Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Key Club Deadline to Sign-Up is this Friday
Key Club is an international organization that provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character, and develop leadership by serving children and our communities. Seniors who achieve their 10 hours of service as a part of the organization will have a Service cord honor at their graduation. A parent or guardian may sign up each student for Key Club by paying the $15 dues here:

The deadline to sign up for Key Club is October 1st. Please use your student's Xavier e-mail address in the student e-mail section. Any questions about Key Club may be directed to the Key Club Moderator, Mrs. Kutilek at
Thank you Concession Chairs & Volunteers; More Help Needed!
In the month of September XBC has raised almost $15,000 in concessions due to the tremendous support of XBC Concessions Chairs Kim Loffsowld, Justine Kadlec and parents from Girl's Basketball, Boy's Soccer, Girl's Soccer, Robotics and Volleyball! All of the profits from concessions is allocated directly to the 40+ activities that Xavier Booster Club supports. 

Help in concessions is still needed for October!  
Activities that will volunteer for concessions include Band, Boy's Tennis, Volleyball, Girl's CC, and Wrestling. If your student participates in these activities please review the sign up for volunteer spots. All parents and volunteers are welcome regardless of activity to volunteer. Many hands make light work. 
Donations/Volunteers Needed for Homecoming Pep Rally Next Thursday
On Thursday, October 7th, Xavier will be celebrating our annual Homecoming Pep Rally & bonfire. As part of this celebration, XPX provides cookies and hot chocolate to all those who attend the bonfire. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Kelly Schmit at

If you would like to support this event by donating items or helping with set-up, please sign up here: THANK YOU!
Xavier Impact Fund - Final Weekend at Most Area Masses; Immaculate Conception, St. Jude, and St. Wenceslaus Kick Off!
Xavier Impact Fund parish outreach at most of our area Masses concludes this weekend – please help us reach our goal of raising $525,000 through area parishioner support and build upon the three key areas for Xavier Impact Fund: family financial assistance, teacher endowment, and faith/academic advancement efforts! Plus, don’t forget, after we meet each parish’s individual goal, every dollar raised above that amount will go back to help the church for whatever their greatest need might be. You can make a difference in the lives of students, families and your own parish with one donation!

How can you help? Please wear your Xavier spirit wear and show off your school pride at Masses this weekend! Also, we welcome you to drop a gift securely with a volunteer on your way out of Mass (blank forms available in pews) or have your student pick one up in the Xavier Foundation office. Attending Mass online? Visit to make a credit card gift or drop your support off at Xavier with the notation XIF/Xavier Foundation.

A very special thank you to our stellar campaign chairs Jamie and Tammy McAllister of St. Joseph parish, and co-chairs KJ and Kris Pilcher of St. Jude parish. Together, we know we will meet our goal!
Reminder: Progress Reports
We value the academic success of all of our students here at Xavier as well as the success of all of our activities. As a means of maintaining consistency and keeping up with academics, we are implementing progress report grading the first Monday of each month. A reminder that those kids who receive an "F" on the progress report will be academically ineligible for 7 calendar days starting on the first Wednesday of the month through the following Tuesday. Make sure to work with your kids and have your kids work with their teacher to get assistance in their academics. Kids should also communicate with their coaches and moderators if they miss practice in order to receive academic assistance.  
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