YREA spring 2021 news & views
Stop the spray - species ARE at risk!
While the risks to habitat & species biodiversity of leaving invasive Phragmites australis unchecked is very real, the spraying of glyphosate pesticide on P. australis in waterways & along shorelines has not be a success and is not in the best interest of our ecosystems. The use of glyphosate as a control should be forbidden given that a recent EPA report  states that this pesticide is ‘highly to very highly toxic’ to wildlife and endangered species of amphibians, reptiles, fish, aquatic invertebrates as well as to their habitats. 

Purple Loosestrife is a model of successful biological control & shows us what could also be done to control Phragmites. Biological control is our best hope in future management of Phragmites if we also want to protect all species & habitats that are at risk of adverse impact from a continued glyphosate pesticide control program.

Here's a YREA idea - harvest the invasive Phragmites as a free source of plant cellulose to make compostable cellophane packaging to replace plastic for bread, produce & more.
RIGHT to REPAIR must be part of sustainablity plans
To be sustainable, products must be repairable so that they can remain in use for as long as possible. It is time to stamp out practices that hinder product repairs such as technology that prevents farmers from troubleshooting & repairing their own equipment. We would be so much further down the path of sustainability had MPP Michel Coteau's private member's bill of 2019 on the right to repair for digial electronics been passed. As we lag behind, the EU implements Right to Repair measures. As of 2021 major appliances, TVs and lighting products sold in the EU will need to meet minimum repairability requirements. While professional repairers will have access for spare parts for at least 7 years after a product is retired from the market the industry is still impeding the DIYers. Thankfully legislation in the USA will loosen restrictions on manuals & parts availability to allow small repair shops and DIYers the right to repair.

Choosing used or refurbished appliances & laptops also helps us avoid the depletion of our natural resources & maintains ecological balance.
Support a local organic farmer
Even if you grow some of your own veggies, you might wish to consider signing up for a Joyfully Organic farm share that you can pick up at your local farmers’ market or with Zephyr Organics for delivery to your door.

Find an organic farm near you. You will be supporting local agriculture & you will benefit from healthy, pesticide free food.
YREA workshops just in time for spring
Organic Lawn Care & Gardening

May 1, 1pm-2pm Richmond Hill Public Library
Zoom presentation and Q&A with the York Region Environmental Alliance to discover strategies for practicing toxin-free lawn care and naturalizing your garden. FREE

Registration begins on March 31 & access instructions will be sent to those who register.

May 10, 2pm-3pm Richmond Hill Library
Zoom presentation with YREA shows ways to reduce your carbon footprint. From paper & cleaning supplies to batteries & clothing learn how to green your shopping choices. FREE

Registration begins on March 31 & access instructions will be sent to those who register.
YREA's submissions to government
Richmond Hill - Permeable paving
King Township - Marylake development
York Region/Vaughan - GTA corridor/Hwy 413
Connect to nature
Right in the GTA, the Rouge National Urban Park’s hiking trails offer you views of the Rouge and Little Rouge rivers, mature forests, active farm fields as you explore the rich history of the area. You won’t believe you’re still in the city! Give it a try this spring.
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