Earlier this week a federal judge enacted a temporary injunction of HF847. This injunction provides public school districts with the ability to enact local mask mandates.
Today we received communication from the Archdiocesan Office of Catholic Schools. Upon review by archdiocesan legal counsel, this current injunction specifically does not include accredited nonpublic schools. Thus, all archdiocesan schools, including all Xavier Catholic Schools are still legally bound by HF847, which means we are currently prohibited from enacting local mask mandates.
We understand this information may be applauded by some and deeply concerning to others. The Archdiocese of Dubuque legal counsel, Office of Catholic Schools, Archdiocesan leadership, and our local school leadership are monitoring this situation very closely. As has been the case throughout the pandemic, our school is committed to providing high quality spiritual and academic formation in a safe and nurturing environment.
We will continue to use the following multi-layered mitigation measures which include:
- Strongly encouraging the use of masks/face coverings
- Physical distancing whenever possible
- Consistent and frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer
- Thorough cleaning and disinfection
- Increased ventilation and installed UV air filters
- Notification of positive COVID-19 cases to those with potential exposure
- Insisting those who feel ill stay home from school and activities
- Monitoring of the public health situation and collaboration with local and state health departments
The Iowa Catholic Conference advises that those with concerns regarding HF847 should reach out to their legislators. Thank you for your support of our school. Please continue to pray for all those affected by COVID-19 and an end to the pandemic.