November 11, 2020
Fifth grade students test their knowledge of food chains by playing the food chain game.
TIP: Some email providers shorten or "clip" this email to reduce its length. Please click "view entire message" at the bottom of this email to view the entire email and ensure you don't miss anything!
The O'Reilly Minute
Dear Parents,

Last Thursday morning we sent a TEST emergency text message and email to all parents to test our emergency notification system (i.e. the way you will be notified in the event of a school closing, delay, etc.). If you did not receive both the text and email last Thursday, please contact Megan in the school office at (614) 718-5825 to make sure we have your correct contact information.

First quarter report cards will be emailed today. You will be receiving an email from Digital Academy stating that your child’s progress report is ready to view. If you click on the link and receive a message saying that the report is not available, please check back a few hours later. I have heard from several other schools that it is taking up to 5 hours for the cards to be generated once they are sent.

This Friday is our first Wellness Break! I would like to once again express great appreciation for all of the parent support we have received for this program. It has meant so much to all of us to know that our parent community is supportive and appreciative of the dedication from our teachers and staff during this rare pandemic. We will use the time well so that we can be our best selves to take care of your children. I also encourage families to take time for a Wellness Break this week. Take a day or a few hours to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, attend daily Mass, cook something fun together, play a board game, etc. Friday is also World Kindness Day, a great opportunity to do something fun and kind for yourself and for others.  

Planning ahead, next week on Friday November 20th we will have a Spirit Day. Students and staff may enjoy a dress down day highlighting St. Brigid colors or school spirit wear.  

Autumn blessings,
Kathy O'Reilly
Photo Newsletters - 4th, 5th & 6th Grades
Click the images below to view this week's photo newsletters and see what the classes have been up to.
Virtual Family Conferences
We delayed our September Student Led Conferences to allow more time for the new normal to settle in. Keeping the new normal in mind and holding true to our philosophy of student led conferences, we would like to offer Virtual Family Conferences during the month of November. Our students will be working in class during the next few weeks to reflect on 1st quarter and work on setting goals for 2nd quarter. 

These virtual family conferences are optional due to the fact that many parents and teachers have been communicating already this year. However, we want to make sure that the lines of communication are always open, and we offer this as a chance for families and teachers to discuss both academic progress and emotional well-being during these challenging times. 

Click the link below to find the link to sign up for a conference with your child's homeroom/pod teacher.
Online Book Fair -- Books Delievered Before Christmas!
* Dates: Monday Nov. 16th - Monday, November 23rd

* Great selection for preschool through high school

* 25% of profits go back to St.Brigid

* Questions? mrs.desocio@stbrigid-school.org
Reduce Your Tuition with Your Christmas Shopping
St. Brigid invites all school families to earn tuition rebates through the Shop with Scrip Program. Simply order gift cards from more than 300 retailers and receive a portion of the purchase price as a tuition credit for the 2021-22 school year. Participating families purchase gift cards at face value. St. Brigid receives these gift cards at discount (with a rebate ranging from 1 to 20 percent). One hundred percent of the rebate is returned back to each participating family.

There is a new mobile app – RaiseRight – that makes it even easier for families to use the MyScrip program while on the go.

Following are resources with more information about the program:
  • Details on the program and how to create your own account
  • Information on the program’s new mobile app RaiseRight, which makes it even easier to use the program on the go
  • 2020-21 calendar with the deliver days for traditional, non-electronic cards

If you have questions or need more information, please contact program co-chairs:
  • Christine Drab at cadrab@gmail.com
  • Susan Moreland at srfcmoreland@gmail.com
Congrats Alumni: BWHS National Merit Semifinalists & Commended Scholars
Congrats to our three Saint Brigid of Kildare School alumni at Bishop Watterson High School who have been named National Merit Semifinalists or Commended Scholars.

Congrats to Caroline Goodlive, Ellen Hagerty, and Morgan Kuehl.
Hope Hollow Won $25,000!
Thank you all for your votes and support for Hope Hollow as they competed to win a $25,000 State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant.

They announced the good news last week that they won one of the $25,000 grants, and would like to extend this message to their supporters:

THANKS TO YOU…. for your gift of time…for believing in Hope Hollow…for caring about the cancer patients that we serve…and for your commitment to voting for Hope Hollow.

We are blessed to have you share in the mission and journey of Hope Hollow with us…YOU ARE THE BEST!
Specials Calendar Update
With the addition of our Wellness days this quarter, we wanted to reach out about the Specials Calendar to make sure all students were prepared for the correct special. The Specials calendar will not change, and we will not shift the days around. Instead, we will continue as scheduled and just "skip" the days that we now have off. The calendar will continue as follows:

Monday 11/16 - Blue day
Monday 12/14 - Green day
Tuesday 1/19 - Red day
St. Brigid Athletic Association - Basketball Registration Closes TODAY
Basketball Registration closes today, Wed Nov. 11 at 8:00 PM.  

