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Industry News |
Notice of BC Wood's Annual General Meeting
BC Wood Specialties Group 2017 Annual General Meeting 9:30 - 10:15 AM, Thursday, September 7th, 2017
Whistler Conference Centre
BC Wood will be holding its' 2017 Annual General Meeting on Thursday, September 7th, 9:30 AM at the Whistler Conference Centre in Whistler, British Columbia. All BC Wood members are encouraged to attend.
To register or for more information, please contact me directly at or by phone at 604-882-7100 (toll free 1-877-422-9663). We look forward to seeing you in scenic Whistler, BC for BC Wood's Annual General Meeting on September 7th, 2017.
Industry News
BC Wood's Fall and Winter Market Development Programs Gear Up!
Brian Hawrysh |
With the GBM almost behind us, BC Wood's fall/winter market development programs begin to gear up. The next four months are always BC Wood's busiest time for trade shows. This year is no different with six different trade show programs late September through January. The fall and early winter schedule includes the following events;
IDS West
Vancouver, BC
Sept. 28 - Oct. 1, 2017
Bond Custom House Expo
La Jolla, California
October 15 - 17, 2017
Japan Home Show
Tokyo, Japan
November 15 - 17, 2017
International Builders Show
Orlando, Florida
January 9 - 11, 2018
Housing Brand Fair
Seoul, Korea
January 18 - 21, 2018
BIA Hawaii
Honolulu, Hawaii
January 26 - 28, 2018
These trade shows are an opportunity for BC companies to get their products and services in front of potential customers from all over North America and Asia. Cost saving and just as importantly in-market support are available to BC companies. For more information regarding these events and those schedule for February through March, 2018 see "Trade Events" under the "Programs and Services" icon on BC Wood's website at or contact me directly at
Industry News |
New organization ramps up green building standards
 The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has created a joint venture with Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI) to create Green Business Certification Inc. Canada, a new organization that will focus solely on project certification and professional credentialing of green buildings and businesses.
The new program will be in charge of the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program, a building rating system for improving the efficiency of water and energy use in buildings. LEED certification was previously offered through CaGBC.
Thomas Mueller, CaGBC president and CEO, said it was better to have a separate organization in charge of LEED certification. "We decided that it's a better way to dedicate an organization to doing the certification reviews and awarding the certification under our leadership."
New standards and certifications that GBCI Canada will oversee include a zero-carbon building standard, which will be introduced in September.
Industry News |
Sales Training Workshop with Randy Hnatko this Fall!
Fundamentals of Selling Extended Workshop
 This one-day workshop has been designed and tailored toward arming sales professionals with the techniques, knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their environment, helping them to overcome any barriers they may encounter along the way.
Topics include:
- Using DISC
- Advanced Pain Techniques
- Body Language and Bonding & Building Rapport with Prospects
- Overcoming Call Reluctance and Making the Call
- Advanced Questioning Techniques
- Negative Reverse Selling
Trainwest Management & Consulting Inc. CEO & World-Renowned Sandler Trainer, Randy Hnatko, will teach proven strategies and tactics to navigate today's competitive sales climate. Attendees will walk away with tools and skills for real-world success that they can apply for immediate results Investment.
DATE: Thursday, September 21, 2017
TIME: 9:30am - 4:00pm
LOCATION: KPMG Building - 3rd floor, 8506 200 Street, Langley, BC
COST: $95 per person, $85 per additional person from the same company (coffee and lunch is provided)
Date & Time: October 2017
Cost: $95 per person, $85 per additional person from the same company (coffee and lunch is provided)
Industry News - Workshops |
Robot Made: Large-Scale Robotic Timber Fabrication in Architecture
September 9th - 11th, 2017 (plus optional 2 days September 12th & 13th)
Centre for Advanced Wood Processing, Vancouver, BC
Research Associates, David Correa and Oliver David Krieg, of the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) will hold a technical workshop on robotic fabrication at the Centre for Advanced Wood Processing (CAWP) at UBC Vancouver. While many industries have made leaps and bounds in adopting highly flexible and fully automated fabrication workflows using robotics, the construction and design industry are only just starting to open the door to these technologies. Recent developments in robotics combined with more accessible design-to-fabrication tools can now offer architects, designers and fabricators unprecedented access to a new design paradigm.
