The COVID-19 pandemic took its toll on Inland Powder Coating, as it did many businesses. The Ontario manufacturing company’s labor pool dropped below 70 and revenues fell to half of what had been projected. Federal Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding helped, but what really made the difference was the support of WDB Business Services team.
Now back up to 100 employees, Inland Powder Coating has seen production, and revenues, return to pre-pandemic levels.
“The big thing was, how do we find people and how do we get them in here? (WDB’s Business Process Improvement program) allowed us to have a consultant come in and talk about what we were doing and where we wanted to be,” said Dave Flatten, President of Inland Powder Coating.
Working with WDB partner, California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC), Flatten and his team have focused on what makes the 39-year-old company a special place to work. “It’s because we’re a great team, we treat our people well, and the work we do is important. You can’t just say, ‘here’s your job.’ There has to be a meaning to it.”
Inland Powder Coating has used private consultants in the past, “and paid through the nose for them,” Flatten said. By contrast, the WDB program was free.
“We could have had sales reach our target in 2021, but we didn’t have enough people,” Flatten said. “This program was excellent. It helped us focus on what we needed to focus on. It’s exciting to get our crew back and get on a path where we were in 2019.”