U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)

May 29, 2024

Fifth and sixth graders used dry ice in order to demonstrate how the density of carbon dioxide is greater than oxygen in their last science lab with Mrs. Wodarcyk, who is retiring after this year.


Thurs, May 30: 8th Grade Graduation (5 PM)

Fri, May 31: Leadership Mass (9 AM), Last Day of School (1 PM Dismissal)

Looking Ahead:

Thurs, July 25: SPICE Board Meeting (6 PM)

Sun, Aug 11: Uniform & Spiritwear Exchange (10 AM - 1 PM)

Sun, Aug 18: New Family Welcome Breakfast

Wed, Aug 21: Staggered Start (Grades 1-8 L-Z)

Thurs, Aug 22: Staggered Start (Grades 1-8 A-K)

Fri, Aug 23: Staggered Start (Grades 1-8 All)


The O'Reilly Minute

Dear Parents,  

As the year draws to a close on Friday, May 31st, I would like to once again invite everyone to our closing school liturgy at 9:00 AM.  Following Mass we will be recognizing our school staff who have served 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years at our school.  We will also announce the names of this year's scholarship recipients.  The day will close at 1:00 PM with early dismissal (Please note the change from our regular 1:30 PM early dismissal).

Next week will be our final regular Wolfhound Wednesday for the school year.  However, periodically during the summer months there will be a Wolfhound Wednesday with summer updates.

At this time I have a few more staff announcements.  We welcome Ms. Bradie Ramsay to our 5-6 team.  Ms. Ramsay is a recent graduate from the University of Cincinnati and Saint Francis DeSales High School, Columbus.  She has already visited with our students and is excited to begin her career as a Catholic school teacher.  We also welcome Ms. Olivia Roberts as our new music teacher.  Ms. Roberts is a recent graduate from the Capital University School of Music and is looking forward to sharing her enthusiasm and passion for music with our Saint Brigid students. 

Please see below information regarding tuition accounts for the 2024-25 school year. We are still waiting for EdChoice amounts from the State of Ohio.  Families will be receiving information this week regarding Emmaus Road tuition assistance and Saint Brigid Oak Society Grants.

I would also like to draw attention to the article below regarding Summer Learning Opportunities.  Our teachers have worked hard to design a creative way to offer our students quality and fun learning opportunities over the summer months.  Click the link below for the Summer Learning Deck:

Summer Learning Information

We have prayed, we have studied, and we have played, and now it is time to take our summer break to renew, refresh, and prepare for the 2024-25 school year.

Thank you for a great year and on behalf of the entire school faculty and staff we wish you a restful, prayerful, and fun-filled summer.

Summer Blessings,

Kathy O’Reilly

Photo Newsletter: 4th Grade

Click the link below to view a photo album and learn what the students have been up to in class.

4th Grade Photos

FACTS Tuition Payment Plans for 2024-25

FACTS Tuition Payment Plans for the 2024-2025 school year will be finalized by June 25. Your payment plan will include tuition assistance awarded from the Emmaus Road Scholarship (SGO), the Oak Society, any scholarship received, and SCRIP credit earned. Your agreement may or may not include the EdChoice Scholarship amounts. Over the summer tuition payment plans will be continually updated as the State of Ohio notifies us of your EdChoice Scholarship.  

It is important that you pay attention to the email notifications FACTS will send regarding updates to your payment plan.  You are able to access the tuition payment plan information via the FACTS SIS family portal. It is equally important you review the terms of your tuition payment plan. Is your plan Full-Pay, Semi-Annual, Quarterly, 12-month, or 10-month? Did you opt for the Peace of Mind (POM) benefit? If you need to change the terms of your payment plan please contact Jackie Mack immediately, jmack@stbrigidofkildare.org, 614.761.3734, ext. 247 and she will assist you.  

School Supply Kit Ordering

Order your school supply kit by June 18, 2024 to order your school supplies kit and receive FREE shipping!

Saint Brigid of Kildare is offering the EduKit program for our families to order school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year. EduKit has put together specific grade level kits approved by your student’s teacher. Some supplies can be reused next year (Earbuds, Spanish-English Dictionary, etc.).

Order by June 18, 2024 and your kit will be shipped directly to Saint Brigid of Kildare and delivered to your student’s classroom.

