Happy International Women's Day!

Today we celebrate the leadership and commitment of two spectacular women who implement KSHP initiatives in Kenya.

Date and Suzane are 'guardians' to our 46 sponsored students; role model for girls in 23 school communities; and cheer leaders to 11,500 Kendu Bay school children.

Date and Suzane organize, co-ordinate and supervise every KSHP activity, from teacher training to BOOKS! delivery. Their professionalism (and their smiles!) are the heart and soul of KSHP. This day is dedicated to you!
Our KSHP Team

______________ S uzane Oriwa
_____________ P rogram Officer
_ Alidade (Date) Mboya
__ Program Manager
Thank You!

Kenya Self-Help Project | 802.853.5948 | KSHP@comcast.net | www.KenyaSelfHelp.org