Hello Cultural Sector!
We are thrilled that so many of you will be receiving Working Washington 5 (WW5) funds. Simply extraordinary! Advocating for that $45 million has been a nearly two-year campaign for Inspire Washington and our state-wide partners (ArtsWA, Humanities, WA, ArtsFund, WA Filmworks, WAMA, and others). The work has been deeply challenging with both ups and downs, but seeing valuable organizations like yours receive the support you deserve makes our hard work worthwhile. This is your win too. It is the victory of the entire state's cultural sector and all our invested partners for providing Inspire Washington with the financial resources to champion this historic support. We are honored to share this victory with you!
The next legislative session begins in January. The wheels are already in motion for a new request of $50 million to be distributed over two years. Like your businesses, Inspire WA has struggled due to the pandemic. Since our work is political, we haven't been eligible for many of the relief grants. We spent most of our savings to secure WW5 funding and our coffers are nearly empty. We have worked tirelessly to represent your cultural programs and secure financial support, but there's still so much left to do. Inspire Washington must remain visionary, ambitious, collaborative, and aggressive for the cultural sector. Please consider investing in our advocacy objectives by joining as an invested cultural partner. We exist because of the growing list of partners that pledge dues every year. Like you, it's been a hard year for us, so we implore you to seriously consider joining our circle. Click here to learn more.
Thank you for all that you do. Please reach out if you have any questions!
Manny, Jessi, and Madeline