TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2023

On Pentecost

In the gracious mission of God, the joyful message of the gospel ‘was intended from the outset to be infinitely translatable and multicultural; it is to be conveyed into every language and culture of the world.’

- Darrell Guder, The Continuing Conversion of the Church

The rush of Pentecost is the rush to proclaim in every tongue so that all may hear.

- John Flett, The Witness of God

Please note that the SCAPC office will close this Friday at 2 p.m.

and will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 29.

Wear Your Fire Colors

This Sunday, May 28, we encourage everyone to wear red, orange, or yellow to symbolize the “tongues of fire” placed on the apostles by the Holy Spirit to give them the courage to go forth and share Christ’s story. 

Speaking in Tongues

The Worship and Music Committee invites any speaker of a world language other than English to join us in the call to worship this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. worship. If you are interested, please contact Donna Davis by text at 504.427.5581 or davisd3149@gmail.com

Please note that there is no Sunday School this Sunday.


At Wednesday Night Out each week, Presbyterian Women volunteers Gwen Wertz and Ann Van Horn lay out cups on each dinner table to collect coins for the Cents-Ability offering. Started as “2 cents a meal” years ago by Presbyterian Women, the Presbyterian Church (USA) now has a full agency that receives the funds to help the hungry around the world. For the SCAPC PW year June 2022 through May 2023, the total collection was $1,218! For more information on Cents-Ability and the Presbyterian Hunger Program, click here.

Raintree Field Day: June 3 Volunteers Needed

On Saturday, June 3rd from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., volunteers are needed to help 12 residents of Raintree House tie dye t-shirts, enjoy balloon games, grill hamburgers and hot dogs, and eat snowballs! This is a fun day of service that reaches out to teenage girls who have been abandoned or neglected. To sign up, please contact Kathy Randall at 601.519.2413 cell or kathyrandall7070@gmail.com.

They've grown up so fast! Here are the plans for some of our youth alumni who just graduated from college:

ANNIE STERNBERGH graduated from the University of Alabama with a BS in Human Nutrition. She has been accepted into a graduate internship program at Lipscomb University in Nashville and will start this fall.

TRENTON SUNDMAKER graduated from the University of Florida with a B.S. in Accounting and Minor in Economics. This summer, he will work as an Audit Intern with KPMG in New Orleans. Trenton will enroll in the University of North Carolina Master of Accounting program this fall.

DELLA TASKER graduated from Elon University with a B.S. in Exercise Science. This summer, she plans to take additional classes before applying to Physical Therapy School.

WILLIAM YOUNG graduated from Trinity University with a B.S. in Accounting and Economics. He will be interning this summer with Ernst & Young in Houston, TX, and will return to Trinity in the fall to complete an M.S. in Accounting.  

Got graduation news to share? Please contact Camille Zander at camille@scapc.org.

YAF Sunset Kayaking Cruise

Join us for our cruise on Bayou St. John this Saturday, June 3 starting at 5:30 p.m. All kayaks and gear are provided by Big Easy Bayou, and no prior kayaking experience is required. Spots are limited to 15 people so please RSVP to Tyler by Thursday to reserve your kayak!

The SCAPC Session is the governing body of our church and is made up of 48 elders—men and women elected by the congregation to serve as the church’s governing body. Session committees include Community Ministry, Congregational Life, Congregational Care, Finance, Global Ministry, Leadership Development, Membership, Personnel, Property, Spiritual Formation (adults, youth, and children), Stewardship, and Worship and Music.


Highlights of last night’s monthly Session meeting include:

  • Reviewing preliminary input for the Strategic Planning Committee which is currently being organized. The committee will gather feedback from our membership, staff, and community partners through interviews, listening sessions, and data reports. They will then compose a five-year plan complete with goals and individual objectives in all areas of SCAPC ministry. 


  • Discussing plans for a September 10, 2023 churchwide event to kick off the Sunday School year.


  • Hearing a report from the Global Ministry Committee regarding a “Border Immersion Experience” in coordination with Presbyterian Borderlands Ministries.

  • Delighting over Sarah Chancellor-Watson's announcement that she and David are expecting another baby!

A Big Thank You from the Youth Program!

This past Sunday our SCAPC Youth and Young Adults held a “Punchwall Fundraiser” to connect our congregation with the different activities and needs related to our 6th-12th grade and university ministries. By the end of the morning, every hole had been punched and over $3000 worth of resources and commitments had been gifted by our congregation! Youth Director Chris Hazlaris, our middle and high schoolers, and our college students wish to extend their deepest gratitude to you, the church. Your support will be instrumental in maintaining our commitment to leadership development, faith nourishment, retreats, fellowship, and fully functioning church spaces for our kids. We can’t thank you enough for believing in the work God is doing through our young people! Pictured from left are Nick White, Madeline Weiser, Chris Hazlaris, Arden and Savannah Weiser.

Ringers & Singers

The youth "Ringers & Singers" choir, led by Peggy Crain, performed the opening voluntary in last Sunday's 10:30 service. Pictured from left are Amelia Grace Lemoine, Arden Weiser, Corinne Currie, Savannah Weiser, (substitute Hallie Boh), Thomas Currie, and Nick White.

Broadway Night

The Chancel Choir and soloists performed at the final Wednesday Night Out of the year to a sold-out audience in Frampton Fellowship Hall. Pictured here is Lark Fall singing a showtime classic, "Bali Hai" from South Pacific, with Music Director Steven Blackmon on piano.

Getting Ready for Pentecost

In Sunday's intergenerational "Jesus' Miracles" class, everyone was hard at work preparing the paper flames that will decorate the sanctuary this Sunday for Pentecost.

This Week's Prayer List
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