We've got a new look!
You may have noticed some changes lately to our logo, and tagline, etc. We have a fresh new look to align with our new purpose, mission and goals as an organization. And along with that comes a newly redesigned website that we hope will represent and serve you well. Please check out the website ( www.txsc.org) and explore what's new, including the members area.

You have a user account associated with the email address where you received this message. In order to access the log-in section for the first time, simply click on the link for 'Forgot your password?' and enter your email address so that you can receive a link that will allow you to set your own password to be something you know and can remember in the future (or follow that same step if you ever forget it again!).

We welcome your feedback on this newly redesigned site. We have big plans to continue adding more information, tools, and resources in the future. If there are any specific ideas or requests that you may have, please send those our way via christy@txsc.org, or give us a call at 512-732-9072.
TEA hearing on tax rate rules next week
TEA proposed rules regarding school district tax rates on January 17. You are able to review the language of the proposed rules via the page available in the link below. The agency is accepting comments on these rules through February 18, and they will conduct a hearing on February 5 at which the Texas School Coalition will testify. If you have any questions or concerns about what is contained in the proposed rules, please let us know.

Upcoming hearings on interim charges
At the time this message was written, there are two hearings scheduled by legislative committees to review interim charges:

On Wednesday, February 5, the House Ways & Means Committee will take up their charges dealing with the collection of the sales and use taxes by marketplaces and businesses outside the state as well as the use of third-party tax collection firms by governmental units. Click here on Wednesday to view live.

On Tuesday, February 25, the Senate Finance Committee will take up the topics of Natural Disaster Funding and the Investment of State Funds (including the Teacher Retirement System and the Permanent School Fund).
Election season is upon us
In case you haven't noticed all those campaign signs popping up along roadways everywhere you turn, the March 3 Primary Election is a mere 32 days away, and early voting begins 17 days from now. The deadline for someone to register to vote in the March 3 Primary Election is February 3. If your district has students who will eligible to vote in this election, make sure they get registered in time.

There is a big difference between encouraging someone to vote regardless of who or what they vote for and encouraging someone to vote for a specific candidate or cause. Our Attorney General issued some new guidance on the role of public school districts in politics and elections ( and this cover letter) earlier this week just to remind folks of where he sees the line between educating students about their civic duty or promoting a culture of voting and electioneering. It might a good time to send your district's guidance about this topic to staff.

There are also plenty of public forums happening throughout the state for anyone who is interested in educating themselves on which candidates they may want to choose to support at the polls.
Thank you!
Thanks to all who joined us for our Midwinter meeting and reception, and a special thanks to our reception sponsors listed here as well as Dr. Tom Leonard for an outstanding performance.
Thank you to our annual sponsors!
Texas School Coalition
601 Camp Craft Road
Austin, Texas 78746