YS Chamber logo  
June 29, 2017                        Events, resources & information for the benefit of our members.  
Check out our new website portal:
And be sure to watch the new video featuring Lisa Wolters  and Nate Cornett of Yellow Springs Brewery about their growing enterprise.

2017 Board
Craig Mesure, President
Nick Gaskins, Vice Pres
Sheila Dunphy Pallotta, Treasurer
Molly Lunde, Secretary
Randy Gifford
Bruce Grimes
Danyel Mershon
Ann Simonson
Ex-Officio Members
Mario Basora, YS Schools
Dave Boyer, WPAFB

Chamber Staff
Karen Wintrow, Exec Dir
Alex Scott, Event Coordinator 
Lauren Mikesell, Weekend Staff
Print/Copy Services 
Color .35 members
         .40 nonmembers
B&W  .10 members
         .15 nonmembers
Marketing Plan members get an additional discount.
Discounts for large orders.
Email your documents and tell us the quantity, paper
& type of copies you need.   It's convenient and environmentally-friendly to shop local!  Get high quality, inexpensive copies plus printing and scanning services in the heart of Yellow Springs.
Click here to be added to our mailing list for weekly information about events in YS.

July 20, 9-10 am
YS Senior Center Great Room

It's a constant threat impacting both our business and personal lives. Come and learn from fellow Yellow Springs Chamber member and technology expert Randall East about these important issues:
  1. What are the biggest cybersecurity threats for your business?
  2. How do these threats impact you?
  3. What proactive measures will limit your potential threat?
Click here for more information and to register. 

Images from our Business After Hours at

  Lodging Tax Being Considered

Yellow Springs Village Council is currently considering whether to enact a local lodging tax that would cover all locations  offering accommodations to paid overnight guests, whether a hotel, traditional B&B or Airbnb. The tax would be a maximum of 3% and only impact locations within the Village of Yellow Springs.
Legislation on this matter is expected at the August 21 Council meeting. It will be an ordinance with two readings so there will be two opportunities to hear the discussion and weigh in, August 21 and September 5 (a Tuesday meeting because of Labor Day). All Village Council meetings begin at 7 pm and are held in Council Chambers on the 2nd floor of the Bryan Center.

Business Education & Events

Greene County Career Center Workforce Education
Various classes and times; 2960 W. Enon Rd., Xenia, OH
Meeting the needs of business and individuals in workforce training and certification. Adult classes.

Clark State Community College Workforce Training
Various classes, times and locations; (937) 431-7164 
Professional development classes and individualized programs to help your employees and company rise to the top.

Various classes and  times; Brinkman Educational Center, Springfield, OH; (937) 328.7972
Providing workshops, certifications, consulting, networking and meeting space to help lead, grow and strengthen non-profit organizations.

Wright State University SBDC Workshops 
Various Times; Various Locations.  Register online.
A series of classes for anyone starting a new business including start-up basics and writing a business plan. Other specialized classes also available.   

Various Times; Various Locations
A variety of free and fee-based business courses to meet your needs and challenges. Information and services valuable to start up business or one looking for new ideas to improve. Mentoring services and workshops are free or minimal cost.

Dayton SCORE Non-Profit Initiative
Various Times; Various Locations
An assessment tool, workshops and mentoring to improve the operations of non-profit organizations.