SUMMER UPDATE: June 4, 2024
We will continue to send Xavier Updates only as necessary over the summer. For parents who will not have a student at Xavier in the 2024-2025 school year, you will stop receiving Xavier Parent Updates after June 30th. We will keep you on our weekly Good News list so that you can keep up with the many 'Xceptional things our Saints are doing!
Campus Safety/Security & Facility Usage
Xavier families,

You may have seen recent media coverage referencing communication from local public school districts about the growing popularity of Orby/Orbeez guns among teenagers across the country. Xavier High School is committed to maintaining the safety and security of our students, faculty/staff, and campus. With summertime upon us, we feel this is an appropriate time to share a few important reminders regarding these topics with you and how we, as a school, respond in accordance with established policies:

Regarding Orby Guns:
  • An Orby gun is defined as a "dangerous weapon" per Archdiocesan policy (AFFC/ACSB Policy 5131.7a)
  • In accordance with this policy, dangerous weapons will be confiscated from students and others who bring them on to school grounds.
  • Parents/guardians of a student found in possession of a dangerous weapon will be notified and the student will be subject to disciplinary action -- which may include probation, suspension, or expulsion.
  • Xavier will report the confiscation of any dangerous weapons to law enforcement officials
  • This policy applies for all Xavier Catholic Schools

Regarding Campus Security:
  • No students should be on Xavier's campus at any point during the day unless it is for a school-sanctioned activity/practice/event
  • A reminder that Xavier/the Xavier parking lots are not an after-hours location for students to gather and hang out
  • The Xavier campus closes at 10:00 PM -- No one should be on school grounds after 10:00 PM (unless it's for a school-sanctioned activity/practice/event)
  • As we have done in the past, Xavier will be increasing security patrols of our grounds throughout the summer
  • Anyone on Xavier's grounds after 10:00 PM for unsanctioned purposes will be subject to a trespassing violation

Regarding Facility Usage:
  • Students may utilize Xavier facilities only when under the supervision of a Xavier High School-approved moderator (the fitness center supervisor must be a certified coach).
  • Some of our facilities are undergoing maintenance over the summer and will be closed for various periods of time. Signage has been/will be posted to clearly indicate when a facility is closed.

We greatly appreciate your partnership with us and are asking for your help with communicating the seriousness of these items with your student(s).

We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you!
Report Cards are Available for Viewing in PowerSchool
Report cards are now available for viewing and/or printing in PowerSchool. To view your student's report card:

  • Log in to PowerSchool
  • Scroll to the bottom and look for "Progress/Report Card" on the left side
  • Select “Xavier Report Card” 
  • Select the current year
  • Click "Run Report"
PowerSchool Registration
If you have not already done so, please help us prepare for the next school year by completing PowerSchool Registration before June 28th!

If you are not sure if you have completed this:
  • Log into PowerSchool
  • Click on Forms in the left column
  • Make sure that all form statuses are either “Submitted”, "Approved” or “Pending Review” (a green or blue checkmark should be seen)
  • Repeat for any additional students.
Bowling Camp Opportunity for HS Students
Xavier Bowling's Coach Camacho and Coach Sires would like to let families know about a bowling clinic opportunity (run by bowling coaches from CR Jefferson with guest coaches from the collegiate level) for students who will be enrolled in high school for the 2024-2025 school year. Since Xavier does not offer a summer bowling clinic, this is an excellent opportunity for students interested in bowling to grow their skills:

2024 Jefferson Summer Bowling Clinic
June 24 & 25 | 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
May City Bowl, 1648 Trent St. SW

Students will work on timing drills, spare shooting and strike target locating among other skills.

Please sign up by emailing John Staub (CR Jefferson bowling coach) at Clinic fee is $20 -- due on the first day of the clinic.

Please note in your email:
  1. The school your student will be attending in 24-25
  2. The grade your student is going into
  3. Whether or not your student has ever bowled in high school or league competition
Summer Student Volunteer Opportunities in Foundation Office
Looking for your student to get out of the house and do something productive this summer? Want them to gain office experience and help build the resume? The Xavier Foundation Office has a need for summer volunteers!

  • Immediate need: Phone calls to donors! This project will begin early June.
  • Additional projects could include: Assembling mailings, delivering items to parishes/donors, helping set up for events, database/research, etc.
  • No set hours, vary by projects each week – will reach out via email as projects are available throughout the summer.

If interested, email with your student’s name and grade, availability, and preferred method of communication.
XPX Uniform & Spirit Wear Collection
XPX will once again be collecting “graduated” and out-grown gently worn uniforms. These items will be available in August for purchase at the annual SAINT SHOP Back-to-School Sale! All proceeds from this sale will directly benefit the XPX programs, which support the students, staff and teachers at Xavier. When you clean out those closets, please bring ANY UNIFORM APPROVED items (polos, sweaters, quarter-zips, pants) to the main office. Gentle used spirit wear will be accepted too. All items must be without stains or tears. Thank you for your support!
Website: | Phone: 319-294-6635 | Fax: 319-294-6712