Reflection, Renewal, and New Beginnings
Entering 2023 has us reflecting on the amazing year that we had at the Women's Fund in 2022. With the success of the Women's Fund Luncheon in September, to our year-end gifts totaling over $51,000, we continue to be inspired to help give hope, security, and a better future for women and girls in our community. Without your support, we wouldn't be able to make the impact we do, so I thank you.

The Winter season is a time to prepare for new beginnings, and we're using this time to prepare for a new educational series, Connection Matters, which we will host twice a year. Our first one will be a live podcast recording by Real Vibes Only podcast hosts Karen Iverson Riggers and Lynn McLaughlin on March 14. Keep reading to learn more about this event and to register.
We are excited to share the Winter issue of Her Voice. Below you will be able to read updates on all the things going on at the Women's Fund including the grant cycle, The Monthlies Project, Girl-Powered Giving applications, and an exciting new addition to the Women's Fund team!
As always, thank you for investing in her. Together we can continue to make an impact for women and girls in our community.

With gratitude,
New Education Series to Launch in March
Education Series Kicks Off in March

The Women’s Fund is excited to announce a new series, Connection Matters.

The first event will be hosted on the morning on March 14, 2023, featuring a live podcast recording by the Real Vibes Only podcast hosted by Karen Iverson Riggers and Lynn McLaughlin.

This series will be located at Bubolz Nature Preserve from 8 -10 am and will include a small continental breakfast. The topic of this session is "Normalizing a New You - Pandemic Recovery for Women."

Contact Stacie Hazlett-Rothe with any questions.
Scholarships Now Open
Calling all high school and college aged girls!

The Women’s Fund offers opportunities for female students seeking college scholarships.

Visit our website to learn more about the criteria of each scholarship. Applications are due by March 30!
Grants in Action
Girl-Powered Giving Applications Open!
To better understand issues impacting high school-age girls and identify meaningful ways to improve the lives of all girls in our community, Girl-Powered Giving gathers a group of high school-aged girls from throughout the Fox Cities to participate in 5 days of leadership training, community service, and philanthropy education focused on making a positive difference for girls within their community.

Applications are now open and we encourage all to apply! Below you'll find what a Girl-Powered Giver will do.

As a Girl-Powered Giver, they will:
  • Meet and work with girls from throughout the Fox Valley
  • Identify and enhance your leadership skills
  • Raise awareness of issues important to you and your peers
  • Participate in a group community service project
  • Learn to lead a grantmaking process and award $10,000 to a nonprofit
  • Make a positive difference for girls in your community
Youth Emotional CPR & Emotional Wellness made possible by a grant from Girl-Powered Giving Grant, a program of the Women's Fund for the Fox Valley Region.
The Monthlies Update
Product Distribution & Requests Are In Full Swing!

Requests for products have been coming in from area schools and organizations.

The Monthlies Project was able to distribute 5,895 products to 17 schools/organizations in the month of January!

If you know of a school or organization serving those facing period poverty, they can apply by filling out this form.
Women's Fund Supported Events
Are You Tech Savvy?
On Saturday, March 11 from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm, Tech Savvy, a one-day conference designed to give sixth to ninth grade girls an opportunity to experience first hand how science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields can lead to exciting careers. There are also informative workshops planned just for the parents/guardians/mentors who attend.

You can find more information here, including registration.

The Women's Fund is excited to support this event to give young girls in our community an opportunity to learn more about STEM careers.
Women in Public Safety Day: Investing Today for a Safer Tomorrow
Public Safety has typically been comprised of a small percentage of women, meaning less visibility to the community. The Appleton Police Department, supported by the Women's Fund, is hosting an immersive one-day event to provide young women with a hands-on experience within the fields of public safety.

Learn more about the event here.
What We're Reading, Watching & Listening To
"Only 56 percent of American workers, and an even lower percentage of workers of color, are even eligible for unpaid leave under FMLA."

The “What Is Holding Women Back?” report, based on a survey of 400 early-career tech and IT workers, found that the perception persists that these careers are for men, noting that only one in five people who earned computer science degrees in 2019 were women. Moreover, 63 percent of women surveyed said their college classes were gender imbalanced.

Women are overrepresented in low-wage work in sectors with less stability, which have been hard-hit during the pandemic. They’ve also had more challenges regaining lost work due to caregiving responsibilities in the middle of a worsening child-care crisis. According to the Make It survey, women are more likely than men to be part-time workers or not employed at all.
Welcome, Stacie!
We're excited to announce that Stacie Hazlett-Rothe has joined the Women's Fund as the fund's new communications and outreach specialist!

Stacie has been a long-time volunteer for the Women's Fund on the events committee and has a diverse background in marketing, communications, and event planning.

"The Women's Fund has been near and dear to my heart, so when the opportunity to join the team came, I couldn't pass it up. I'm ready to be able to help make a difference for women and girls in our community through our work," she said.

We're thrilled to have her passion, expertise, and new ideas for our work going forward.