Women's Health Updates — April 2019
Learn about recent developments in women's health as well as SWHR's activities that promote the study of sex differences and serve our mission to eliminate imbalances in care for women through science, policy, and education.
SWHR will celebrate advancements and innovations in women’s health by honoring three leaders for their contributions to the field at our 29th Annual Awards Dinner on May 1 at the InterContinental Washington DC – The Wharf. Learn more about  this event to support SWHR's mission-driven work.
In a new report , SWHR outlines reasons why women with endometriosis must fight to get a timely diagnosis and adequate care. Everyday Health spoke with one of the report's authors, Dr. Stacey Missmer, on SWHR's work and the lack of endometriosis knowledge and awareness.
A new study shows women were diagnosed later than men in more than 700 diseases. “When we ask why are there these disparities, I think it’s because we’ve ignored women's health for so long," SWHR President and CEO Dr. Amy M. Miller told Healthline .
Recent news stories are sparking discussions among parents, teachers, and doctors about school bathroom policies. Articles on Today.com and Scary Mommy cited SWHR's recent survey of school nurses on the topic.
SWHR announced the election of two new members to its Board of Directors: Dr. Linda G. Griffith, professor of biological engineering at MIT, and Dr. Michael Ybarra, vice president of medical affairs and strategic alliances at PhRMA. Read more.
The FDA recently approved the first-ever drug designed specifically for postpartum depression. While researchers and clinicians are excited about the drug's potential, some foresee obstacles to making it available to women who need it the most. Read more.
Women and men have different biological pathways for chronic pain, which means pain-relieving drugs that work for one sex might fail in the other half of the population. So why don’t we have pain medicines designed just for men or women?  Learn more in WIRED.
Healthy sleep can be especially elusive for women, and the barriers women face in maintaining good sleep health are often misunderstood or overlooked, according to SWHR’s “Women & Sleep" guide. To get better sleep and truly improve our health, we need a shift in thinking. Read more on SWHR's blog.
SWHR is collaborating with the Be Brain Powerful campaign to encourage women to keep their brains healthy by joining the 30-Day Brain Health Challenge — 30 days of tips on how to improve your brain health. Sign up and learn more.
SWHR commends the draft report's attention to the specific needs of women in relation to pain management and encourages the task force to consider how chronic pain disproportionately affects women and the need for increased research of sex differences in pain responses. Read SWHR's letter.
The Task Force on Research Specific to Pregnant Women and Lactating Women (PRGLAC) has been renewed for two more years to provide guidance to the HHS Secretary on the implementation of the task force's recommendations for addressing gaps in knowledge and research on safe and effective therapies for pregnant women and lactating women. Read SWHR's statement in support of the report.
The FDA proposed changes to mammography standards aimed at improving the quality of breast cancer screening. A key change is informing patients if they have dense breast tissue, which can increase the risk of cancer and mask tumors. The proposed rule is open for public comment until June 26. Learn more.
Upcoming Events on Women's Health and Sex Differences
Join SWHR at the Organization of the Study of Sex Differences 2019 annual meeting, taking place May 5-8 in Washington, DC. SWHR Communications Director Emily Ortman will chair a session focused on how scientists can effectively communicate their research to the public and media.   Register today.
Register  for the annual VCU Women's Health conference June 28-30 in Norfolk, Va.  View the brochure for program highlights.
Register for Johns Hopkins' "A Woman's Journey" conference in Bethesda, Md., with presentations on proton beam therapy for treating gynecological cancers, the impact of gender and sex hormones in heart disease, and new findings about the likelihood of developing dementia.
Biology of Sex Differences is welcoming submissions of original research articles related to sex differences in response to androgens, both physiological and pathophysiological. Submit your work today.