Highland Presbyterian Church​ seeks to be a diverse and inclusive Christian Community as we embody the love and forgiveness of Jesus by serving the Community and the World, drawing people to Christ.

Highland Happening

August 2nd, 2024

Worship this Sunday

Join us for worship this Sunday, August 4th as we continue our way through the book of Ephesians. This Sunday we will read through a passage in chapter 4 about the work of the church being all of our work. With it also being the first Sunday of the month we will celebrate communion together. 

For the summer, we will have a one-page bulletin in worship for the summer season. We will take out a few pieces that you would normally see in the bulletin, namely the words of the scripture passage and a weekly schedule. We will print copies of the email bulletin that will have the wording for the scripture passage for those who would like to read along. Copies of those will be available alongside the bulletin on Sunday. 

Watch the service live on our Facebook page at 10:30 a.m.

Bulletin (PDF)
Bulletin (Word)

Free Little Neighborhood Item of the Week

Our Free Little Neighborhood Item of the week is school supplies. It won’t be long before school is back in session for many people and getting the proper school supplies can be a burden for many. Please pick up pencils, pens, notebooks and more next time you’re at the store. 

Garden ‘Crop Mob'

Part 2

Several of our garden workers will be out of town again this week and our harvest is becoming plentiful!  Please stick around after worship the next two Sundays and come down to the garden to help us harvest.

Happy Highlanders Cumberland Theater 

Tuesday, September 17

The highly anticipated Happy Highlanders event is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17, when we will attend the Cumberland County Playhouse comedy, Unnecessary Farce. We will carpool from Highland to Crossville, enjoy the show, have an early dinner after at the Homestead Harvest Restaurant at Cumberland Mountain State Park, and return to Highland. The show is at 1pm (Central), so we will plan to leave at 10:45. Tickets need to be purchased by mid-August. Please contact Pastor Matthew to purchase your ticket for $25.

Blount County Pride Events 

Join Blount County Pride for two community events coming up. On Saturday, August 31st there will be a Visibility Rally in downtown Maryville on Broadway. More details to come about timing. 

On Sunday, September 8, Blount Co. Pride will host an interfaith worship service at the Bird and the Book. More details to come about timing, but please put both of these events on your calendar. 

Prayers, Concerns and Joys

Please pray for our members, families, and friends.

We lift-up prayers for those among our community who are shut in. Be with them as they are separated in body from their loved ones.

Rich and Carole’s Friend - Let us hold in prayer the family of Rachel Hembry, a friend of Rich and Carole that we had previously prayed for. Rachel recently passed away. Please keep her loved ones in your prayers. 

Gavin Morris and Charlotte Tymon - Prayers for our recent high school graduates who will be heading off to college in the next few weeks!

Christie Morris’ foster child - Prayers for Christie’s ‘bonus kid’, Quail, who will be starting a new job and beginning at a new school this year. 

David Kemp’s friend - Prayers for Paul Coffin, a friend of David’s who is undergoing chemo treatment. 

Christie’s Student Updates - Christie Morris requests prayers for her student, Kayden, who has a brain tumor and will travel to Memphis at the end of July to receive treatment at St. Jude. Sadly, Kayden’s father passed away recently and we ask that you especially keep Kayden and his family in your prayers. 

Pam Clifford - Pam had successful hand surgery on July 19th. Let us pray for a quick recovery. 

Our country - Millie lifts up prayers for our country and leaders during this contentious election season. 

Homeless - Let us pray for those who do not have a safe space to stay on any given night. As warm weather approaches, let us pray for those who are forced by life’s circumstances to sleep outside or wherever they can find. 

Ukraine - Let us continue to keep the people of Ukraine in our prayers as the war there continues on well past two years. 

Palestine and Israel - Prayers for peace and reconciliation as the war between Palestine and Israel continues.

July Birthdays

Danny Pierce - Aug. 2

Vandy Kemp - Aug. 3

Jeff Schenk - Aug. 4

Patricia Cox - Aug. 5

Connor White - Aug 14

Teegun Slagle - Aug. 16

Elan Lloyd - Aug. 17 

Wesley Meade - Aug.18

Matthew Baker - Aug.26

Piper Webb - Aug. 26

Jacobi Yerby - Aug. 26

If there are any announcements that you would like to include in the Highland Happening, please email office@highlandpresby.org by noon the Wednesday prior to the Highland Happening going out.

Click the button above to visit our online giving page. It only take a few minutes to set up an account and you can schedule automatic payments to keep up with your pledge.

Visit the new calendar page on the Highland website to stay up to date with what is happening in the life of the church.  

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