For questions, please contact Jennifer Musser, jmusserfamily@aol.com

Supply lists and ordering information for each grade can be accessed at the order link below.

View Lists

Job Openings

Please spread the word to anyone interested that St. Brigid of Kildare School is hiring for the following teaching positions to begin this fall:

  • 7th/8th Grade Instructional Support Teacher (Possibility to Teach Religion)

To Apply:

Summer Learning Packet

Summer reading and activities are an important way to ensure children are ready for the next school year and don't experience the "summer slide" loss of learning. Teachers have prepared one Slide Deck that includes activities for each grade level to work on over the summer months. These activities are all strongly encouraged to ensure readiness for the next school year. Check the Slide Deck Index for any required components.

Click the link below for the Summer Learning Deck

Summer Learning Information

This is also posted on our school website on the "Current Families" page.

Parent Account Instructions:

Clever Access

Google Account Access

Summer Planning & Tips:

  • Here is an article that maps out back-to-school steps throughout the summer so you're not scrambling when summer comes to an end.
  • Here is an article with helpful tips from ADDitude on how to beat the summer slide.

8th Grade Tears of Job Rosaries

Last week, our 8th graders continued the tradition of making their own rosaries using beads that originated from Tears of Job plants in Medjugorje. The rosaries will be blessed today during the annual 8th grade luncheon with the Pastor.

View Photos

Schoolbelles Uniform Buying Guide

To view a PDF of the Uniform Buying Guide for 24-25 from uniform store Schoolbelles, click here.

Summer Garden Volunteers Needed

Looking for something fun to do together while giving back over the summer? Consider signing up for the SBK family garden club! We are asking for a one hour commitment over the summer to help attend to our newly planted garden. Families who participate are welcome to take home whatever they harvest! No green thumb, no problem, this is all about getting out there and enjoying nature! Use the link below to grab a spot. Detailed instructions will be sent once you sign up. Please note, this is for families with children in grades Preschool- Grade 8. 

See you in the garden!

Sign Up

Lost & Found Items Donated after June 7

Please come and gather your missing items now through June 7. Unclaimed items will be donated to the Uniform Exchange and local charities.

To view a photo album of items in lost and found, click the link below.

View Items

Lunch Accounts, Free Summer Meals

Please check your children's lunch account balance to see if there are enough funds in the account to last for the rest of the school year.

Starting on Monday May 20th, any student with a negative balance will be denied second entrees and al-a-carte items.

Please contact Joyce Brown (mrs.brown@stbrigid-school.org) if you have any questions.

A part-time position will be available in the cafeteria for next school year. Please contact Joyce (mrs.brown@stbrigi-school.org) if you are interested. 

Kids and teens across our community can get free meals all summer long. Text FOOD or COMIDA to 304-304 to find a site near you.

New Family Welcome - Mentors Needed

Home and School is currently looking for parents to sign up to be on the New Family Welcome Committee.  This entails being a mentor to a new family for the next school year.  Mentor families will attend the New Family Welcome Breakfast (Sunday, August 18th). They will need to be available to check in with their new family monthly and answer any questions to assist with their transition.   Mentors will be paired up with new families with children in the same grade. 


If you are interested in being a new family, please fill out the short survey below. Thank you!

Sign Up

Semi-Annual Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange Aug 11, 2024 10am-1pm

Shoppers, sign up here: Summer 2024 Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange. This sign-up contains more information about the exchange and signing up ensures you’ll receive a reminder to attend. Everything is FREE and you don’t need to donate to attend. If you need items, but can’t attend, let a friend shop for you!

Have items to donate? If you have gently used items for the uniform and spirit wear exchange you have a few options for drop-off:

  1. At the school office June 3-7 or Aug 5-9 during school hours
  2. At a bin outside Erin Heise’s home at 6588 Wynwright Dr Dublin OH Aug 3-9
  3. Bring them with you to the exchange if the other options don't work for you.
  4. If you have a ripped jumper or logoed item, please still donate it as we can use it for spare parts (buttons, crest, etc.)!
  5. Leftovers will be donated to other schools and charities in need.

