Southeast Youth and Family Services (SEYFS) has been a YDEKC Member organization since 2011, and Executive Director Anthony Austin joined the YDEKC Advisory Board in 2018. Anthony now co-chairs YDEKC's Advocacy Committee. Since 1974, SEYFS has worked to lead young people, their parents, and caregivers on a path to healing, hope, and healthier lives. As a Black-led organization, SEYFS acknowledges that systemic racism has caused deep and lasting trauma to the youth and families we serve, especially those in Black, Indigenous, and communities of color — who live in unrelenting fear of police violence.

The mission of SEYFS is to assist children, youth, and families in achieving safe, self-sufficient, and stable lives. SEYFS provides comprehensive early learning and mental health services based on the needs and strengths of the people who turn to us for help. They are a licensed mental health center and provide skilled, evidence-based, best-practice mental health treatment and prevention services.
Check out more SEYFS success stories and news, which focus on the southeast Seattle community, sign up to their newsletter (at the bottom of the page), and follow them Facebook to see their work. 
SEYFS is currently hiring for several positions, including a licensed therapist, an associate level therapist, an early learning specialist, and more!
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