Upskilling existing staff for hard-to-fill positions can be a challenge for any business. WDB is partnering with California Steel to provide training for advanced structural and pipeline welding – providing the Fontana company with a skilled labor pool to install, maintain and repair systems internally and prevent expensive outside costs that would otherwise be required. Incumbent worker training is available to businesses throughout San Bernardino County, benefiting both the employer and employee. For more information, click here.
Miguel Martinez (left) and Elinor Gutierez were hired by Tube Bending Technology in Apple Valley through WDB’s On-The-Job Training program.
Like many companies, Tube Bending Technology in Apple Valley had struggled to find qualified job candidates during the COVID-19 pandemic. The company used multiple online recruiting services before connecting with WDB Business Services Representative Salvatore Monica. Through WDB’s On-The-Job Training (OJT) incentives, Tube Bending was able to fill two positions and soon will be posting two more. “With the help of Sal and the vast amount of information he gave, we have been successful with – and are grateful for – this program,” said Lisa Hatch, Human Resources Manager at Tube Bending. For more, click here.
Last month, we told you how Titus MRF Services was able to fill mission-critical positions with the help of WDB and the InTech Center. In this new video (left), the company discusses how important that partnership has been.
Message from the Chair
WDB: Business owners here to help you
Phil Cothran, Chairman, San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board
As a business owner myself, I understand how important my team is to our company’s success. For many, finding the right employees is more difficult now than it’s ever been, with the COVID-19 pandemic disrupting the labor force in all sorts of ways. Our Workforce Development Board is made up of leaders and influencers – many of them business owners and employers – all committed to ensuring that San Bernardino County is building a robust 21st century labor pool. Our workforce development staff meets regularly with employers to help better understand their needs and create programs and services that help job seekers and businesses succeed. A few of our recent successes are noted above, but they’re only part of the story. Check out what WDB has to offer by visiting our website. And let us know how we can help you by contacting our Business Services team. Thank you for supporting our efforts.
Labor Market Update
SB County adds 80,000+ jobs since May
San Bernardino County saw a 0.2% improvement in its unemployment rate in January, continuing a trend that has seen the rate fall in eight of the past nine months. Although total employment dipped slightly during January, it was offset by a post-holiday decline in the labor force.The county has now regained more than 80,000 jobs since May – or 58% of the 138,500 non-farm jobs lost during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. That far outpaces the state’s overall recovery rate (39%) and is another indication of the county’s critical role in the post-pandemic recovery. Click here for the complete Inland Empire jobs report for December.
WDB hosts free virtual seminars throughout the week to help job seekers on topics such as interviewing skills, resume building and navigating the employment resources available during the pandemic. If you know of anyone who could use this valuable assistance, a calendar of upcoming sessions is available here.
In the meantime, feel free to check out these upcoming events.
Thursday, March 25 (10-11:30 a.m.) Fair Hiring Practices: Second Chance Employment. Free Zoom conference. Register here.
Wednesday, April 14 (9-10:30 a.m.) Next WDB General Board meeting.
For archived videos of our free Business Services webinars, click here.