Labor Market Update
Lockdown impacts SB County/IE jobs market
The COVID-19 lockdown drove up unemployment rates in San Bernardino County and the Inland Empire as 2020 drew to a close. Across the two-county region, the leisure and hospitality sectors recorded the biggest job losses – down 8,600 from November. Of those, restaurants and drinking establishments represented 7,600 lost jobs, as even outdoor dining was halted. On the plus side, professional and business services added 2,400 jobs, while education and health services added 1,500. Click here for the complete Inland Empire jobs report for December.
Message from the Chair
Your source for Labor Market Intelligence
Even in unpredictable times such as these, there is no more predictable indicator of economic health than the labor market. That’s where we come in – as your source for local labor market intelligence. Every month – in this newsletter and on our website – we will provide you with the most comprehensive information available on San Bernardino County employment trends. Along with the support services we offer businesses on a regular basis, we hope this information helps you prepare for the recovery ahead. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. For more on our services, please visit our website.

Phil Cothran, Chairman, San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board
Prison 2 Employment: “We need someone in our corner”
Tom Amberson had college degrees and plenty of work experience, but a felony conviction and nearly six years in prison made him unhirable in the eyes of many would-be employers. “I applied for lots of jobs, but kept getting ‘no’s’ along the way. It’s so discouraging,” says Amberson, who found life after incarceration every bit as challenging – and in some ways, even more so – than his time spent behind bars. That is, until Goodwill Industries took him under his wing and, with the support the state’s Prison to Employment Initiative (P2E), provided him the pathway to rebuild his life at age 65. For more on P2E and WDB's work in helping formerly incarcerated individuals live independent lives, click here.
Making Recycling Safer, One Commercial Sorter At A Time
When our Workforce Development Business Services representative, Eric Rivas, contacted Titus MRF Services, the company was struggling with hiring qualified staff. "When Eric found us, a number of our employees were retiring and we desperately needed to fill those vacancies," said Case Atchison, VP of Sales and Design for Titus Manufacturing Services.

Based in Fontana since 2001, Titus serves the commercial recycling industry by manufacturing optical sorting units for various applications. They hire specialized and highly experienced positions such as AutoCad specialists, structural and electrical engineers, certified welders and maintenance mechanics. Case says that what sets Titus apart from its competitors is two-pronged – its recycling and its partnerships. "We make trash safer, because instead of people hand sorting to separate trash from recyclables, we engineer and build optical sorters to help them automatically sort. We also value partnerships, because sometimes our competitors become our clients. While other companies may fall apart during hard times, we grow because of these partnerships we build," Case said.

Appreciating partnerships, Case was excited about the Workforce Development partnership with the Industrial Technical (InTech) Learning Center, Titus has been able to hire three certified welders with two more soon completing the program. "All passing with flying colors and very eager to get to work," Case said. Titus plans to hire a total of 14 welders certified through the current InTech program, and eventually train-up any welders who might be interested into service technician positions, which involves operating high-grade and complicated machinery.

Supporting local businesses with resources and tools is our priority and our Business Services team makes it easy for you to gain access to these tools that support a strong workforce in San Bernardino County. For more information on services and resources click here.
Do you know about Workforce Development Board Committees?
San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board has three standing Committees in place to help us carry out our mission.

The Economic Development and Business Resource Committee focuses on business engagement in workforce, promoting board participation in demand sectors and developing links with employers in the region to support employer utilization of the system, and is currently Chaired by Boardmember Cinnamon Alvarez of A19 Artisan Lightning.

The Special Populations Committee is tasked with identifying resources for special population customers that may include, but are not limited to, veterans, individuals with disabilities, the re-entry population, and Native Americans, and is currently Chaired by Boardmember Jonathan Weldy of Meridian Land Development.

The Youth Committee assists with the coordination of youth programs and assists with the planning recommendations related to the provision of services to WIOA-eligible youth and is currently Chaired by Boardmember BJ Patterson of Pacific Mountain Logistics.

For more on WDB Committees, click here.