The Workshop:
ICD at the University of Stuttgart is world-renowned for its leading research expertise in robot-assisted design
and fabrication. CAWP and the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at UBC is pleased to bring ICD to Canada to offer this one-of-a-kind opportunity to participate in a hands-on workshop on Robotic Fabrication. Using a state-of-the-art eight-axis industrial robot configuration, the workshop will guide participants through the unique technical and conceptual foundations that underpin robotic milling in wood through the development and construction of a full-scale fabrication project.
The workshop is structured as two full days of intensive training with the robot, followed by a hands-on fabrication session the following week:
Robot Training (2 days): The two full-day training sessions will cover an introduction to the computational tools, robot operation and safety procedures.
- Fabrication/Prototyping (1 core day, with optional attendance on two subsequent days): Participants will take control of the robot and assist in the making of an architectural prototype made from large timber elements. Participants will directly engage in the fabrication process by starting with a base geometry, generating a buildable structure using computational design tools and the machine's constraints.
The Prototype:
By using advanced timber fabrication techniques and taking full advantage of the extended fabrication range of the multi-axis set up, large sections of plywood will be custom milled and assembled into a unique one-to-one scale architectural prototype. The prototype will showcase distinctive wood fabrication possibilities that integrate computational design, material characteristics, and digital fabrication in a direct design to production paradigm.
Spotlight - FraserWood Industries
FraserWood innovates with high-end timber products
Just off the winding Sea to Sky Highway running along the coast from Vancouver to Whistler, B.C., the unique wooden architecture of the Squamish Adventure Centre beckons tourists to stop in. The building is almost entirely made of wood. The timber roof is shaped like two massive discs jutting out of the centre of the structure almost like wings, separating the building into two sections.
The company behind the eye-catching structure is Squamish's own FraserWood Industries. FraserWood opened its doors to Canadian Forest Industries in early April to show us how they turn cants into strong and beautiful custom timber products at their facility in Squamish, B.C.
The company has been in operation since 1998 when owner, Peter Dickson, purchased a radio frequency (RF) kiln from his former employer, Canfor. Today the company not only operates two RF kilns to dry massive timbers, but has expanded into custom planing and re-sawing, joinery and CNC milling and glulam.
The bulk of FraserWood's customers are timber framers, but they also sell to building supply centres and log home builders. With a staff of more than 30 including scientists, engineers and R&D specialists, last year was the most productive in the company's history, with more than 1.5 million bdft of high-value timber passing through the facility.
"We're into solving problems," Dickson explains. "When challenges come up, we look at what we can do to marry structural realities of a building with pleasing aesthetics."
As a result, FraserWood has earned a reputation for finding beautiful wood product solutions that fit the specific needs of its customers. Along with the Adventure Centre, the company was involved in the construction of the Sea to Sky gondola and the O'Siem Pavilion in Squamish. FraserWood's beams have also been sent overseas; they were used to create a beautiful wooden art sculpture in the lobby of a luxury hotel in Dubai.
Specifiers Program Update
Normally, summer is almost void of specifier events; however, this year, the program has been quite active! We have held several lunch and learn sessions and booked several more for the fall.
WoodTALKS at the GBM
This year's program has been finalized including the speakers and the exhibitors who will be participating in the Mini-Seminar program. We are very pleased with the quality of the speakers who will be presenting at WoodTALKS and the variety of topics they will be presenting. We have also maximized the number of exhibitors participating in the Mini-Seminar program.
The entire program has been approved by two architect associations for educational credits, AIBC and AIA. In both cases, the associations have approved the highest educational credits they provide. Just recently, we received approval from the
BC Housing - Licensing and Consumer Services (formerly Homeowner Protection Office), for their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) educational credits. Contractors who are licensed with that association will now also receive educational credits for attending WoodTALKS, just like the architects.
This year, we expect a 15 - 20% increase over last year in the number of specifiers, contractors, etc. that will be attending. Also, we expect a few of the American architects who will be participating in the Building Connections program on Thursday to stay over Friday and Saturday and attend the WoodTALKS seminars.
For more information on the above, you can contact me at or call me at 604-882-7100.
Global Buyers Mission Update
The 2017 GBM has surpassed all 14 year historic registrations. More International Buyers than ever before will visit our exhibiting wood products manufacturing companies from across Canada in Whistler, September 7th to 9th. This invitation only event has become the leading business building activity for our value-added wood products industry. BC Wood is pleased with the success and benefits awarded our members through their participation and want to thank our partners at Forestry Innovation Investment (FII), Natural Resources Canada (NRCan), Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and our many corporate sponsors for their continued support - without which the GBM would not be possible.
