December 2023

Women In Construction New Mexico
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Outgoing President's Message

As I think about this past year as the President of WICNM I am reminded that together we can do great things for the ladies in our industry. Some wonderful relationships were made, and some relationships were lost, but at the end of the day everything happens for a reason. The work that the board and committees put into the organization has been trying and rewarding at the same time; working together has its challenges especially when so many different personalities are involved but at the end of the day, we are all here for the same reason. Stephanie Peña is the incoming President, and she will be a great leader for the group. I look forward to her year as President and hope you all do as well.  

Thank you all and Merry Christmas, best wishes for a fantastic 2024.

Gia Espinoza- American Subcontractors Association of New Mexico

WICNM President 2023 

~Looks great, little full and lotta sap~ Clark Griswold 

Incoming President's Message

First, I would like to thank the 2023 Board and Committee Members for all the hard work and dedication in the last twelve months, it has been an amazing year for Women in Construction NM. 

I am honored to be elected as Women in Construction NM 2024 President, and I have some enormous shoes to fill. I say bring on the challenge and I am excited to work with all members to make 2024 a successful one. 

As we come to the end of another year, it is that time of the year to start thinking of new beginnings and setting new goals. I hope we all look at making strides in our personal and professional lives. As for Women in Construction NM, we have a few new things coming and we are looking forward to shaking it up in 2024.

I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season and cannot wait to see everyone at our first networking event in January 2024.


Stephanie L. Peña

WICNM President 2024

“Keep Moving Forward”

The 2024 WICNM Board of Directors

President – Stephanie Peña

Vice President – Diane Huerta

Secretary – Sharon Montoya

Treasurer – Angie Ruth

Past President – Gia Espinoza


Kelly Earnest

Analisa Perez

Melissa Eavenson

Bertha Bolivar

Membership Matters!

Membership in WICNM is only $55 per year and leaves no doubt to its value and return on investment. As a member, you receive a membership discount on membership meetings, and are able to attend our networking events at no-charge. Just the networking events only are a $45 face value!

The real value of membership is not monetary though, it's about connecting and belonging to a group of women that understand and take pride in the industry of construction just like you. It's what we all have in common whether you're wearing a hard hat in the field or a suit to the office. If you have a hand in the construction industry, this is where you belong.

Why Join?

  • Belong to the only association in New Mexico specifically for Women in the construction industry
  • Support women in our industry
  • Networking evening events
  • Membership Meetings with relevant, informative, and interesting speakers
  • Monthly Newsletter highlighting our association, our members, women in the industry, events, and community support opportunities.
  • Committees - Planning, Marketing & Membership, Philanthropy
  • Opportunities to give to and help women in our community
  • It's FUN!

Click Here to Join Now and for Sponsorship Opportunities

We Got Things Done in 2023!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to the board, the committees, the volunteers, and YOU, our members, we had a very successful year!

  • Celebrated our 5th year!
  • Social Networking Events
  • Membership Meetings
  • Bowling and Social Event and Fundraiser for WICNM Scholarship Program
  • 1st Annual WICNM Gala
  • Recognized and Celebrated Women In Construction Week
  • Construction Safety Coalition Meetings
  • Recognized and Celebrated Women's History Month
  • Shared and Celebrated Women in Construction's success across the US
  • School Supply Drive for Cuidando Los Niños
  • Construction Safety Week
  • National Apprenticeship Week and women in apprenticeship programs
  • Past President's Club volunteer and donation to People Helping People
  • Awarded our first scholarship check to a student at New Futures High School
  • Collected donations for New Futures High School
  • Volunteered to decorate classrooms at Cuidando Los Niños
  • Purchased Christmas gifts for Crossroads for Women & Wrapped gifts

We partnered & helped these local charities with donations & volunteer work:

Cuidando Los Niños

Crossroads For Women

New Futures High School

People Helping People

Blue Star Mothers New Mexico

WICNM Helping Our Community

The WICNM Philanthropy Committee wrapped presents for Crossroads for Women.

Thank you to everyone who purchased a gift for the families.

2023 GALA

Thank you to everyone that attended the 2023 WICNM Gala.

For pictures, please Click Here

Women In Construction

Osmanah Daniel

I remember feeling frustrated of being in a constant catch 22–never ending dilemma. Wanting to do and be better yet constantly drowning from bills and scraping what I can with the only crappy minimum wage jobs I could get when not having a degree. While going back to school wasn’t an option because I owed them money too! I ended up expressing this to the only Tradeswomen I knew, Jenaya. She told me about Tradeswomen Tuesdays. Being there surrounded by other women interested in the trades was motivating but being encouraged by women already in the trades to join was just the push I needed. There I learned about Building Pathways and put my all into it. Now I’m a 1st year Apprentice at local 103. To be honest doing this type of work is far from easy yet so worth it! I’m grateful to be apart of a Union that supports me completely, on top of my bills, have A1 insurance, security with my savings and I’m actually looking forward to the future. Wish I knew about it sooner! My advice to woman interested in getting into the trades .. DO IT!! As long as your not afraid of hard work, you're Golden!


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