JULY 1, 2020
Thank you for being part of our Wow Wednesdays Community.

When we started this newsletter 12 weeks ago, our intent was to bring more smiles, some laughter, and to inspire others. We are so grateful to know that we have accomplished what we set out to do. The numerous emails, phone calls, and messages about how our weekly newsletter has been positively received means the world to us – thank you!

While we have loved sharing these stories and connecting with you each week, we are going to be taking a break from the Wow Wednesday newsletters. Not to worry though as we are only taking a short hiatus to refresh, revamp, and relaunch with a new exciting format.

Until then, thank you for helping us spread the good word these last 12 weeks. We hope that you will continue to share good stories and inspire others on your own. The world can certainly use it.

Take care and stay safe.

Jaime Marco
Here are some ideas on how you can spread human kindness to the people in your life and spread that in your community.

  • Say thank you more than ever. To EVERYONE. Many people are working harder than ever and hearing a simple "Thank You" can mean the world to someone.

  • Don’t make anyone feel like a burden, not your kids, not elderly relatives, not strangers.

  • Smile and make eye contact. People can still see a smile under a mask. It's all in the eyes.

  • Ask how people are and REALLY listen to their answers.

  • Contact distant friends and family, especially your extroverts. The shelter-in-place orders are harder for some people than others.

  • Share beautiful pictures on social media without lamenting what you’re missing. Help people enjoy them for the beautiful moments they were. Tell the story behind them.

  • Stop trying to fix people. Protect yourself. Make wise decisions. And don't judge others for their decisions.

  • Send a message, handwritten note, or some little item just because.
Until next time...

Missed an earlier edition? Catch up here