Registration is now closed for the 2017 Global Buyers Mission, but we plan on delivering the 2018 GBM September 6th to 8th, 2018 once again in beautiful Whistler, BC!
Japan Market Update
As a part of BC Wood's continuing efforts to explore new and growing markets in Japan for our members, we once again exhibited on behalf of the industry at the Reform Industry Newspaper's "Reform Fair." This is the largest renovation industry specific show in Japan that targets professional users. The show is held at Tokyo Big Sight every July.
There have been expectations for the past few years that the Japanese renovation market would start to take off as more and more of the existing housing stock was built under the newer earthquake building codes. Therefore, these homes should be structurally worth renovating rather than just scrapped and rebuilt. Also, many government agencies see renovating "akiya," or abandoned homes, as a way to offer lower cost housing for young families. This can be a solution for both dealing with properties left in a state of disrepair as well as encouraging people to move to depopulated rural areas. The new "minpaku" law which allows for Air B&B type accommodations targeting inbound tourists, has also created a new use for renovated akiya.
Unfortunately, the scrap and build mentality is still hard to shake. Most consumers prefer to buy shiny, new spec homes rather than go through the trouble and risk of renovating a "used-house." This has meant that the market has not yet lived up to its potential growth. Talking to people at the show though, they see this as a matter of time. They also see that the demand is shifting away from the simple replacement of worn out materials to more design driven renovations. For this reason, importers and distributors are looking for more unique products.
Examples from this year's Reform Show include custom made bricks, mouldings, and interior doors made from reclaimed wood, and WRC products. There also seems to be a growing number of franchises offering marketing support and group buying power on building products for small local builders wanting to expand into renovations. This is in response to the major house builders having established specialized reform subsidiaries.
The Japanese renovation market is taking time to mature but because of its growth potential it remains target market of great interest for Canadian manufactures. Therefore, BC Wood plans to return to the Reform Industry Show next year.
Canada Market Update
BUILDEX Vancouver - Feb 14 & 15, 2018
BUILDEX Vancouver is Western Canada's largest tradeshow and conference for the construction, renovation, architecture, interior design, and property management industries. With over 600 exhibits and more than 80 educational seminars, BUILDEX attracts over 14,000 attendees annually.
Join the BC Wood Pavilion. More details will be advised soon. For more information, please contact Ken Hori at 604-882-7100 or
Canadian Market Update
Spring Cottage Life Show, Toronto - Mar 23-25, 2018
The Spring Cottage Life Show attracts 37,000 visitors and 86% of the attendees own a cottage. These hard-core cottagers arrive at the show with a plan to upgrade, improve, build new, or to buy property, boats, furniture, and accessories. Over 525 exhibitors come together for one great weekend to celebrate and prepare for all things cottage related. Exhibitors include boats, docks, builders, contractors, innovative building products, green solutions, décor, arts and crafts, food and entertainment, and water toys.
BC Wood will be booking 6 booth spaces. For more information and to reserve your space, please contact Ken Hori at 604-882-7100 or
Marketplace |
I have very nice maple wood for sale. Biggest one is 3 ft x 5 ft 1/2 long. 32 inch x 32 inch long. 34 inch x 34 inch long x 42 inch (bigger side). Good for making coffee table. Biggest one is $200 and the other two for $100 ea. For more information, contact: or 250-838-2555
In this se
ction, you can post for free anything from job listings (for employees looking for work, and employers looking for new staff), to machinery for sale/wanted, to a request for a particular type of wood or service.
If you would like to include a posting in our Marketplace section, please email me at or call 604-882-7100 and ask for Rumin.
Upcoming Events |
September 7-9, 2017: Global Buyers Mission, Whistler, Canada
September 28-Oct 1, 2017: IDS Vancouver, Canada
October 12-15, 2017: Bond Custom Home, San Diego, USA
October 14-17, 2017: Osaka Living and Design Show, Japan
November 14, 2017: Wood Solutions Conference, Vancouver, Canada
January 2018: BIA Hawaii, Honolulu, USA
January 2018: Housing Brand Fair, Seoul, Korea
January 9-11, 2018: International Builders Show, Orlando, USA
For a list of all trade and industry events, please visit our
Rumin Mann BC Wood |