If you have not registered already, don't miss out and get registered at https://www.gowolfhounds.com.  

If you have questions, please email wbaumel@ohioinnovationfund.com
Upcoming PERC Dublin Programming
From tots to teens: What we know about parent involvement in organized sport and how it may change in a post-COVID America

November 30, 2020, 6:00- 7:00 PM

Dr. Travis Dorsch is an Associate Professor in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies with an adjunct appointment in the Department of Kinesiology and Health Science at Utah State University. Dr. Dorsch’s research lies at the intersection of these areas, and is specifically targeted at understanding the impact of parent involvement in their children’s sport participation, the role of sport participation on family relationships and parent-child interaction, and the outcomes of parent support and pressure in youth and adolescent sport contexts. Dr. Dorsch’s research findings have been highlighted in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Chicago Tribune, and TIME Magazine and are used by youth sport leagues, administrators, and parents to construct more developmentally appropriate sport contexts and to evaluate the role of parent involvement in organized sport.
Scholarships Open to All: Deadline TODAY!
As part of our Oak Society revitalization, we are excited to launch our new scholarship program.  The Oak Society is possible thanks to the generosity of our parishioners. It is committed to helping families in our parish continue a Catholic education through parish-supported grants, scholarships, and tuition assistance. If you are interested in donating or creating a scholarship, please contact Sarah Moore at sarahmoore00@hotmail.com or (614) 761-3734.

We are now opening the application process for our Spring 2020 scholarships (as COVID-19 delayed this launch from the spring).

Current scholarship opportunities are:
  • The Brendan Foley Spirit Scholarship
  • The Home & School Association Scholarship
  • The Joyce O'Reilly Family Scholarship
  • The SPiCE Scholarship Program
  • The Karen and William Nomina Faith and Service Scholarship - new scholarship added

Deadlines to apply for all above scholarships has been extended to Wednesday, November 11, 2020. To read more about the criteria and application process for these scholarships, click the link below.
Family First November Service Opportunity for Kids
Brighten someone’s day this month by creating greeting cards for residents in nursing homes and senior-living facilities! Encourage your children to draw, paint, color and write inspiring words for those who have had limited social interaction during the Pandemic. Sign up for as many as you’d like to make. This is a great way to “Visit the Sick” in a socially-distanced way!

Drop off your works of art at Ellen Little’s house (7612 Windsor Dr., Dublin 43016) by Friday, November 20th. There will be an envelope between the doors. Click below to sign up.
Protecting God's Children (PGC) Zoom Sessions 
The Diocese of Columbus will be offering the following Protecting God's Children (PGC) training sessions via Zoom.

  • Thursday, 11/12 at 6:30 pm at Newark
  • Thursday, 12/3 at 6:00 pm at Martin de Porres Center
  • Monday, 12/14 at 6:00 pm at St. Matthews

Please visit www.virtus.org for registration and meeting instructions. Click on First-Time Registrant, View a list of sessions, chose Columbus, OH (Diocese) - to see the current offerings.

Potential volunteers with children and youth must also complete a volunteer application, signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, and submit to a criminal background check. Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ or contact Stacey Nerone, Safe Environment Manager at snerone@stbrigidofkildare.org.
School Rewards: Progress & How To Sign Up
St. Brigid of Kildare School earns thousands of dollars each year through loyalty reward programs. Our
programs have recently seen year-over-year increases thanks to our participating families!

  • Kroger rewards dollars are up 36% over prior year.
  • Amazon Smile reward dollars are up 29% over prior year.
  • Other reward dollars are up 6% over prior year.
  • TOTAL Rewards earned in 2019-2020 school year (from these 3): $6,334!

Our families are making a difference! Thank you all!

If you are not signed up, it is not too late! And it is easy! And it is free! Below are quick tutorials by
program to explain and help families sign up. We have also attached a written explanation.

***Please note Giant Eagle has currently decided to end their rewards program due to the pandemic.*** The organization is focusing these dollars on feeding students across all communities.
Make It a Date! Strengthening Your Marriage During a Pandemic
All married and engaged couples are invited to St. Brigid’s 20th Make it a Date virtual event!

Please join us on Saturday, November 14th from 6:15 to 7:15 pm to hear parishioner Dr. Tim Luis, PhD, a clinical psychologist, share strategies to strengthen your marriage during these unprecedented times. The pandemic has brought a variety of stresses to our homes and marriages – from financial hardships and illness to more togetherness and remote schooling. Learn ways to address these challenging situations and how to make your marriage stronger. There will also be an opportunity to socialize with other couples.

Tim works with adults and families, helping them to create fulfilling lives. Tim and his wife Renee are parents to three young children and have been parishioners for 10 years.

Please RSVP to Ellen Little at ellen.little.187@gmail.com or 614-595-9628 by November 12th to receive the Zoom link for the meeting.

This event is sponsored by Family First and the St. Brigid School of Adult Faith Formation.