U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)

May 8, 2024

First grade extra recess thanks to a SPiCE Corks for a Cause silent auction item!


Thurs, May 9: Home & School Meeting (10 AM) (note rescheduled date)

Fri, May 10: Pep Rally & 8th Grade vs. Staff Volleyball (1:15 PM), Spirit Wear Dress Down Day

Sat, May 11: First Communion

Mon, May 13: All School Rosary (2 PM)

Thurs, May 16: May Crowning Mass (9 AM); Early Release (1:30 PM)

Fri, May 24: Super Games Field Day

Mon, May 27: No School - Memorial Day

Thurs, May 30: 8th Grade Graduation (5 PM)

Fri, May 31: Leadership Mass (9 AM), Last Day of School (1 PM Dismissal)


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The O'Reilly Minute

Dear Parents,

This Saturday, our second graders will receive their First Communion.  We believe that the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. When we receive the Lord in the Eucharist, it is an act of thanksgiving to God. It recalls the Lord’s Supper with his Apostles.  It is the nourishment that enables us to remain spiritually strong and healthy.

Let us pray for our First Communicants as they make their final preparations this week:

Lord Jesus Christ, bless the children coming forward

to receive Holy Communion for the first time. 

May this day be the step toward a life-long love of the Eucharist.

Give them a hunger for this sacred food so that

they turn to you for comfort, guidance, and wisdom as they grow into full discipleship.

Thank you for their innocence and goodness.

May their hands, extended in anticipation of your body and blood,

inspire all of us to cherish this sacred Sacrament. 


On May 16th our May traditions continue with our 2nd and 8th grade students leading our May procession for our May Crowning ceremony. Please join us for the 9:00 am school Mass if your schedule allows.  

This Friday, May 10th we will be closing the week with a kick-off for the diaper drive, the annual 8th grade vs. faculty and staff volleyball game, and a pep rally to recognize our winter and spring student-athletes.  This event will take place beginning at 1:15 pm in the gym.  In honor of this event, our students may enjoy a spirit wear dress down day on Friday.  (Our 8th grade will be enjoying a summer/beach themed dress down day). Please feel free to join us if your schedule allows.  

Please note the Oak Society grant deadline is this Friday, May 10. Details and the application link are in the story below.

In closing, this weekend we take the opportunity to celebrate and honor all mothers. 

Spring Blessings,

Kathy O'Reilly

Photo Newsletter: 1st Grade

Click the link below to view a photo album and learn what the students have been up to in class.

1st Grade Photos

An Evening of the Arts

Last Thursday and Friday we held An Evening of the Arts at our school to showcase our school's artists and thespians. We had beautiful artwork displayed by students in preschool through eighth grade, and our middle school thespians and stage crew presented The Lion King Jr. Our students and their creative adult advisors put together an amazing performance!

Thank you to all who participated in these progams and all who attended! We had a great evening showcasing our school's many artists.

View Photos

Wolfhound Field Day - Volunteer Sign Up

St. Brigid Super Games (Wolfhound Field Day) will be held on Friday, May 24th at Brigid’s Green. We are in need of numerous volunteers to ensure the day runs smoothly and the teachers and students have a blast! To volunteer, you MUST be PGC compliant. This year, if you wish to volunteer, we request you only sign up for ONE (1) time slot. This will allow additional families the ability to volunteer. 

For questions regarding Super games, please contact Molly Seago (molly@@seagosolutions.net) or Jessica Freiburger (4freixys@gmail.com).

Volunteer Sign Up

New Book from Preschool Director Hillary Harper

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, join us as we watch Mack and his new best friend Gertie explore calming techniques and self-regulation skills in 1-2-3, A Deep Breath for Me, written by Hillary Harper and illustrated by Felipe Calv.

Mack, an anxious dog, finds help in an unexpected place: his new friend Gertie! Through colorful illustrations and simple language, children will learn to understand their emotions and gain practical techniques, including breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and other self-soothing activities to manage anxiety.

- The Children's Book Review

Learn More

Congrats Track & Field!


On Saturday May 4, a total of 16 parishes competed in the Diocesan Track and Field Championship. 

The St. Brigid 8th grade girls won the Diocesan championship for only the second time ever, the first one being 21 years ago, back in 2003.

