February 2024

Women’s Ministry

Theme Verse


“God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”

John 4:24


God’s Work at Highland Rivers

by Abby Holcombe

“With God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26

For over a year now our Women’s Council has been partnering with Highland Rivers Women’s Inpatient Rehabilitation. This is a long term rehab for women struggling with the disease of addiction. As part of our outreach and missions division, we have been sending Christian books, Bibles to source their library that many of you have donated for that purpose. Building relationships with the purpose of sharing the gospel and revealing God to them in ways they can truly understand has been our main goal.

We have taught a monthly Bible study on the Women of the Bible. And after the lesson, apply it to them and where they are in their sober journey. My daughter is helping me teach and is a graduate of the program. God is using her story now to help others and they hang on her every word. It has been a process as there are times we are unable to go due to behavior issues. But they are eager for us to return each time. Usually there are 8-10 women present. Now my daughter works there as an addiction specialist and is assisting these women as they prepare to “graduate” and enter back to be productive, healthy women.

Last Christmas, we sent items for personal hygiene, socks, etc. This Christmas, we provided 35 blankets for the women with a scripture verse tucked in each one. They were so grateful. Some are working to reunite with their children, so there were three children - a 1 month old, 1 year old and a ten year old boy during Christmas. We provided clothing, pajamas, socks, shoes, jackets and toys for them. The 10 year old boy stated that “all I asked for was a pair of shoes.” He was so happy with his clothes and a remote controlled car! He told a worker he had never received anything like this before. One worker told me the women were surprised that anyone thought of them. It brought tears to their eyes because they have felt so ashamed, lost, and forgotten for so long.

God has been so good to us as we continue to build our relationships there. Pray he continues to provide opportunities to minister to these women.

“And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

To God be the glory!


In This Edition:

  • Being Disciplined in Prayer
  • Office Hours for Director of Women's Ministry, Mandy Williams
  • Ministry Opportunities
  • New Members Spotlight
  • Spring Bible Studies
  • FPC Women’s Mission Trip to Kenya
  • February Birthdays
  • Prayer at FPC


Being Disciplined in Prayer

by Jennifer Talley

Have you ever been asked to pray for someone? It seems like a “no brainer” to me. However, I have been somewhat at a loss when it comes to prayer at times. I feel that I have been a “good Christian” and say my prayers daily and try to pray for others when asked, or social media requests, or hearing of bad news, but I can truly say that the words or thoughts scare me. What I mean is, I am not sure what I should say or think. And to pray out loud, in front of EVERYONE…well, that is next level people. I want to “do this prayer thing right”! Stay tuned as we begin a small series on Prayer over the next couple of months.

I believe that you can pray anytime at any place for anything. Nothing is too small or too big for our God to handle. You may have heard of The Lord’s Prayer, popcorn prayer, breath prayer, prayer through movement, prayer journaling, and the list can go on and on. I did a little research on the subject, and we have a lot of information out there. The one gold nugget I have taken away from all of this prayer information is this…discipline creates desire. If we make it a discipline of ours to pray “without ceasing”, we create the desire to do it. Many things you might do day after day as a discipline creates that desire. Even if you didn’t want to create that desire…like drinking enough water, exercising regularly and making your bed…being disciplined in these

practices will create that desire and soon you will miss it if you don’t do it.

As we move through PRAYER, we want to refer to scripture, the word of God: 

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

"O Lord, in distress they sought you; they poured out whispered prayer when your discipline was upon him."

Isaiah 26:16

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

Philippians 4:6

In our next newsletter we will discuss how to pray through references from some of our favorite theologians. As we wait upon the Lord and his second coming, we can always thank God for his blessings upon us. Knowing that talking to God just makes our relationship with him grow stronger and that He is always with us.


Office Hours for the Director of Women’s Ministry

Mandy Williams is in office Mon - Fri, 9:00 - 3:00 in CLC 207. You can also contact her at mandyw@fpcrome.org.


Ministry Opportunities

Please consider supporting the women of our church through the following opportunity.

Provide for Haven Health

Haven Health is a compassionate clinic that has served Floyd County and the surrounding area since 1986 and has helped over 8800 patients. They provide pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, alternatives to abortion, STD testing, sexual risk counseling, prenatal/parenting/life skill education, community referrals, and provide maternity and baby supplies.

You can help by volunteering, spreading the word about the clinic, donating supplies and money, and praying.

Items needed are diapers, baby bottles, baby wipes, bibs, onesies, receiving blankets, socks, pacifiers, and nigh gowns. We will collect items outside of King Hall during the month of February.


New Members Spotlight

Julie Fine

Rome, GA, is my lifelong home. Together with my husband, Derek, we cherish the joys and challenges of raising our 3 children—Adelyn, Harrison, and Lily. I thoroughly enjoy teaching at Darlington where I have taught for the last 14 years. Derek and I are thankful for the gospel-centered teaching and leadership of the church and the many service opportunities the church provides. The nurturing atmosphere of the children’s ministry holds a special place in my heart, as dedicated teachers pour gospel truths into the lives of our children each week. Our family is excited to be a part of the welcoming and supportive FPC family. 

