Do you own heavy-duty milk crates? Do you like discounts on used books? Well, we have a deal for you!!!
CHSRC is moving this summer (date TBD) and we are in need of 600 strong crates and boxes to pack our inventory of GREAT homeschool books.
We know this sounds like A LOT of crates (yes, we are scared), but we hope you will be able to help by lending us yours.
Beginning June 1st, you can drop off crates and boxes at the Devonshire location. Crates need to be clearly marked with your name and contact info.
During the GRAND OPENING (date TBD) all the loaned crates will be stacked and ready for pick-up.
After you pick up your crates you will receive a 10% OFF Used Books coupon that can be stacked on top of our 40% GRAND OPENING SALE.
That's a total of 50% OFF USED BOOKS!!! WOW!!!
We will also gratefully accept crate-sized cardboard boxes as a donation.