Also winning team awards were the 4th/5th Grade Girls for their 2nd place finish, as well as the 8th Grade Boys for their tie for 2nd place.

Our other teams did well also. They finished as follows:

4th/5th Grade Boys - 3rd place

6th/7th Grade Boys - 9th place

6th/7th Grade Girls - tied for 9th place

We had 15 athletes win events at the Diocesan championship. We had two athletes finish in first place in all three events they competed in. Lily Steinbrunner and Alyn Luis were on the winning 4 by 100 meter relay team with Emmi Glatz and Rachel Stuebe. Lily also won the 100 meter and 400 meter dashes while Alyn won the 100 meter and 200 meter hurdles.

Other Diocesan champions were Samuel Hollis, Riley Hogan, Ronan O’Reilly and Charlie Ferrara in the 4 by 800 meter relay, Andrew Doll in the 110 meter hurdles, Maddy Medve in the long jump, Drew Hassen in the 800 meter run and Ben Gesing, Lewis Gauger, Isaac Unterbrink and Jacob Ziegler in the 4 by 50 meter shuttle relay.

Diocesan runners-up were Martha Oberhammer in the shot put and softball throw, Andrew Doll in the 200 meter hurdles and Luciana Reinbolt in the 800 meter run.

Third place finishers were Charlie Ferrara in the 800 meter run, Sarah Ziegler in the 200 meter hurdles, Lewis Gauger in the 50 meter dash, Anna Ziegler, Maddy Medve, Maggie Glatz and Caroline Tyler in the 4 by 200 meter relay and Maggie Glatz, Luciana Reinbolt, Maddy Medve and Addie Adorno in the 4 by 100 meter relay.

We also had many more athletes awarded for their 4th through 8th place finishes.

Congratulations to all of our St. Brigid track and field athletes!

Garden Club is Back

St Brigid Students! Help bring our new garden space to life by joining the garden club! Starting Tuesday, May 7th from 3-4 PM. Students grades 3-8 are welcome. See the link below for more details and the permission slip to sign up.

St. Brigid Families! Looking for something fun to do together while giving back over the summer? Consider signing up for the SBK Garden Club! We are asking for a one-hour commitment over the summer to help attend to our newly planted garden. Families who participate are welcome to take home whatever they harvest! No green thumb, no problem, this is all about getting out there and enjoying nature! More details to come!

Flyer & Permission Slip

Diaper Drive - Planned by the 8th Grade Service Committee

Raising a child in poverty can be one of the most difficult experiences in the lives of a mother. When the money runs short, children are forced to live off minimal supplies, leading to a smothering of innocence and a spoiling of childhood. And it is our duty as Christians to do anything we can to help these families. 1 in 2 families struggle to buy diapers for their little ones, forcing them to re-use diapers. Fortunately, that is where the World’s Largest Diaper Drive comes in! The 8th Grade Service Committee is inviting St.Brigid families to participate the week of May 13-17!

Sizes For Each Grade:

Preschool - Newborn

Kindergarten - Size 1

1st Grade - Size 1

2nd Grade - Size 2

3rd Grade - Size 3

4th Grade - Size 4

5th Grade - Size 5

6th Grade - Size 6

7th Grade - Pull-ups

8th Grade - Size 3 and 4

Thank you,

8th Grade Service Committee

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental Health awareness month was established in 1949 to increase awareness and education regarding the importance of mental health and wellness.

Since its inception, Mental Health Awareness Month has

been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by

millions of Americans living with mental health conditions.

Teachers will be talking with students this week about emotions/feelings, self-esteem, empathy, social skills, and social emotional health. Help us celebrate with our week one activity:

Week One (5/6 - 5/10) Dance in the Sunshine!

Staying active and engaged in a variety of activities supports a better sense of control, coping ability, and self-esteem in children. Studies show that increased activities in the sun can improve moods and social skills beyond the age of 18 when started and maintained at an early age.

"How sweet is the daylight, and how pleasant it is for someone’s eyes to behold the sunshine!" -Ecclesiastes 11:7

Oak Society Grant Application: Deadline Friday

The Oak Society is committed to helping families in our parish continue a Catholic education through parish-supported grants, scholarships, and tuition assistance. 

We are happy to open the application for The Oak Society grants for the 2024-25 school year. The grants will be awarded to active parish families after a brief application, and will amount to $500 per K-8 student. 

