January 2024

Women In Construction New Mexico
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Mission Statement

“The purpose for which the association is organized is to promote common interests of its members through membership, networking, community outreach, training, and to advance and maintain an enlightened understanding of women in the construction industry.” 

2024 Dates

Mark your calendars!

Jan 25th - Happy Hour

March 20th - Luncheon

May 2nd - Happy Hour

July 17th - Luncheon

July - School Supply Drive

Sept 18th - Bowling Social

Nov 15th - WIC Gala

Hello Friends,

Welcome to 2024! I am excited to see what the year has in store for us and you.

We are kicking off the year with a Happy Hour on January 25 at 5:30 at Revel, so please register and bring your friends. This is a free event for everyone to network and meet new people in our industry, we will be providing snacks and will have a couple raffle prizes. If you want to be more involved with Women in Construction NM this year, please consider joining our planning, philanthropy, or marketing committees. It is always great to have new ideas. 

The Philanthropy Committee is already at it. They heard that Locker #505 has suffered from a couple break-ins in the last year and wanted to help. Please consider donating gently used clothes, new shoes/underwear, toiletries at our Happy Hour Event. Or you can make a monetary donation at the link below.

It is that time of the year to renew your membership, so if you have not done so, now is the best time. We have some excellent Annual Sponsorship opportunities as well, so please look at those. And spread the word, if you know someone in the industry that is not involved with Women in Construction NM, give us a shout out and have them email us for more information.

Let’s make 2024 a great year, not only for Women in Construction NM but for all of you. If you have any ideas or thoughts, please contact me at the WICNM email. I have already had some great conversations and it makes me happy to see how invested our members are.  

Stephanie L. Peña - TLC Company, Inc.

WICNM President 2024

Membership Matters!

Membership in WICNM is only $55 per year and leaves no doubt to its value and return on investment. As a member, you receive a membership discount on membership meetings, and are able to attend our networking events at no-charge. Just the networking events only are a $45 face value!

The real value of membership is not monetary though, it's about connecting and belonging to a group of women that understand and take pride in the industry of construction just like you. It's what we all have in common whether you're wearing a hard hat in the field or a suit to the office. If you have a hand in the construction industry, this is where you belong.

Why Join?

  • Belong to the only association in New Mexico specifically for Women in the construction industry
  • Support women in our industry
  • Networking evening events
  • Membership Meetings with relevant, informative, and interesting speakers
  • Monthly Newsletter highlighting our association, our members, women in the industry, events, and community support opportunities.
  • Committees - Planning, Marketing & Membership, Philanthropy
  • Opportunities to give to and help women in our community
  • It's FUN!

Click Here to Join Now and for Sponsorship Opportunities

The 2024 WICNM Board of Directors

President – Stephanie Peña

Vice President – Diane Huerta

Secretary – Sharon Montoya

Treasurer – Angie Ruth

Past President – Gia Espinoza


Kelly Earnest

Analisa Perez

Melissa Eavenson

Bertha Bolivar

Click Here to Register Online

WIC Philanthropy committee will be supporting Locker 505 in 2024  

Locker 505 Mission


Provide appropriate school clothing to K-12 Greater Albuquerque Metro (including Sandoval, Valencia, and Torrance counties) students in need.


Locker #505 student clothing bank is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that has established a student-focused facility where children can try on and choose outfits that they feel good about wearing. Having appropriate school clothing allows children to concentrate on their schoolwork, not their clothing. It also helps keep children, who might not go to class because of their clothes, stay in school.

Click here to donate

Locker 505 is looking for monetary donations as well as school supplies, hygiene products and brand-new underwear.

Use the QR Code or link to donate

6 Women In Construction Who Paved The Industry Today

Women In Construction Who Paved The Industry Today

The construction industry has historically been a male-dominated field, but this doesn't mean there have been no female construction workers. Read more with Hyphen Solutions about the famous women in construction who have helped to pave the industry today.

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Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!

Click Here to become a 2024 Sponsor

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