I'm excited to share that I'm offering Interior Design & Feng Shui classes again! I'm planning a series of them, but first I'm offering a
"Fun" Shui Workshop. You can find all the details below - it'll be a fun, hands-on way to make design changes that support you in your life.
I'll be able to look at your floor plan, answer questions, and give you personalized advice. The location is nice and convenient, in the Twin Cities Metro. There's an Early Bird discount if you register by the end of April. Hope you can join us!
If you're not local - many readers aren't - don't forget about my
Virtual Consultations as an easy way to get Interior Design and Feng Shui advice for your space too. I can answer your decorating questions, help you pick colors or furnishings - anything you need expert advice on, to create a space that you love.
Below featured is a big Feng Shui change we made for a client - new, beautiful flooring throughout the main level. This is a fun one to take a look at; you can see Before photos from the 1st time we designed their space (in 2008), and even what it looked like before that.
Check it out!
And one more piece of news - I'll be traveling to Santa Fe this Spring to become an Infinite Possibilities Trainer. It's another way I can serve and support you in creating the life you want. I'll bring back all the great tools I learn to share with you.
Enjoy the beginning of Springtime and all its possibilities!