Please note you cannot apply for this Oak Society grant if you applied for financial assistance through FACTS. (You can apply for this if you applied for a St. Brigid Scholarship, EdChoice award, or Jon Peterson award).

Please complete the brief application at the link below by Friday, May 10.

Oak Society Grant Application 2024-25

PE Uniform Reminders for 24-25

Please note for the 2024-25 school year, PE shirts, jackets, and pants will only be available for purchase through the uniform stores. No outside apparel will be accepted. The PE jacket is optional.

The black gym uniform jackets will now be required to have the crest embroidered on them and will also be an accepted layering piece to wear with your school uniform. There will also be green layering pieces available that will have an embroidered crest as well. Any of these layering pieces (green or black) can be worn with both the gym uniform and the school uniform.  There will be no need to have both a green and a black layering piece unless you choose to purchase both.  There will be several options available in green or black and both will be acceptable to wear everyday with either uniform.

As a reminder, gym uniforms are required for grades 5-8 only. All of the green and black layering pieces available can be worn for grades P-8.

The full dress code can be found in our handbook here, beginning on page 21.

Girls’ and boys’ uniforms are available online and in-store at the following locations: 

Schoolbelles, 867 Bethel Road, Columbus, Ohio 43214. 614-336-2040

Educational Apparel, 3906 Brown Park Dr., Hilliard, OH 614-876-3030  

If you have any questions about the gym uniform, please feel free to contact Stacy Austin (317-694-6202) or Jaime Schiavone (614-595-5677) of the School Advisory Committee. 

All Bus Riders: Register for Bus Transportation


The transportation departments from Dublin, Hilliard and Olentangy schools require all new and returning families to register your students for busing this fall. If you are a new family moving to the area, and don’t know your new address yet, please contact them as soon as you have this information.

Olentangy Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) must fill out this online form by June 20, 2024.

Dublin Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form by June 30, 2024.

Hilliard School Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete this form by June 15, 2024.

Home & School Meeting Rescheduled for Tomorrow

The Home and School meeting (originally scheduled for Thursday, May 2) has been rescheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, May 9th at 10AM in Hendricks Hall.

Back to School Booster Camp: PM Slots Available

Calling all students entering 1st through 4th grade who would like a jump start into the upcoming 2024-2025 school year! The Academic Support Team is planning a week of enriching and enjoyable activities focusing on team work, problem solving, social skills, growth mindset, self-regulation and much, much more. Students will review and practice important skills to help them start the school year off confidently.  

The camp will be offered the week of August 5th-9th, 2024 from 9:00-11:00am or 12:00-2pm at St. Brigid of Kildare School.  Please note the morning session is now full, but there are still afternoon spots available.

The sign up is now available below. Please consider your summer schedule and ability for your child to attend the entire week because sign ups are on a first come first serve basis.

Sign Up

Gifts of Gratitude: Teacher & Staff Appreciation Gifts

What is it?

Gifts of gratitude is a program established by the Home and School Association as a united effort to provide a generous monetary gift to every teacher and staff member at Christmas and the end of the year to thank them for all they do for our children. Gifts of Gratitude is different from The Annual Fund.  

Why participate?

This is a convenient way for families to make sure that each teacher, aide, and staff member who touches your child's life is recognized for all they do at St. Brigid. Instead of several small gifts from each student, each teacher and staff member will receive a monetary gift that they choose how to use.  

What if I already participated at Christmas?

If your family donated to the Gifts of Gratitude program previously this school year, there is no need to donate again. We only ask for each family to donate once per school year.

Will my family be recognized for participating?

Yes -- the teachers and staff will receive a list of families who participate in this



How much should I give?

The suggested annual gift amount is $25 per child, however any given amount is graciously accepted and appreciated!

Can't remember if you already contributed?

No worries -- just contact Sarah Graf (614-256-8422) or Sarahstarks77@hotmail.com and she will let you know!

You can find the link for Gifts of Gratitude at the button below. Choose your donation amount and that's it. It's that easy! It's such a simple way to show appreciation to your child/children's teachers and the staff at St Brigid of Kildare.  


Home & School Open Positions for 24-25

Home & School is looking to fill the following positions for the 2024-25 school year.

