Dear  ,

Shades of Pink Foundation California is now six years old! Can you believe it? Over the years, our organization has grown and changed, but our board is still entirely on volunteer energy. Our board has made a commitment to  keep our overhead costs low so that we can put your donations right to work to serve as many women as possible through our grant program

With this in mind, I am on the hunt for a new and much-needed volunteer to serve as our grant program administrator. This person will be tasked with the important role of managing the grant applications we receive from women in need. You will assess the applications for completeness, work with our referral partners throughout  the county and manage the processing to our grant review committee who ultimately review and approve the request for grant funds. 

It's a big responsibility but also offers the incredible reward of fulfilling work that positively impacts your community. We are looking for someone who believes in our mission, is detail-oriented, is a strong communicator, and who can offer five to ten hours a week for this role.

If you are interested in the role, I'd love to hear from you. Please email me at for an application, and please share this information with any friends or family who may be interested in the position. 


Vembra Holnagel
President, Shades of Pink Foundation California

In This Issue
San Diego Businesses Stepped Up Last October

Last October, an unprecedented number of businesses in the San Diego community volunteered to host fundraisers and events and otherwise support Shades of Pink Foundation, California during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

By the end of the month, these businesses raised $27,790 for our organization! That money has already been turned into grants that are going to women who truly need a helping hand as they face their breast cancer treatment. 

We are very grateful for all of this support. These business owners allow us to keep our grant program funded. Each grant makes a huge difference to the women and their families who receive them.  
Thank You to:

"The grants came just in time to help me over the roughest part." Carol
Carol's Story

When Carol received a diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma in June of 2018, she faced surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The treatments left her too sick and weak to continue her physically demanding job as a housekeeper.

Carol explained in her grant application that she was able to go on temporary leave, but the disability payments she received were far less than her salary.

"I still have my normal bills," Carol told us. 

Carol's story is a great reminder that the everyday costs of life, like rent payment, car insurance, and grocery costs, keep coming even when you have cancer. 

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we were able to provide Carol with a grant that covered a variety of expenses, including groceries, insurance, and transportation costs so she could make it to her medical appointments.

Earlier this year, Carol sent us a lovely note with an update on her condition. Learn more about Carol's cancer journey and see where she is today. 

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Shades of Pink Foundation California

Shades of Pink Foundation California is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) California nonprofit Corporation.

 A Look at 2019 So Far

We want you to see how your donations are being used, so here's  what we've accomplished with your support so far since January.

Total Grants Awarded in 2019: 12

Total Grant Amount Given in 2019: $21,830

Total Funds Raised in 2019: $16,872

As you can see from the numbers, we've put over $20,000 back into our San Diego community so far in 2019, and the year is not yet half over. 

The majority of our grants continue to be used for housing costs.  When women are in active breast cancer treatment most are unable to work, and one of the biggest fears we hear from our grant recipients is worry about missing rent or mortgage payments. 

Even as we continue to provide grants to women in need, we are also starting to gear up for October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Although it is four months away, October is always our biggest fundraising month, so planning needs to start early. 
If you, your business, or your employer are looking for a way to support our organization, consider hosting a fundraiser or special charity night in October or any month of the year! Contact us to learn more.

Did Someone Say Bingo?

On April 8th, we hosted our fourth annual purse bingo event, and it was a fun, exciting, and bingo-tastic success!

At 5:30 PM sharp, guests came to Headlines The Salon in Encinitas to try their luck at winning beautiful designer handbags. But first, guests sipped wine, munched pizza, and caught up with old friends.

The bingo was as fun and thrilling as always, and many guests went home with a designer handbag for future nights out on the town. 

We raised a net amount of $7,000 for Shades of Pink Foundation California. That's enough money to fund three full grants!

Thank you to everyone who participated and for those who supported the event:

Gayle Fulbright for allowing us to use her beautiful location, Headlines The Salon

Linda Conover of Leucadia Pizzeria in Rancho Santa Fe for the delicious pizzas and tasty salads

Missy Post of Peachy Sweet's Desserts for the incredible desserts that added a sweet touch to the event
How to Support SOPFCA 

 Hope Partners
Monthly Giving

If you want to step up your donation game right here, right now, then make the commitment to give each month. Through Hope Partners, you can sign up online to make an automatic monthly donation from as little as $25 a month ($0.83 a day) or choose your own amount.

If you want to honor someone close to you who battled breast cancer you can always make a one-time donation to SOPFCA in any amount you like
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