Volunteer. Volunteers are needed to organize the exchange, help others find items, and to clean up and pack items for donation at the end of the exchange. If you are free, please sign up here:  Summer 2024 Uniform and Spirit Wear Exchange Volunteer Sign Up

Questions? Email Erin Heise at erinjolene@hotmail.com or Gracie Dziewiatkowski at marygracedzski@gmail.com.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. We have been celebrating by learning about different aspects of mental health each week. At the link below is a slideshow about social emotional awareness and mental health that we have shared with our students.

Week Four (5/27 - 5/31) We are a Community that Cares!

Your family is the first community that you have as a child, but it will definitely not be the last. Everyone needs many types of relationships and communities to thrive and become a well-rounded person. The more supportive communities children are a part of, the more aware they become of our interconnected world. These integrated relationships lead to more communication between the different areas of the brain which builds a child’s ability to self-regulate their emotions, mood, empathy, behavior, and more.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

View Slideshow

PE Uniform Reminders for 24-25

Please note uniform policies for the 2024-25 school year:

  •  PE shirts and jackets will only be available for purchase through the uniform stores. No outside apparel will be accepted. 
  • The PE jacket is optional.
  • PE pants must be plain black wind pants with no additional color or logo, and with an open leg that is not elastic. We highly suggest purchasing these from Morganheimer, Educational Apparel or Schoolbelles. Outside stores are ok if the pants strictly follow the description listed above.
  • Please be aware that students will receive a dress code demerit and be asked to purchase the correct pants if they do not adhere to the policy. 
  • The black gym uniform jackets will now be required to have the crest embroidered on them and will also be an accepted layering piece to wear with your school uniform. There will also be green layering pieces available that will have an embroidered crest as well. Any of these layering pieces (green or black) can be worn with both the gym uniform and the school uniform. There will be no need to have both a green and a black layering piece unless you choose to purchase both.  There will be several options available in green or black and both will be acceptable to wear everyday with either uniform.

As a reminder, gym uniforms are required for grades 5-8 only. All of the green and black layering pieces available can be worn for grades P-8.

Girls’ and boys’ uniforms are available online and in-store at the following locations: 

  • Schoolbelles
  • Educational Apparel, 3906 Brown Park Dr., Hilliard, OH 614-876-3030 
  • Morganheimer, 473 Village Park Dr Powell, OH 43065, 614-505-7125 (carry PE pants only)

If you have any questions about the gym uniform, please feel free to contact Stacy Austin (317-694-6202) or Jaime Schiavone (614-595-5677) of the School Advisory Committee. 

All Bus Riders: Register for Bus Transportation


The transportation departments from Dublin, Hilliard and Olentangy schools require all new and returning families to register your students for busing this fall. If you are a new family moving to the area, and don’t know your new address yet, please contact them as soon as you have this information.

Olentangy Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) must fill out the online form by June 20, 2024.

Dublin Schools Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete theform by June 30, 2024.

Hilliard School Requests:

All Non-Public parents (new or returning) please complete the online formby June 15, 2024.

Bus Forms

Congrats Soccer Team!

Congratulations to some of our third grade boys who won their division championship in Dublin Soccer.

They went undefeated and won the Championship during single elimination for U10 Boys Soccer. Several St. Brigid of Kildare School students and St. Brigid parishioners have been playing together on this boy's team for several years now and can’t wait to represent Saint Brigid when soccer starts up for the Wolfhounds!

Summer Tutoring

Summer tutoring is available from many Saint Brigid of Kildare staff members. Staff can be contacted via email or by calling the school office and leaving a message.

Click below for the list of teachers, subjects and contact information.

View List
News from Our Parish & Community

Parish Picnic June 30th

Join us at Brigid's Green on Sunday, June 30th at noon for a Parish Picnic!

Enjoy the company of other parishioners while enjoying lunch, a DJ, cake walk, an ice cream truck, and fun and games for the whole family!

RSVP at the link below.


Walking With Purpose is Coming to St. Brigid this Fall!

Walking With Purpose is a Bible study community that meets women right where they are, hands them a cup of coffee, and transforms their hearts. If you desire to grow in your faith, to encounter God’s Word in a fresh way, and in a supportive community of Catholic Women….join us! 

Beginning in October, on Tuesdays at 7 pm.

