April 18, 2024

Dear Members and Friends of Reynoldsburg Community Church:

Greetings in Christ!

I write to share a decision I’ve made regarding our worship schedule.

When we first came back from the pandemic, our intent was to have two in-person worship services—traditional worship at 9 am and contemporary worship at 10:30 am.  We then added an 11:30 am traditional service because the social distancing requirements at the time demanded it.

As social-distancing requirements ended, we continued the 11:30 am traditional service in hopes that it would grow. Sadly, that has not been the case. What began as a necessity has become a convenience, and I believe it’s not the best use of the resources God has entrusted to us.

Let me explain my rationale:

  • Our 11:30 am service has not grown in the past 3 ½ years and presently has an average attendance of 66 people. Fifty percent of those attending are members of the choir, staff, or other servants who worship at other times and come to this service to serve.
  • In the past year, 97 people have attended the 11:30 am service at least six times. Of them, 56 are members of the choir, church staff, or are there to serve but regularly worship at a different service. Of the other 41 people, the overwhelming majority would be able to attend other worship offerings—and experience the gift of being part of a larger worshipping congregation.
  • Recently, about ten people who had regularly attended the 11:30 am service have begun regularly attending the 9am service instead.
  • There is plenty of room for those who attend the 11:30 am service to fit in the seating available for the 9am service—and we’re committed to offer a second traditional service if/when there is a need (such as Easter Sunday).

Church polity gives the responsibility for setting the times for worship to the pastor, and with this context, I’ve decided it’s time to stop offering the 11:30 am worship service after Pentecost Day, which is May 19, 2024.

I realize there may be a few people who find it impossible to come to their preferred style of worship at 9 am or to adjust to a different style of worship at 10:30 am—but I believe this will be a significant minority. Those who choose not to adjust their worship time can worship online at 9am or on-demand until the evening each Monday.

I will be glad to discuss this decision with anyone.  Please feel free to call me at 614-866-5864 or e-mail me at jgreenway@reycc.com.

I’m blessed and honored to be your pastor.

Jeff Greenway

Lead Pastor
