“We’re fortunate here in San Bernardino County and the Inland Empire to have one of the strongest health care networks anywhere, with internationally respected hospitals, world-class physicians and a support system to match. Our Workforce Development team is doing a great job of building a labor pool to meet the needs of this growing, critical industry, and ensuring a healthier future for our robust region.”
Curt Hagman, Chairman
County Board of Supervisors
WDB plays a critical role as demand for healthcare workers surges in the IE
An analysis of state Employment Development Department data shows that more than 130,000 jobs related to healthcare will open up in the Inland Empire over a 10-year period, making it one of our region’s most in-demand career fields.

WDB has launched or is supporting a number of initiatives in recent years to address this critical need, including:
– A partnership with Arrowhead Regional Medical Center’s School of Radiology Technology and Crafton Hills College to help students earn their Radiology Technician certification, including paying for books, scrubs, shoes and licensing.

– A partnership between Reach Out and Victor Valley College to bring the first Community Health Worker Apprenticeship program in the state to the IE.

– Partnerships with training providers, community colleges and fire departments to put into place career pathways to address the EMT shortage across the region.

In addition to these specific initiatives, WDB offers a variety of services to help connect job seekers and healthcare providers looking for qualified employees, such as On-The-Job Training, resume building, interview skills development and more.

These efforts are paying off. Last year, we told you about Hanh Tran, who pursued a career as a Radiology Technician through the Crafton Hills program – inspired by what she had experienced during her mother’s battle with pancreatic cancer.

“So many people helped her, and so many people have helped me, I want to pay it forward,” Tran said.
Latest Labor Market Intelligence Report
Payrolls in County edge closer to 1 million as pre-pandemic employment returns
San Bernardino County has now reclaimed more than 99% of jobs lost during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the latest data from the California Employment Development Department (EDD), employment in the county grew by another 2,500 during December – to 940,800. That's only 4,800 jobs below the pre-pandemic total of 945,800 in December 2019, and represents one of the fastest recovery rates in California.
Joblessness fell to 5.2% in December – the lowest rate since March 2020. The improved jobs picture is being led by a continued surge in hiring among companies serving the supply chain and the hospitality industry.
Message from the Chair
Young labor pool proves a competitive advantage for SB County
Phil Cothran, Chair
San Bernardino County WDB

As a Baby Boomer myself, I have read with great interest all of the news coverage regarding the COVID Retirement Boom and its impact on the labor market.

I am also reminded how uniquely positioned we are here in San Bernardino County – with a workforce pipeline that continues to grow and replenish itself. Today, the median age of residents in our county is 33. That’s five years younger than the national average – and a distinct competitive advantage for businesses looking to grow.

Looking ahead, it gets even better: 26% of residents in our county are under the age of 18 – 4 percentage points above the state and national averages.

Combine all of that with the services, career pathways and On-The-Job training available through WDB and our network of partners, and the future could not be more promising.

We look forward to continue building our talent pool, and providing businesses with the support they need to continue succeeding.
In celebration of Black History Month, we proudly remember the many contributions made to our county and our workforce development efforts by Dr. Audrey Mathews, who passed away in 2020. Since 2009, Dr. Mathews had served as a member of the County’s Workforce Investment Board and as a committee member for its successor, the WDB. This mural in her honor appears at our East Valley America's Job Center of California.
Stat of the Month
My first job was in the summer between my junior and senior years in high school. I worked as a lifeguard at Raging Waters. I remember needing a summer job to pay for gas and car insurance, and after taking a Red Cross lifeguard/CPR course, and barely passing a swim test, I landed the job. It paid slightly over minimum wage and it came with three pairs of red lifeguard swim trunks, a whistle and free lunch at the Snack Shack during a full shift. I can recall the anxiety and stress I felt on my first Saturday during opening Memorial Weekend when there were so many swimmers in the wave pool that it was difficult to see below the surface of the water. Focus and the ability to react was paramount! I had multiple saves that day, we all did, and I quickly realized the importance of the role. As I reflect back on that summer experience, I learned responsibility, being committed to an endeavor – even when my friends were headed to the beach. The attention to meeting each guest’s needs was critical. I think I matured a little that summer, and left feeling proud to be a part of a community of peers who worked together to ensure everyone was safe.
Spread the Word!
Coming up
WDB hosts free virtual seminars throughout the week to help job seekers on topics such as interviewing skills, resume building and navigating the employment resources available during the pandemic. If you know of anyone who could use this valuable assistance, a calendar of upcoming sessions is available here.

In the meantime, here are some upcoming events and release dates.

Friday, March 4: Bureau of Labor Statistics releases its February U.S. jobs report.

Wednesday, March 9: WDB Executive Board meeting.

Friday, March 11: California EDD releases its January jobs report.
For archived videos of our free Business Services webinars, such as this one on labor law, click here.
Stay up to date
Click here to catch up on past editions of Workforce Update, WDB’s monthly e-newsletter and labor market intelligence report.

If you know others who would like to receive this timely and important information, please invite them to join our mailing list at info.workforce@wdd.sbcounty.gov.