Learn more and register at the link below.

Learn More

Men's Bible Study

Now Digging into the Acts of the Apostles

Our Men’s Bible Study Group is just beginning a study of the Acts of the Apostles, using a commentary by Schott Hahn, and would like to invite any man from the parish to join them. They meet weekly throughout the year to study scripture, reach a deeper relationship with God, and form community. By better understanding scripture, they hope to apply the lessons learned to improve their lives and the lives they touch. 

This group meets in the Deacon’s Room (upstairs in the Church building) on Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. They also have an option to Zoom in to the meetings. New members are welcome and there is no ongoing commitment. Contact Wayne Booker at waynebooker@aol.com for more information. 


For more information about other Adult Faith Formation programs, contact Kim VanHuffel at kvanhuffel@stbrigidofkildare.org.

Family First Summer Fun

St. Brigid's Family First group is holding many activities for families this summer, including Mass meet ups, adoration, popsicles on the playground, service, playgroups and more. For all details, view the flyer below.

View Flyer

SBAA Fall Sports Registration - Now Open

St Brigid Athletic Association is happy to announce Fall Sports Registration is now open.  Please note strict deadlines for registration, there will be no extension of registration dates - so please register as soon as possible - some registration dates are sooner than normal due to new season start dates, new sports, and attempts to have teams formed on time and be able to have enough coaches. 

New this year will be an attempt to have dedicated St. Brigid Soccer teams to participate in the diocese CYO program - notice the season starts in the summer so that it could be a sport that you also play while doing other fall sports very easily.  If you have specific questions about soccer, please reach out to Commissioner Allison Heacock or AD Bill Baumel asap.

Also new this year, the diocese CYO is offering Flag Football for grades 1-4, so please look into this option for those incoming 1st-4th graders for the fall.

We are also in search of a new Volleyball Commissioner - without finding one we may not be able to offer Volleyball in the fall.  We have been searching through existing coaches and parents, but we haven't found someone yet to take over this role.  Please reach out to info@gowolfhounds.com if you would be interested in giving back to the St. Brigid Volleyball program.  

If you have any questions about a specific sport, please reach out to each respective commissioner/ contact.  If you have any problems with registrations, please reach out to shawn.steinbrunner@gmail.com for any registration problems.


Registration Deadline



Registration Fee

Est. Season Dates


May 10

4th - 8th - Boys & Girls

Lil Hounds - 1st - 3rd Boys & Girls

Allison Heacock


Bill Baumel

$165 - 4th - 8th

$85 - Lil Hounds

July 1 - Sept. 1

Girls Tennis

June 1

6th - 8th - Girls

Leah McCoy


June 9 - Oct. 1


June 1

6th - 8th - Boys & Girls

Nancy Davis

$165 + Additional Course/Greens Fees

June 15 - Oct. 1


July 1

Tackle Football - 5th - 8th Boys

Flag Football - 1st - 4th Boys

Carl Graf

$190 - Tackle

$165 - Flag

Aug 1 - Nov 1

Summer Mini-Camp for 4th-8th Sat's in June/July


July 15

4th - 8th - Girls

Lil Hounds - 2nd - 3rd - Girls


AD - Bill Baumel

$165 - 4th - 8th

$85 - Lil Hounds

Aug 1 - Nov 1

Cross Country

Aug 1

4th - 8th - Boys & Girls

Dan Workman


Aug 1 - Nov 1

Fall Cheer

Aug 1

4th - 8th - Girls

Lindsey Meadows

$25 + Uniform Fees if need uniform

Aug 1 - Nov 1


Requirements to Volunteer with our Children

If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Columbus Diocese at www.virtus.org


Upcoming Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) session: 

6/11/2024 St Brigid of Kildare, Hendricks Hall 6pm

All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, registration with Selection.com/Fastrax and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.

Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/ 

News from Our Catholic High Schools
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

BWHS & St. Charles Summer Camps

Registration is now open for summer camps! Bishop Watterson High School and St. Charles are hosting a variety of summer camps, including academics, athletics, art, theatre, robotics and more, ranging for children in incoming grades 2-9. Click the links below to learn more.

Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday

If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.

To view past issues of the Wolfhound Wednesday, find them archived on our website here.

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