Possibility #4: Hearing Different Perspectives
Lenten Discussion Guide #4
“With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19.26
“Let anyone with ears listen.” Matthew 11:15
- THANKS EVERYONE for making time to be part of what God is doing in our “Possibility” Lenten Series.
- Thank you, leader, for pulling together this Possibility Posse/Pack/Partnership/Pow-wow. These are special parts of the growth God has in store for our Lenten learning.
Let’s Get Started! Let’s go around and share our names and one place you love in God’s creation.
Opening prayer: Thanks God for gathering us together for these fun and holy 30 minutes. Life can feel so limited and constraining at times. We trust in your promise that nothing is impossible with you. Send your Holy Spirit upon us in these moments, leading us to new life-giving perspectives, convictions, and . . . possibilities! In Jesus’ name, Amen.
The fourth God-given Possibility we explore this Lent is “Hearing Different Perspectives.”
1. Share a situation in your life when you’ve felt like an “outsider” or “minority.” Do you remember anyone taking time to listen to you regarding your situation? How did it make you feel? Finally, ask if there is anyone in your Possibility Posse that has NEVER felt like an outsider or minority.
2. On Sunday, one Scripture we heard was Proverbs 18.13, “One who gives an answer before he hears, it is foolishness and shame to him.” What’s your take on this biblical advice?
3. A buzzword these days is “echo chamber,” referring to the temptation, and sometimes tendency, to pay attention to shows, media, and people who espouse all the same views we already hold. What are both the comforts and dangers of such an approach?
4. In her sermon, Robbi shared at least four situations in her family journey in which certain issues were judged harshly by some Christians (and the rest of society): suicide, divorce, female leadership, and sexuality. Do you agree that many in society and Christianity have shifted to a more accepting viewpoint about these topics in recent decades? If so, how did this shift take place?
5. Can you think of an example in Jesus’ life where he went out of his way to engage people who might have held different opinions?
6. Is there an issue about which you changed your mind? If so, can you share it with the group and the story involved in you shifting your opinion?
7. In her sermon, Robbi shared, “I think that most of you don’t realize how special Christ Our Shepherd is and what you can offer as a congregation to a much larger community. If you grew up in a church like COS, your perspective is loving and welcoming. COS teaches 1 John 4:7-8. “Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” How do you think COS welcomes people well? In addition, do you have a suggestion for how we might do a better job welcoming all the folks Jesus loves?
8. What is an important question about this topic of “hearing other perspectives” that we haven’t discussed yet?
9. Bonus question: Why is it important that Christians talk about God-given possibilities?
Closing Prayer: Dear Lord, thanks again for these holy moments with friends in Christ this session. Help us to follow Jesus’ lead and listen to others, even though it might be hard at times. Guide us in our thinking so that we may hold to values at times and/or change our opinions at times if it is your will. Thanks for being our God with whom all things are possible! Be with us this week. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thanks everyone!
See you next week!
Next week’s possibility: Trusting God to Use Us
You’re invited to connect this week with one of these Possibility Posse Discussion Groups!
- Pastor Fritz: Wednesdays at 7 PM via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 835 2431 3363. Passcode: possible)
- Nancy Shepack: Wednesdays at 7 PM in Conference Room. 404-644-4361
- Pastor Miriam: Wednesdays at 3 PM in Conference Room.
- Ellen Pfundt: Thursdays at 6.30 PM. 770-312-0317
- Dean Hudson: Fridays at 6 AM via Zoom with men. 678-938-4437
- Ingrid Hudson: “Possibilities on the Pathway” with moms, Wednesdays. 937-609-0320
- Andrea Fisher & Allison McCumber: “LOFTy Possibilities” on Wednesdays in the LOFT.
- Shelly Jakubowski: "Possibility Posse" on Thursdays at 7 PM via Zoom with youth parents. 858-248-5939
- One that YOU might start! Call Barbara Anderson for an updated list of groups and help with starting a group on your own. 770-719-0790