Linda MacLeod

I’m a southern transplant, having moved from northern Vermont after one too many blizzards. I enjoy spending time hiking, quilting, reading, and converting decadent recipes into healthier but still tasty meals. Jeff and I have been married 6 years. We have a shared love of music and feel that it’s our ministry as we play and sing at churches, nursing homes, and other venues. Our motorhome is our home away from home, with travel to bluegrass festivals and extended trips as far west as the Rockies and east to the tip of Newfoundland. It was important to us to find a church that included a vibrant worship focus through music that we could participate in. And one that stood firmly on the truths in the Bible rather than being swayed by contemporary culture. We found all of that at FPC. My faith has sustained me through many challenges. My life-guiding scripture is from Psalms 131: “Lord, my heart is not proud; I don’t look down on others. I don’t do great things, and I can’t do miracles. But I am calm and quiet . . .” God has blessed me beyond measure.


Spring Bible Studies

1, 2, 3 John

Led by Joan Brock

Mondays thru Apr 30

in Hardy Classroom

9:30 - 11:00 am

Nursery provided; must register

Women of the Bible

Led by Mary Holcombe

2nd Monday of the Month

in Fellowship Hall

6:30 pm

Rest in The Lord

a two-part study on enjoying God’s gift—and command—to rest and walking away from anxiety into God’s word

Led by Susanna Pippel

Tuesdays in Hardy Classroom

9:30 - 11:00 am

Nursery provided; must register

Please contact Susanna Pippel at 660-624-3781 or 

susannapippel@earthlink.net to sign up



Led by Amanda Davidson

Tuesdays thru Apr 30

8:00 am in Van Dyke Room

1:30 pm in Hardy Classroom


Led by Bethany Johnson

Tuesdays, Feb - Mar

in CLC 203

6:30 - 8:00 pm

Women’s Community Groups

Led by Amy Davis, Robin Sorrow, & Joan Brock

Wednesdays after FPC Family Dinner 

6:15 - 7:15 pm

Nursery provided


FPC Women’s Mission Trip to Kenya

by Stephanie Hill

We have an exciting opportunity this year for our church to send some of us over to Kenya to serve alongside some of our missionaries. 

The dates of this trip will be October 22-31, 2024

We will be serving at a Family Camp weekend in partnership with our Blue Sky missionaries Tammy Preston and Eric and Anna Lauren Cone. We will visit the climbing gym and meet the Kenyan staff that work in partnership with Blue Sky. We also hope to attend one of their weekly youth ministry events. We will spend a day ministering in Mathare Slum doing prayer visits, distributing some food and spending some time doing activities with the children in the afternoon. We are also planning to serve in a medical clinic in an area where there are many Somali refugees. Finally we hope to squeeze in a day of fun and see some of the animals native to Kenya. 

We are hoping to take 10-12 people on this mission trip and more details will be coming in regards to the cost. If you have a desire to witness what the Lord is doing in East Africa and be a part of it, please contact Stephanie Hill at 706-728-8757 for more information.


Get Cookin’ & Support The Mission Trip to Kenya

Thank you to all who have purchased our Women’s cookbook “STIR”. We still have many more to sell to raise funds for the women’s mission trip to Kenya! 

They made great Christmas gifts and there are many other ways to use them:

  • Hostess or Birthday gifts
  • Teacher gifts for end of the year
  • Make a recipe and take it to someone who is sick, or to a friend or neighbor
  • Make a recipe and/or give a cookbook to someone you would like to invite to church

Purchase for $10 each at fpcrome.org/women or contact the church office.

Prayer at FPC

If you have prayer requests, submit your requests at fpcrome.org/prayer.

If you would like to pray for others, FPC has a prayer list that goes out regularly via email. Please email Martin Foster at mfoster78@comcast.net to request being added to that list. 

You are also invited to the monthly Boiler Room Prayer Time to pray for the leaders & session members of FPC. For an updated schedule, contact Rev. Jonathan Schwartz at jonathans@fpcrome.org.


February Birthdays









Charla Brewster


Katie Carlton




Paula Newman


Sara Pate

Chris Morgan



Amanda Davidson


Mandy Williams


Christine Hostetler


Martha House

Julie Mooring


Maggie Graham


Nan Marie Cash


Ali Dent


Virginia Guth

Gwen Cullifer



Rebecca Stansell


Elizabeth Ponder


Becky Robinson

Bella Cox




Yvonne Miller

Beth Loomis




Ashley Evans

Miriam Fuller


Phyllis Pemerton


Julie Shaw

Caroline Davis



Joan Brock


Westminster Shorter Catechism

Q #11: What are God’s works of providence?

A: God’s works of providence are, his most holy, wise, and powerful preserving and governing all his creatures, and all their actions.

Women's Ministry @ FPC
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