The Holy Child Program - Instilling Hope Through Healing
HCP School Families Were Moved by Suffering Caused by Devastating Earthquakes.
Joining with other community organizations including churches, mosques and professional groups, the children and staff of Holy Child Program took up a collection to aid the survivors of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

The three major faiths practiced in the Holy Land, Christianity, Islam and Judaism all exhort generosity toward those in need. Practicing charity, the students voluntarily collected money to help those earthquake survivors desperately in need. Despite the daily economic and social difficulties faced by Palestinians in the Holy Land, they responded compassionately to the suffering of others. Voluntarily, the school community collected $327 to aid the relief efforts.

May their compassionate action be an inspiration within the worldwide Holy Child Program family. In a special way during this holy season of Lent, may we practice fasting, prayer and almsgiving in preparation for the joyous Easter season.
Holy Child Program
Beit Sahour, The Holy Land
Please donate today. Your gift transforms a vulnerable child’s future to one with hope and possibility.