“Sisters, Servants,Soldiers” Worldwide!
Would You Have Plunged in?
It was early morning. Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathaniel, the sons of Zebedee and two others of the disciples had been fishing. It had to be a very discouraging morning. They had fished all night and caught nothing. Nada.

Then came Jesus walking on the seashore. And that changed EVERYTHING!

Jesus told them to cast their nets on the right side of the boat and they would find fish. They must have really doubted the man on the seashore after having fished all night and catching zero!?

And yet, when they obeyed His words, the net immediately filled with fish and became too heavy to even draw into the boat. They began dragging it to shore.

And then John knew. "It is The Lord!" he said.

When Peter heard that, he immediately plunged into the sea! They were only about 100 yards from land, but Peter was not about to wait for the time it took to drag that net to shore! He wanted to be with Jesus now!

We know that Jesus is always on the shore as we travel this sea of life every day.

The question for us, his daughters, is this: Will we plunge in and swim passionately toward Him or be carried about by the waves of the world?

You know the waves. The "urgent" things that sometimes crowd out the eternal things. They are swirling in every one of our lives constantly. School. Ballgames. Homework. Health issues. Loss of a loved one (spiritually and/or physically). Our jobs. Family problems. Financial problems (too much or too little!)

However, in the middle of it all, we are called to be fervently swimming toward Jesus!

Are our daily habits based on our relationship with Christ more than any other?

Do we plunge into His Word daily? Do we pray without ceasing, carrying on a constant dialogue with Him daily?

Are our decisions based on the fact that He is very close to us every second?

Do we control our tongue? Our Thoughts?

Do we dress like we would if we were standing close to His side?

I love Peter. I love that we are told about his mistakes and his passion for Christ. I love the humanity of Peter. I hope that I would have plunged into the water! I can't know the answer to that, however, I am trying to live completely close to Him every day!

It is then, and only then, that can we live with the "peace that passes understanding" in a world in which Satan is walking about "seeking whom he may devour."

Jesus told Peter that Satan had asked to "sift him like wheat." Today that would mean that Satan wanted to put him through something like a high powered paper shredder!

However, Jesus told Peter, "But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail."

Jesus stands on the shore of our lives as we pray through Him daily.

If we trust that, our faith will not fail!

Love in Christ, ❤️

We would love to see you in McMinnville this coming Saturday or at any of our upcoming Ladies' Days or Bible Camps!

* June 5th, Tompkinsville, KY

* June 20-25, Bible Camp Moriah

  • July 8th-10th, Faithbuilders, Tacoma, WA

* July 18th-22nd, Daughters of The King Leadership Workshop, Columbia, TN

* July 31st, Teen Girls' Day, Chattanooga, TN

* August 28th Robertson's Fork, Marshall County, TN

Please contact us and we will be happy to help you find a wonderful Speaker for your Ladies' Day, Lectureship, Teen Girl's Day or Retreat!

July 18-22, 2021.

We are expanding some and can now take 3 or 4 more girls. If you are already registered watch for emails with information. It is going to be a wonderful time of spiritual growth and fellowship!

Contact: sbutt@charter.net

The Bible and the TRUTH about Same Sex Marriage: A MUST WATCH VIDEO

Last week, our son Kyle was asked to travel hundreds of miles to talk to some teenagers who were Christians and who were questioning how Christians could believe that homosexuality was wrong.

Why couldn't homosexuality just another kind of love? Didn't God create homosexuals that way? These young people "felt like" God must have created them that way because they hear that constantly from the world.
These young people were buying into the cultural view that homosexuality is not wrong. In light of everything that is happening and being taught (and not taught) today, this video is a MUST WATCH for every Christian and for every Christian family.

Please save this Newsletter or at least the link below to refer to the truth of God's Word when questions about homosexuality and gay marriage arise.

This video is excellent and full of God's Word. I hope it will strengthen you in a culture in which we are having our eyes darkened daily a culture that calls "evil good and good evil."
Apologetics Press Looking for Writers of Children's Bible Stories

Apologetics Press is in the process of compiling a Children's Book of Bible Stories for the young children in Haiti. The target age is 4 years old.

The list of stories they are using to begin the book is on the left. If you would like to try your hand at writing one of these stories to be translated for them and included on the book, please send you best effort to sbutt@charter.net and they will be sent to AP. We will be updated as the stories are accepted. They will be illustrated as well.

Remember: Simply worded. Not too lengthy. Bible truth. If we work together, this should not take very long. However, I do believe it takes a special talent to relate the truth of the Bible Stories on the reading level of young children. If you are inclined, please give it a try!
We have speaking dates available
for 2022-2023!

Please contact us and we will be happy to help you find a wonderful Speaker
for your Ladies' Day, Lectureship or Retreat!

Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at: www.sistersservantssoldiers.com


"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"
Facebook Group

We are here to help and encourage one another!

I hope you will click the link below and join our
"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" group!
