calgary | Community Updates | September 2019
YW in the Community
We are excited to share with you the latest news and updates about the YW Hub facility, opportunities for partnerships and community involvement. Read below to learn more!
YW Hub facility
We are fully moved in! Throughout July and August YW team members and residents migrated from our downtown location, as well as from our YW Sheriff King site and settled into our new space in Inglewood. As of September 1, 2019 we are open for business; however we have staggered the opening date of the Fitness Centre and Community spaces to ensure a smooth launch. These exciting new areas will be open to the public on October 1 st

Our new home in Inglewood
Community Spaces at YW
The countdown is on. YW Fitness, Community Kitchen and Community Spaces will be open in less than a month. In preparation for launching these new areas, we have dedicated September as our internal ‘Wellness Month’ to encourage YW team members to become familiar with all aspects of our facility. This will ensure we are well prepared to open to the public on October 1 st . If you want to know more about any of the new Community spaces or YW Fitness please connect with our Hub Coordinators.

Community Kitchen at the YW Hub facility.
Renting and leasing options available October 1, 2019.
Be Part of the Transformation
YW She Matters Virtual Store
You can help create a safe and welcoming home for women at the new YW Hub facility by donating through the YW She Matters Virtual Store. With your support, we can ensure women have uninterrupted access to programs and services when they come to the YW Hub facility.

Every donation made through the  YW She Matters Virtual Store before September 20th, 2019 will receive an invitation to our exclusive Open House event on September 28th, 2019.
Her Circle
Another way to support YW's Transformation Campaign is to join  Her Circle , a community of empowered Calgarians who care deeply about issues affecting women and their families. Her Circle members are showing up to lead change by making a minimum annual donation of   $1,200   a year ($100 per month).

Contact Jan Damery, Vice President of Resource Development at
The YW Virtual Store is always open.
Her Circle helps break cycles of poverty, violence, and homelessness.
YW 101
YW at Pride

YW celebrated Pride, alongside thousands of Calgarians as we paraded through downtown Calgary on September 1 st to highlight the diversity in our community and create a more inclusive city. YW Calgary participates in this annual celebration as a continued commitment as allies of the LGBTQ2S+ communities. Our latest blog explains the symbolism of the recently re-imagined pride flag and explores our organizational commitment to reducing systemic barriers for everyone we support.

Ending Domestic Abuse

Calgary has one of the highest rates of domestic abuse in Canada, which means you likely know a woman who has experienced some form of violence or abuse. It’s time to put an end to the cycle of violence.

YW WALK A MILE IN HER SHOES® takes place on September 15, 2019 at Southcentre Mall. There is still time to register and fundraise and make an impact for families in your community.

Sunday, September 15 at Southcentre Mall.
YW Calgary

403.263.1550 | ywcalgary.ca
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