Wednesday, September 15, 2021
New: Update Regarding Mask Mandates in Iowa Schools
Earlier this week a federal judge enacted a temporary injunction of HF847.  This injunction provides public school districts with the ability to enact local mask mandates.  

Today we received communication from the Archdiocesan Office of Catholic Schools.  Upon review by archdiocesan legal counsel, this current injunction specifically does not include accredited nonpublic schools.  Thus, all archdiocesan schools, including all Xavier Catholic Schools are still legally bound by HF847, which means we are currently prohibited from enacting local mask mandates.

We understand this information may be applauded by some and deeply concerning to others.  The Archdiocese of Dubuque legal counsel, Office of Catholic Schools, Archdiocesan leadership, and our local school leadership are monitoring this situation very closely.  As has been the case throughout the pandemic, our school is committed to providing high quality spiritual and academic formation in a safe and nurturing environment.

We will continue to use the following multi-layered mitigation measures which include:
  • Strongly encouraging the use of masks/face coverings
  • Physical distancing whenever possible
  • Consistent and frequent hand washing and use of hand sanitizer
  • Thorough cleaning and disinfection
  • Increased ventilation and installed UV air filters
  • Notification of positive COVID-19 cases to those with potential exposure
  • Insisting those who feel ill stay home from school and activities
  • Monitoring of the public health situation and collaboration with local and state health departments

The Iowa Catholic Conference advises that those with concerns regarding HF847 should reach out to their legislators. Thank you for your support of our school.  Please continue to pray for all those affected by COVID-19 and an end to the pandemic.
Action Item: Community Service Day Registration Due Today
Xavier High School’s annual Community Service Day is October 27, 2021. This is a wonderful day of service for our Saints out in the community. All students must be registered by their parents in order to participate.

Parents need to complete their student(s) registration for Community Service Day by TODAY, September 15

Please also consider joining us as a parent driver for the day! This day is not possible without the volunteers who are willing to drive our students. It is a great day of service and fun!

Reminder: 40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life will have its Kick-Off Rally on Sunday, Sept. 19 at First Open Bible Church 1911 E Ave NW @ 2pm. Cedar Rapids Life Chain will be held Sunday, Oct. 3 @ 2pm 120 5th St. NW. See website for more information.
Reminder: Transportation Reimbursement Reminders
First semester non-public transportation reimbursement forms for the area school districts are due December 1st. Click the district in which you live to find the form you need to submit. Remember Cedar Rapids school district forms need to be turned into the Xavier main office. Contact Christine or Karen at if you have any questions.  

Reminder: Homecoming Shirts Orders Due Tomorrow
Homecoming Week is October 4-8. Our Homecoming Pep Rally/Coronation/Bonfire on Thursday, Oct. 7th will once again feature a neon/glow-in-the-dark theme as in the past. Shirts for this event for both XHS students and fans/supporters are now available for online ordering. Shirts have designated colors for each grade and for fans. Shirts can be purchased at this link:
DEADLINE TO ORDER IS THURSDAY: Deadline to order is Tomorrow, Thursday, Sept. 16.
Reminder: Flu Shot Clinic
Xavier will be hosting a Flu Shot Clinic on Tuesday, September 21 from 10:30am - Noon in the Novak Conference Room. Payment is due at the time of the clinic. Please make checks out to Hy-Vee for $35 if your insurance does not cover it. Otherwise, bring a copy of the insurance card for Hy-Vee to bill your insurance company. Students must also have a signed consent with them. Please see attached documents for more information and consent form. Any questions, please contact Kris Naeve, School Nurse.
Reminder: Help in Concessions
Concessions is the Booster Club’s biggest fundraiser and would not be possible without parent support. Each activity and sport is responsible for running Xavier’s concession stand 3 to 4 times each school year. September's activities that will volunteer for concessions include: Girls Basketball, Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Robotics and Volleyball. If your student participates in these activities please review the sign up for volunteer spots. All parents and volunteers are welcome regardless of activity to volunteer. Many hands make light work. 
Please sign up today!
Reminder: KAIROS is a four-day optional retreat for JUNIORS

  • K-45 March 3-6 (Registration opens 5pm Sept 10-Sept 17.)
  • K-46 March 31- April 3 (Registration opens 5pm Sept 17-24.)

See main website for more information or call Campus Ministry at 296-6635 ext.350 or email
Reminder: Community Apparel Store
The Community Store is now open and will be available until Sunday, Sept. 19th. This is the place to grab an extra community shirt, a long sleeve shirt or a sweatshirt for those cold days at Xavier! When ordering please make sure you select the correct community. Click on the link below to place your order:
Website: | Phone: 319-294-6635 | Fax: 319-294-6712