Vice Co-Chairs:

The vice co-chairs assist the co-chairs in overseeing the committees and special school events. The Co-Chairs are also responsible for overseeing the Gifts of Gratitude program in December and May and recognizing birthdays of office staff. They are also responsible for helping manage holiday and end of year gifts for the entire St. Brigid Staff. The position is a one year term before filling a one year term as Co-Chairs. Time commitment: moderate and consistent. The co-chairs should attend the monthly Home & School meetings.

Barn Bash:

This position coordinates the yearly barn bash at Leeds Farm which occurs every October. Time commitment for chairs: moderate from September-October and minimal through the rest of the year.. Volunteer opportunities within the committee: Volunteers on the committee are asked to assist for a few hours the night of the event. Opportunities include working check in, serving food, helping with set up, etc.


If interested, please reach out to Venessa Lookabaugh (vmlook04@gmail.com) and/or Ashley Jones (ashleypaigejones1@gmail.com) for more information.

Summer Tutoring

Summer tutoring is available from many Saint Brigid of Kildare staff members. Staff can be contacted via email or by calling the school office and leaving a message.

Click below for the list of teachers, subjects and contact information.

View List
News from Our Parish & Community

SBAA Fall Sports Registration - Now Open

St Brigid Athletic Association is happy to announce Fall Sports Registration is now open.  Please note strict deadlines for registration, there will be no extension of registration dates - so please register as soon as possible - some registration dates are sooner than normal due to new season start dates, new sports, and attempts to have teams formed on time and be able to have enough coaches. Please note - if you register by May 1, an Early Bird 10% discount will be applied on your registration fees.

New this year will be an attempt to have dedicated St. Brigid Soccer teams to participate in the diocese CYO program - notice the season starts in the summer so that it could be a sport that you also play while doing other fall sports very easily.  If you have specific questions about soccer, please reach out to Commissioner Allison Heacock or AD Bill Baumel asap.

Also new this year, the diocese CYO is offering Flag Football for grades 1-4, so please look into this option for those incoming 1st-4th graders for the fall.

We are also in search of a new Volleyball Commissioner - without finding one we may not be able to offer Volleyball in the fall.  We have been searching through existing coaches and parents, but we haven't found someone yet to take over this role.  Please reach out to info@gowolfhounds.com if you would be interested in giving back to the St. Brigid Volleyball program.  

If you have any questions about a specific sport, please reach out to each respective commissioner/ contact.  If you have any problems with registrations, please reach out to shawn.steinbrunner@gmail.com for any registration problems.


Registration Deadline



Registration Fee

Est. Season Dates


May 10

4th - 8th - Boys & Girls

Lil Hounds - 1st - 3rd Boys & Girls

Allison Heacock


Bill Baumel

$165 - 4th - 8th

$85 - Lil Hounds

July 1 - Sept. 1

Girls Tennis

June 1

6th - 8th - Girls

Leah McCoy


June 9 - Oct. 1


June 1

6th - 8th - Boys & Girls

Nancy Davis

$165 + Additional Course/Greens Fees

June 15 - Oct. 1


July 1

Tackle Football - 5th - 8th Boys

Flag Football - 1st - 4th Boys

Carl Graf

$190 - Tackle

$165 - Flag

Aug 1 - Nov 1

Summer Mini-Camp for 4th-8th Sat's in June/July


July 15

4th - 8th - Girls

Lil Hounds - 2nd - 3rd - Girls


AD - Bill Baumel

$165 - 4th - 8th

$85 - Lil Hounds

Aug 1 - Nov 1

Cross Country

Aug 1

4th - 8th - Boys & Girls

Dan Workman


Aug 1 - Nov 1

Fall Cheer

Aug 1

4th - 8th - Girls

Lindsey Meadows

$25 + Uniform Fees if need uniform

Aug 1 - Nov 1


Requirements to Volunteer with our Children

If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Columbus Diocese at www.virtus.org


Upcoming Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) session: 

6/11/2024 St Brigid of Kildare, Hendricks Hall 6pm

All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, registration with Selection.com/Fastrax and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ 

News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

BWHS & St. Charles Summer Camps

Registration is now open for summer camps! Bishop Watterson High School and St. Charles are hosting a variety of summer camps, including academics, athletics, art, theatre, robotics and more, ranging for children in incoming grades 2-9. Click the links below to learn more.

Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.
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